Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2926: Dominating the eyes!

Su Hang nodded, "I have tried to reshape the imperfect mountains, and the imperfect true spirits were once again gestated, but it turns out that it doesn't work. After the impregnated true spirits are gestated for a while, they naturally collapse. There are too many things during this time, and I haven't gone into the reasons!"

The man listened and said, "Heaven and earth, ten thousand methods, qi and blood profit and loss.

"Oh?" Su Hang was a little surprised, wondering what the man in front of him wanted to tell himself!

The man smiled and said, "Aren't you still having twelve disciples? If you find them, you will naturally know where the trouble is!"

Twelve disciples? Taikoo Twelve Matriarchs?

Su Hang heard this, and subconsciously thought of Dijiang's twelve brothers. Since the last of the twelve ancestors, Xuan Ming returned to the ruin, I heard that his twelve disciples had returned to the chaotic world. A corner was reborn, the twelve witches are one, and the extinction of Xuanming marks the new birth of the twelve witches, but unfortunately Su Hang has not been looking for them!

Listening to this man, that is to say, I am also born in chaos? And it is very possible to be with Dijiang?

"Unsuccessfully found, he will help you restore the deity of the killing **** station, and will be a big help for you at that time!" The man continued.

Su Hang nodded, "Thank you for your advice!"

"Not much advice!" The man waved his hand. "If you can accomplish this, maybe it's not far from meeting us again!"

"Then, how can the sky axe start?" Su Hang asked!

The man shook his head. "It's up to you to study it yourself. It's still that sentence. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Everything is done step by step. Just do your best!"

The words hadn't fallen yet, Su Hang felt that it was that strange force, pulling himself away from this dark zone!



Su Hang was sober from the bed, sweating all over her body, and her face and forehead were covered with dense sweat beads!

The sky outside was still dark. Obviously, it didn't take long to sleep. My mind was very sober. The surroundings were quiet and quiet, which made Suhang feel very empty!

Just now, is that a dream or loose knowledge?

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Su Hang took a deep breath and sorted out the information in his mind. There was no new memory. That is to say, the loose knowledge did not make Su Hang awaken any memory related to previous life!

However, the man explained three things to himself, and Su Hang thought about it carefully. If the Tibetan knowledge is really loose, it should be the guidance of the previous life to himself!

The first thing is to open the sky axe, the previous life did not tell him the specific method; the second thing is to go back to Suxi to get things, this is simple, when you go back from Tianyin Realm, go back to the earth and take a look. What did you leave for yourself; as for the third thing, it's not particularly difficult to find it!

It's a pity that time is really too tight. There are still many words for Su Hang to ask in detail. It is difficult to hide knowledge once, and I don't know when it will be next time!

Su Hang wanted to try another dream, but it turned out to be useless. It was so sober at the moment. There was no such kind of sleepy feeling as before. He sat cross-legged on the bed for a while, tried to enter, and could not enter again. In that state, Suhang had no choice but to give up.

Can't sleep and can't fall asleep, can't get into the set and can't get set, Suhang wants to come, most of them are affected by the noise pollution of Meng Nan during the day!

Tossing and turning, Su Hang took out the bead that Le Zun gave him.

The beads are green and green, like a ping pong ball, Le Zun said it is an eyeball, but Suhang does not look like it.

But after all, it was given to Le Zun by Meng Nan. Presumably, it had a certain origin. Su Hang couldn’t find the information with the system of learning the gods. Maybe it was the eyes of a powerful man who dominated the realm!

"But what's the use of this stuff?"

Su Hang studied for a long time, and did not find out what happened. The situation inside could not be detected by the Divine Consciousness.

Injecting skill into it is also sinking into the sea, half of the waves didn't rise, and blood dripping didn't work. Su Hang made use of the method. The bead was still that one, which made people cry and laugh!

Even if it is the eye of the dominating realm, it has no substantive use. What is the difference from a normal stone?

Use it as a weapon to smash people? Or is it used to make wine? This is too funny. Su Hang studied it for more than half an hour, and even tried to swallow it directly. However, it could not be digested at all. In the end, it could only be spit out. Goodbye!

Eyes, eyes?

Su Hang was extremely suspicious. Meng Nan was just sending a toy to Le Zun.


Su Hang was lying on the bed and put the bead on his eyelids. What existing eyes would look like this?


Suddenly, there was a feeling of icy coldness on the bead. Su Hang was shocked. Why was there a sudden reaction?

The subconscious Su Hang wanted to pick up the bead and take a closer look. At this time, Su Hang realized that the bead was actually attached to the eyelid of his right eye, and it quickly shrunk.

Su Hang didn't have time to react, and felt that his right eye was wrapped in a cold feeling, and then spread to the left eye instantly. Both eyes fell into the ice cave and closed their eyes quickly!

not good! Su Hang’s heart is not He quickly resisted and tried to force the bead out, but it didn’t help, the cold feeling became more and more prosperous, and the two eyes seemed to be dripped A few bottles of Fengyoujing, the tears flowing down, it is almost irritating!

The heart was beating wildly, and Su Hang was panicked. She didn't even know what was happening. Her two eyes couldn't be opened at all. Her tears were all over her face. Fortunately, no one saw it. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Su Hang What kind of inhuman torture has these days?

I don't know how long it took before the cold feeling wrapped in the eyes slowly subsided. Su Hang opened his eyes slowly, from hazy to clear.

Su Hang hurriedly looked around. Except that the bed sheet was soaked with a lot of tears, it seemed that his eyes were not affected.

what's the situation? Su Hang frowned, and as a powerful monk, his eyes were nothing. He could grow again if he picked it, and he could rely on his consciousness if he didn't grow, but just now the bead had merged into his eyes, This had to make him upset!

Suddenly, there seemed to be a rib jump at the center of the eyebrows. Su Hang reached out and touched it, and then felt a little itchy eyebrows!

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