Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2993: Gross is coming!

After Ding Gai was closed, what was the situation inside Ding, and no one knew that this unrelated Ding was left by fate. Su Hang had been thinking about what it meant to leave such a Ding by fate. Now, it seems likely that it is In order to stay today, help him re-train his body!

Everything seems to be under the control of fate, including the space in this box, and fate seems to be calculated.

Su Hang does not know what the fate will be if he is reborn, will it be detrimental to him, will he take away what he had originally given him, but Su Hang can't control so much now, now he just wants to go out, Leave this prank-like box space!

Now, the only thing that can be done is to wait, to wait for the opening of the phaseless destiny, to recast the destiny, and all will have results!


The matter in the box, for the time being, mentions that on this day, an old man in purple robe came up on the mountain of Chuangjie. The old man was tall and magnificent, his eyebrows were gray, and his whiskers fluttered under his jaw. The flashing deep cold, but it makes people a little dare to look at it!

There was a follower behind the old man, who described humbleness, like a reptile behind the old man.

The big men on the mountain have either left or are closed. Only Yin Tianfeng on the mountain is in charge of the overall situation. The disciples of Shoushan have seen the followers behind the old man. It was the big man who came here not long ago, Chu Bang!

Not dare to neglect the moment, he quickly notified Yin Tianfeng.

Yin Tianfeng is now regarded as the first person under the suzerain. No matter what the suzerain is, the entire Daozong is under his care. Now is the time when he is satisfied, he is shocked when he hears that Chu collapsed, and quickly came out to greet him.

Yin Tianfeng had seen Chu Bang, and Su Hang also mentioned the identity of Chu Bang. He also knew much about the current situation of chaos and vanity. At this time, he saw Chu Bang humblely behind the old man, Yin Tianfeng There was a murmur in my heart, and I don't need to ask to know that this must be a great figure in the Void Temple.

The only thing in my heart is bad, how can the strong man of the temple come?

Busy ushered the two into the Cangtian Temple. On the other hand, they looked to order people to summon the four elephant ancestors!

In the hall, Yin Tianfeng was sitting on the side, looking at the old man in front of him, his heart shivered a little.

"You are Su Hang?" The old man frowned slightly, obviously not quite convinced that this weak life in front of him would be the one he was looking for!

Yin Tianfeng shook his head quickly. "When I return to my senior, my surname is Yin and my name is Tianfeng. Su Hang is the husband of the younger six daughters. I don't know where the senior came from?"

When speaking, Yin Tianfeng's forehead was already sweating, and he tried to control his voice not to tremble.

At this time, Chu Bang quickly squeezed his eyes at Yin Tianfeng and said, "Hurry up and ask Su Hang to come out, otherwise you will neglect the Lord of the Temple and you can't afford to sin!"

"The Lord of the Hall?" Yin Tianfeng froze!

The old man said, "Don't be nervous, Mr. Gross, there is no malice in this visit, but there are only some things to be discussed with the friends of Su Hang!"


As soon as Yin Tianfeng heard the word "Lord Master", he knew that the Lord of the Void Temple had come in person, and he was naturally afraid. Although the other party said that there was no malice, how could he believe it? After all, he knew that the Void Temple was overcast by Su Hang and suffered a great loss.

The Lord of the Void is coming this time, I am afraid it must have come for revenge!

Finished, this situation has exceeded the scope of his own handling, Yin Tianfeng was ignorant at this time, even the courage to move.

"Sect Master, he is not on the mountain now. I haven't seen him in a few days. I don't know what my predecessor has to do to find the Sect Master. Perhaps, nowadays, I can take charge of the big things and small things on this mountain. If I can't do it, I can pass it on." Yin Tianfeng summoned courage.

Gross frowned, and suddenly turned a black face, which seemed very unpleasant. The atmosphere in the hall suddenly solidified, and Yin Tianfeng was even more chilled, knowing that he had said something wrong, and annoyed the old man.


At this time, a voice came from outside, breaking the almost solidified atmosphere in the palace. Immediately, a woman in a white dress came in. Yin Tianfeng looked at it and almost didn't cry. It turned out that no one else came in, it was Yin Yu'er!

This grandma, why did you come here in a mouth, isn't it death?

When Yin Yuer entered the hall, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. When she saw the old man, when she saw Chu Bang, she knew a little bit in her heart, and then saw Yin Tianfeng mad at him, Yin Yuer's heart tightened, and she had to carefully exit The main hall.

"Wait!" At this time, Gross yelled Yin Yu'er.

Yin Yu'er stopped and shivered all over her body, just like a person walking on a wire, and was suddenly scared so much.

"Uh, Senior, this is the little girl Yu'er. I have always been used to it. I don't know that Senior is here. If there is any offense, please ask Senior to forgive sins!" Yin Tianfeng said quickly.

Gross raised his hand and interrupted Yin Tianfeng's words, but his eyes were fixed on Yin Yu'er's hand, "Little girl, what do you have in your hand? Can you show me?"

Yin Tianfeng froze for a moment, then looked down, Yin Yuer was holding a wooden box in his hand, black and black, like a brick.

Yin Yuer stayed in place, this box was handed over to her by Su Xi, and said that Su Hang was missing, leaving such a box, and several women didn’t study the reason, thought it was something important, just I took Ming Yuefeng and gave it to Yin Yu'er for custody. Yin Yu'er was also wondering what this box was, but he didn't find out what it was. He just came to find Yin Tianfeng and wanted to let Yin Tianfeng look at it. , This visitor does not seem to be good at it!

Seeing that Yin Yuer didn't move, Gross directly took a hook, and the box took off and flew directly to Gross!


Before Yin Yu'er had responded, the box had flown into Gross's hand. Subconsciously, Yin Yuer wanted to step forward and recapture it. Fortunately, Yin Tianfeng's movement was fast, and she had stopped in front of her.

Faced with such an existence, you dare to go up and grab something Isn't this looking for death?

Gross didn't pay attention to Yin Yu'er, but came to the box from his own research.

Looking back and forth for a while, Gross's eyes became more severe, and he looked up to Yin Yu'er, "Little girl, where did you get this box from?"

Obviously, this box is a little different, and Gross may know something.

Yin Yu'er was breathless and forgot to answer, turned his head and looked at Yin Tianfeng, Yin Tianfeng said, "Senior asked you, the answer is truthfully!"

Yin Yuer took a deep breath and said that it was picked up at the retreat of Houshan Suhang!

I thought Gross would ask deeply, but after listening to Yin Yu'er's answer, he only nodded slightly, "This box borrows me for two days, trouble Yin Xiaoyou, arranges a place for me to settle down!"

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