Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2990: What should we do now?

"What now?"

Su Hang's heart is full of frustration. This feeling is like a little brother facing a group of big brothers, a rabbit facing a group of wild wolves, and being squeezed by others. The key is that you must also be squeezed by them. The other party is too strong, strong. When he arrived, he could not see hope.

Bing Ji took a deep breath, "I have worshipped, what can I do?"

Su Hang felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, and he dared not stare at Bing Ji. "Sister Bing, do you know why Mo Changchun forced you to become a relative?"

Intuition tells Su Hang that Bing Ji knows something, because, with Bing Ji's strength and identity, if she is not willing to do so, I am afraid that this will not be possible, and things will not be what they are now.

Bing Ji hesitated for a moment, "You have a lot to do with fate, so you should know him well?"

Su Hang didn't know why Bing Ji asked this question, shook his head and said, "To be honest, I can feel his existence, but I haven't seen him, so I can't say anything about it!"

I don't know if Suhang concealed anything? Bing Ji took a deep breath, "I heard that when destiny left, a proverb was left!"

"Proverbs?" Su Hang looked at Bing Ji in amazement. "What proverbs?"

Bingji said, "Fate said that with the birth of new life, this box space will open..."

"A new life was born?" Su Hang froze. Hearing this, he slowly recollected it. "So, they made me be married to you for this so-called new life?"

A little blush flashed on Bing Ji's face, which really made her feel a little embarrassed. "You can't understand how urgent the people in this box want to leave this box. In order to be able to leave here, no matter how much sacrifice. It’s worth it, not to mention, it’s not their own sacrifice!"

Su Hang touched his forehead. "So, with the same purpose, you sacrifice yourself and marry me?"

Bingji nodded and shook her head again, "At first I was a little hesitant, but now it seems that you are a good person, and others think you are a frustration, but I don't think so!"

Frustrated? For this newly acquired nickname, Su Hang could not help crying!

"You think I'm pretty good, it should be that the side effects of that drug are causing trouble!" Su Hang shook his head. "Fortunately, nothing happened to us. What kind of wedding can't be counted, you don't have to worry about it!" "

"Do you really think so?" Bing Ji looked at Su Hang and seemed to want to see if Su Hang came from the heart!

Su Hang smiled faintly, "I am a frustrated man, but I can't be worthy of a fairy beauty like Bing Sister!"

Bing Ji gave Su Hang a glance, "They said you so, I didn't say you that way. In fact, you are a good person. Although the appearance is not outstanding, but the outside is useless to us, beautiful and ugly. There is no difference!"

Su Hang shook his head, "The world is becoming more beautiful and ugly, so that you and a toad are married, can you be willing?"

"Do you think you are a toad?" Bing Ji looked at Su Hang with a smile.

Su Hang sighed and sighed with emotion, "The frog at the bottom of the well used to know that the outside world is vast, but now I entered the box, but I saw a wider world and a stronger existence. Looking back, I would rather be a toad, Stay at the bottom of the well forever. Although you can’t see the sky outside, it is at least safe and you don’t have to be bullied by natural enemies!"

Bing Ji also put a smile on her face, "It's emotions, but I know that this is not your true word. You have a strong heart, and you won't be willing to be a weak one!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Bing Ji strangely. "Sister Bing really understands me?"

Bing Ji smiled lightly, "I have a way to make you stronger..."


Su Hang looked at Bing Ji surprisingly and became stronger. He really wanted to become stronger now. It is best to poke directly into the ninth-order dominance, so that he can stand up in front of the old guys. , Whoever wants to bully, bully, whoever wants to catch the worship, whoever catches the worship!

Bingji said, "Don't the condensed frost tell you?"

Su Hang was embarrassed when he heard this, and he knew what condensation frost was saying to make himself stronger!

Condensate Frost has long told him that Bing Ji has never married in his life, and because of the special cultivation method, the body contains a very large cloud of Yingying gas. This huge cloud of Yingying gas is enough for Su Hang monks. If you are advanced to two or more levels, if Suhang knows how to use it, you might be able to enter three levels!

That is to say, Su Hang is now in the second-order dominance. If Zhen and Bingji accomplish something good, they can enter the fourth-order dominance overnight, or even fifth-order!

This is indeed very tempting. I want to come, anyone who changes a person can’t resist it, and don’t need to work hard. If you pick up a wife without saying anything, you can pick up a few realms. on!

However, for Su Hang, he has not lost his eyes because of the temptation of power. Still, the gentleman has something to do with something. Su Hang would rather not have the power obtained by this method.

He is less than thirty this year, and he has completed the practice goals of thousands of tens of thousands of people. He wants to become stronger, but it does not mean that he can become stronger and have no discipline and want to become stronger. For him, it was just a matter of time. Taking such a shortcut might not hurt him, but it hurts Bing Ji. After all, now the two of them are cobbled together!

And Bing Ji just said this, Su Hang did not think she was actively indicating anything, more like trying to test his character.

Su Hang shook his head, "Sister Bing, do not mention this matter again, let's think about how to deal with the gang outside tomorrow!"

Bing Ji sighed, "How to cope with them? They forced you and me to be married, just for the proverb of fate. If you and I do nothing, do you think they will give up?"

Su Hang's face became ugly. Now, he feels that he and Bing Ji are like two little white mice. They are being studied how to cultivate high-quality next generations.

"Aren't Mo Changchun and Condensate also married, why do you want to harm you and me?" Su Hang gritted his teeth and reached for a light hammer on the table.

Bingji said, "The rules are limited. Brother and Condensed Frost have been married for a long time, and they have not been able to conceive a new life. It is also the reason for the mantra of destiny. Brother is very anxious. After this incident, others may know the mantra of destiny Now!"

"Since there are rules and restrictions, they can't succeed, can we succeed?" Su Hang was a bit depressed to vomit blood.

Bing Ji said, "Brother said, you are different, you have a breath of destiny, perhaps, this time destiny returns, just want to take this opportunity to rebirth, the new life in the motto of destiny is himself!"

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