Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2989: Worship!

???????????? At this time, the frost frown suddenly wrinkled slightly, and she felt the barrier under her cloth was broken.

???????????? However, the frost of frost frost spreads again, and it’s time for Bing Ji to break her boundary, proving that Bing Ji has broken through to the seventh-order dominance, from The side also proves that good things are done!

???????????? "Brother Mo, please bring the bride and groom out!" Ye Feifan turned back and said to Mo Changchun.

???????????????? Since it is a wedding reception, the bride and groom are always hiding from others, what a wedding reception?

?????????????? "No need to ask, let everyone wait for a long time!" Ye Feifan's words just fell, he heard a voice coming from the back hall, and immediately, two figures of a man and a woman appeared In front of everyone.

?????????????? It was Su Hang and Bing Ji. At this time, both of them were still wearing red wedding dresses that had not yet faded. The wedding dresses were a bit messy and could not help making people daydream!

???????? Bing Ji was born beautiful, wearing this wedding dress, although there is no light makeup, no thick brush, but also beautiful and moving.

???????? Soviet Airlines is also a big red dress, although the appearance is not handsome, but the figure is straight, and looks decent, just standing with Bing Ji, it looks a little disproportionate!

???????????? Eyes swept around, a pair of eyes were gathered on his body, Su Hang could not help but breathe stagnation, except for those punished palace attendants, there is no realm Is under him.

?????? Except Ye Feifan and other familiar faces, many other Suhang did not know.

???????? Such a big battle, this condensed frost, won't it invite all the powerful players in this space to come?

???????? Su Hang really guessed well, although not all, but I am afraid that there are only one or two.

???????? On the other side, Bing Ji was standing next to Su Hang. She probably didn't expect such a battle. She turned to look at her sister-in-law, and she didn't know how she felt in her heart.

?????????? Although Mo Changchun had already talked to her about the proverbs of fate on the day she first came to Moya Mountain, it was a confession to her, if not out of gratitude to her elder brother. When the condensation frost came to her, she would not be so stupid to serve the Luanfeng and Mingdan, and was still at the mercy of the condensation frost to find Su Hang.

???????????? After all, she is not a fool, she is also mentally prepared for what happened afterwards, but the response of Su Hang was somewhat unexpected, and did not take the opportunity to take advantage of her. what.

???????????? Through this incident, Bing Ji had a different view on Su Hang. The man seemed to be a decent gentleman, and he could hold it in that situation.

???????????? Perhaps it was influenced by Luanfeng and Mingdan, Bingji also realized that he had a good impression on Su Hang. There is still a flash in this unscrupulous man. Attract him.

???????????? At this moment, looking at the crowd of people in the hall, and then looking at my brother-in-law, somehow, I was a little disappointed.

?????????? "It seems that they can't wait, the auspicious time is up, hurry up!" Ye Feifan said after a short atmosphere of embarrassment.

?????????? As the main marriage, of course you have to host the scene.

???????? The voice fell, and everyone started to coax, at this time, Su Hang waved his hand, "For me, when is not auspicious time? Worship, anytime, no hurry, everyone today The seniors are there, but I don’t know a few, do I have to get to know them first?"

???????? This was for Mo Changchun, but everyone around me heard it, but shook his head again and again, this kid really regarded himself as a dish, everyone can come here today, all Looking at Mo Changchun's face, Bing Ji's face, how could you kid?

?????????? No one else spoke. Did you run out and really consider yourself a bridegroom and the focus of the audience?

?????????? "Brother Su, wait until after the church and become a relative. It's not too late to know each other, sometimes it's time!" Ye Feifan laughed, and he could see that Su Hang was inexplicable to this. The marriage was a bit contradictory, but he did not believe that Su Hang would refuse. After all, Bing Ji was more than enough for him!

???????????? Su Hang’s face did not change, "Predecessors are right, but what gifts are there for you to come to the wedding banquet?"??

???????? What's so special about it? The bridegroom asked the guests at the wedding banquet if they had any money with them, and how much did each have with them? Isn't this something special?

???????? As soon as these words came out, everyone's face became a little embarrassed.

???????? Mo Changchun was busy, "Don't mind you, my brother-in-law, just like to make a joke!"

???????? In a word, the atmosphere was eased. Mo Changchun turned to Su Hang, with a little warning between Meiyu, "First visit the church, don’t miss the auspicious time, all the Taoist friends have their own gifts. A Taoist friend has promised to take out the fate of his own collection as a blessing for your marriage with Bing Ji. The copy in my hand will be given to you at that time!"

?????????? Faintly, with a little threat, the same, but also very tempting, as long as you obediently married, fate is yours, isn't that what you want?

???????? There are ten thousand puzzles in Suhang's heart. Why would Mo Changchun force himself to become a relative of Bingji? Is it really just to understand the heart disease of opening frost? Obviously it is impossible to be so simple, which must have deep meaning.

???????? To Mo Changchun's eyes, Su Hang was in a heavy mood. These old monsters really didn't have a simple one. When he first had a simple look at Mo Changchun, he still thought that Mo Changchun was good, just some Fear of the inner, but now it seems that this person has a castle, and the castle is not shallow.

?????????? A ninth-ranking powerhouse, can you not order the city? No one believed this.

?????????? The fate of the flesh is indeed very important for Su Hang, but the gentleman has something to do, some does not, Su Hang thinks that he is not a gentleman, but also not a villain, It is impossible to exchange such things as marriage events, because this matter is not only related to him, but also related to Bing Ji.

?????????? In this case, although the whole hall is stronger than him, but the resistance must be resisted!

??????????However, when Su Hang was about to drop the table and lift the stool, and was about to make a big noise, Mo Changchun approached him and extended a hand to pat his shoulder In an instant, Suhang felt that he was locked The body began to listen to...



???????? Sure enough, I still can't play with these old monsters. In the cave room, Su Hang was sitting at the table and once again felt that he was small. Compared with these old monsters, he was really a A naughty boy with no power at all is simply not an order of magnitude.

???????? Looking back, Bing Ji sitting beside the bed, Su Hang cried and laughed, "Sister Bing, why don't you resist?"

?????????? "Rebellion?" Bing Ji came to the table and sat in front of Su Hang, looking up at Su Hang. "Just like that, do you think it is useful to resist?"

?????????? Su Hang took a deep breath and had nothing to say!

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