Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2925: Commitment from previous life!

Who doesn’t know that Su Hang is the reincarnation of Pangu. There is a person here who claims to be Pangu. Isn’t this funny? What about Li Gui in front of Li Kui?

The man smiled indifferently, "I am Pangu, you are Suhang, you are Pangu, I am Suhang, Pangu? Suhang? Over time, I am a little confused!"

"Pangu? Suhang?"

Su Hang was already suffering from a noise pollution during the day due to Meng Nan's noise. Hearing these words at this time felt a headache.

Looking closely at the person in front of me, Su Hang seemed to realize what it looked like. From left to right, the dark world, mysterious and empty, "Is this my world of Tibetan knowledge?"

Suddenly looked back at the man sitting under the beam, "You are my Tibetan knowledge, Pangu?"

Su Hang was a little unbelievable, but at this moment, only this explanation can be made. There was only one loosening of Tibetan knowledge before. That time, after the Su Hang consciousness returned to the war of the early days, it experienced a Pan Gu Kaitian. Sure enough, then its own Face, isn't that the tough man in front of me?

He is Pangu!

"It turns out so!" Su Hang suddenly realized that Meng Nan asked him to stay with him to practice the piano, and the sound of the piano sounded through the ears. I didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, so that his Tibetan knowledge was loosened again?

"What did you think of?" the man asked lightly.

Su Hang recovered and quickly came to the man's side and sat cross-legged in front of the man. They were not far from each other. Su Hang had a feeling as if he was looking at himself in the mirror.

Although the appearance is different, that feeling cannot be wrong.

"I need your help!" For a long time, Suhang said very seriously.

"Oh?" The man looked at Su Hang strangely, "Help? What help you?"

Finally, the hidden knowledge was loosened, so that Su Hang could see the deity of the previous life. Su Hang knew that time was precious and did not dare to waste any second. He directly brought the dilemma he is facing now.

Although Tibetan consciousness is Tibetan consciousness, hiding all memories of the previous life, it has been hidden for a long time to reveal, but Su Hang believes that everything that happens outside, Tibetan consciousness will be sensed and recorded!

The man listened to Su Hang very calmly, and his emotions did not change at all. "What do you want me to do for you?"

Su Hang sighed, "Help me restore the memory of my previous life and reach the peak of my previous life, so that I can lead the chaotic gods to cope with the immediate crisis!"

The man heard the words and remained silent for a long time. "What you said is what I want to say to you. This place is dark. Do you think I don't want to go out? Just because your ability is not available, the time is not up, awakening needs to use your own Strength to awaken, I am just your Tibetan knowledge, a memory, I can’t do anything at all..."

"But I see you now, and I saw my Tibetan knowledge with my own eyes!" Su Hangdao.

The man shook his head, "Seeing is not equal to getting. You have to face not only the temple of the void, but the existence of chaos threatens the entire void world. So, what you will face in the future may be all the void world. Strong, your current strength is still too far away!"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Then when do I have to wait? When will I be able to awaken Tibetan knowledge?"

"Take your time, don't worry!" The man shook his head lightly, "I can't eat hot tofu!"

Don't hurry, can Su Hang be hurry? Meng Nan said, Chaos has two years left!

Su Hang stared at the man in front of him for a long time, "I don't believe it, you fell because of the open sky. With your strength, you once led the gods to fight against the void, you should not be the first person to open the sky. Fallen!"

The man was silent for a moment, and said, "At that time, the Chaos World did not have the Realm of King Realm. I was a junior monk, most of them were backlogged in the Realm of Realm of Kings, but the Realm of Realm of Kings at that time was not comparable to that of your current Realm of Kings. In order to fight against the void, Fate intends to cultivate the gods. The strength of the gods can't stop growing. Among them, there are countless powerful ones. When I was at the peak, I almost broke through to the dominion, holding the sky axe and the **** of killing Taiwan, after the blessing of fate, he has been able to fight the dominance. Indeed, with my strength at that time, it fell a bit because of the sky, it seems a bit funny!"

Su Hangdao, "It is rumored that it is because your strength is so powerful that your destiny is feared, so it will fall. Is this true?"

"What do you think?" The man smiled lightly.

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't know, so I am anxious to awaken my knowledge and wonder what happened then, why did I fall? Since destiny made me fall, why did I find me after I fell, and help me regain Climbing to the top? Was there any plan between destiny and me? At that time, I wanted to figure it out!"

The man heard the words and smiled bitterly. "These don't make sense to you now. There are some things that you should know when you know. Don't bother mediocrity now!"

Su Hang was helpless, for a moment, did not know what to say!

At this time, the man said, "I'm just hiding my knowledge, being straightforward, just breaking my memory, I can't help you at all, you should be very clear about this!"

Speaking of which, the man paused and said, "However, we rarely see each other. I have something to tell you..."

"Oh? You say?" Su Hang greeted the man in front of him.

The man said, "First, your Sky Axe hasn't been attacked yet. That was the No. 1 Divine Soldier of Destiny. You have to find a way to make it attack!"

Open sky axe? Su Hang froze for a moment. It seems that he has not used the sky axe for a long time. Although the axe is powerful, Su Hang has always felt that there is no big fairy stick. Too.

Now, Pangu Tibetan Knowledge actually said that Kaitianxue has not yet This makes Suhang a little surprised and surprised!

Although surprised, Su Hang did not interrupt the person in front of him, and thought to study the Sky Axe carefully. After all, the Sky Axe was the most convenient and famous weapon in his previous life!

"The second thing is to find time to go back to the earth. In the fairy cave of Suxi, I left a thing for you, you have to get it!"

Suxi? Su Hang paused, it seems that he hasn't been back for a long time!

"The third thing is to fight against the void in the future, killing the **** platform is indispensable, but killing the **** platform has lost its divinity, you have to find a way to wake it up!"

"Awakening? How to make it awaken?" Su Hang was stunned for a moment, and finally couldn't help interrupting him.

The man said, "Do you still remember?"

Not good? Su Hang's heart seemed to be touched a bit, but Zhoushan was the mountain **** of Zhoushan. In order to save him, he had already been transformed into nothingness. Like the realm of the realm, it became a scar in Su Hang's heart!

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