Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2994: box?

?????????? Gross spoke, Yin Tianfeng dare to say more, and quickly led Gross out of the hall.

???????? Good death or not, happened to meet the four elephant ancestors hurriedly rushed, Yin Tianfeng looked at it, the secret path is worse, with the strength of the four elephant ancestors, it is absolutely impossible to be Gross's opponent.

???????? Because the four elephant ancestors joined forces, listening to Su Hang said, it is almost invincible under the dominance, although Yin Tianfeng does not know how strong Gross is, but one thing is certain, Gross is definitely a dominance. The existence of, and is not an ordinary dominance, such an existence, with the ability to destroy chaos, the four elephant ancestors simply cannot be opponents.

???????? Yin Tianfeng has some regrets to send someone to invite these four great gods!

???????? When the four elephant ancestors saw Gross, they also felt the power of Gross in the first time. In front of Gross, they did not even have the courage to use their hands!

???????? "A group of little dolls, the old man has no time to take care of you, while playing!" Gross looked up at the four people in front of him, and could not bear any interest.

???????? When the four elephant ancestors heard this, not only did they not feel despised, but they felt as if they were forgiven and escaped.

??????Yin Tianfeng made a wink at the four-elephant ancestor, and quickly took Gross away, for fear of angering Gross, this existence started a fire, he simply could not imagine the consequences.


???????? An unexpected visitor came to Chuangjie Mountain. The Lord of the Void Temple actually came in person. Yin Tianfeng received the highest ceremonial reception and arranged to live in the Keluo Peak!

Fortunately, this presence did not act arrogantly, nor did it shout and kill as soon as it came. After entering the guest, the peak fell silently and never showed up again.

?????? But especially so, Yin Tianfeng has no bottom in his mind. In this case, Su Hang must be invited out. However, Su Hang has disappeared, but it has just disappeared here!

???????? Yin Tianfeng quickly dispatched people to search around. For half a day, he almost searched the entire Chuangjie Mountain. He even sent someone to Xuanhuangjie Earth Suxi to look around, but no one was found.

???????? This Yin Tianfeng is a bit anxious. Su Hang is like a sudden evaporation of the world. The other party is coming to Su Hang. Su Hang does not appear. How did he just survive the scene?

?????? "Grandpa, how is this good?"

????????Ming Yuefeng, Yin Tianfeng pacing back and forth in the room, the mood is very messy and irritable, sitting next to Tai Cang.

???????? Tai Cang frowned at this moment, I don't know what was the mood, listening to Yin Tianfeng's words, did not respond.

???????? Yin Tianfeng said, "The Sovereign does not know whereabouts, and now, only you elderly can preside over the big picture!"

?????? Tai Cang heard the words, and quickly waved his hand, "Hutti, I used to serve in the Temple of the Void. I can't let the Lord see me, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

???????? Yin Tianfeng took a sip of water. It turned out that his grandfather was also afraid. If it was found that Tai Cang was here, wouldn't it be directly destroyed as a traitor?

???????? At this time, too Cang, just want to find a place to quickly avoid the limelight, where dare to preside over the overall situation?

??????Yin Yu'er said, "It's strange to say that this Lord Lord Gross has stayed in the house since she entered the peak, and never came out..."

???????? "Isn't that bad..." Yin Tianfeng smiled bitterly, "Listening to Chu Beng brothers, Gross has been holding the box in the research, has been studying all day, as if the box What a terrific thing!"

?????? "Box?" Tai Cang frowned.

??????Yin Tianfeng told the origin of the box again. After listening to it too much, his brows deepened. "It can be seen by the Lord Lord Gross, I am afraid it is not something idle!"

?????????? "What should I do?" Yin Yu'er was a little anxious. The box was obviously Su Hang's stuff. If it was a great treasure, it fell into Gross' hands. it is good?

???????? Tai Cang shook his head, "See the opportunity to act, Lord Gros, the first generation of the temple, the former ninth-ranked dominance of the realm, although now down to the seventh rank, But his strength is not something that I can imagine. It falls into his hands and he wants to come back again. It is impossible!"

???????????? Yin Yuer heard the words, her face was pale, she did not know what was in the box, but it should be very important for the Soviet Air, so lost, how she explained to the Soviet Air ?

?????? "For the sake of this day, I still have to find Su Hang!" Tai Cang reminded, "I have to find a place to hide from the wind, Tian Feng, you immediately launch the power of the entire sect, even if this day outside The sky turned upside down, and he had to find him out!"

?????? "The child understands that it has been ordered!" Yin Tianfeng nodded. "Fortunately, there are brothers Chu Beng facing us, can help us hear some news, what is the main idea of ​​the hall master, We can only wait for the news of Brother Chu Bang!"



??????Guo Luofeng, in a guest room, Gross holding the box in his hand, carefully looking at it, like an old scholar who studies antiques, with a very focused expression.

???????? Gross has maintained this state for more than a day, Chu Beng standing behind him, and also carefully looked at the box in Gross’s hand, he was a little confused, what’s wrong with this box? the same?

"Is it enough? Can you see what is coming?" Gross said suddenly, breaking the silence.

?????? Chu collapsed for a moment, and quickly said, "If you go back to the old master, the subordinates are dull. I don't know what is strange about this thing!"

???????? Gross heard a smile on his face, "This thing has a long history, I have been looking for it for a long time, I did not expect it to be here!"

???????? "Oh?" Chu Beng looked at this box strangely, "I don't know if I should ask, this box looks ordinary, its appearance is not good, is there any hidden treasures in it ?"

?????????? Gross smiled mysteriously, "Not only that, but more commendable is its origin, this box is the old man's master's belongings!"

???????????? "Oh?" Seeing that Gross is Chu Beng hastily tried his best, and happened to be able to listen to some useful news. Have a master?

???????????? Gross opened the conversation box and said, "This box is called the Divine Machine Box, it is the Master's thing. When I followed the Master, I had the honour to see the Master play a few times. Second, listening to Master said that this box contains almost half of his collection. Later, the box was lost, and the Master did not go looking for it. It means everything is destiny. Who can get it is destiny!"

???????????? Chu Bang was a bit shocked, so it seems that this box really has a long history, but he has never heard of it, and there is another one Master.

?????????? You know, Gross is already the oldest generation in the void, just like the flow of the sky to the chaotic world, almost at the beginning of Hongmeng, Gross has already existed. Seniority, in today's void world, no one can be higher than Gross.

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