Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2995: One more!

If Gross still has a master, what is the strength of this existence?

When Chu Beng was stunned, Gross continued, "The realm of the Master can be regarded by him as a treasure, and it must be a treasure in the treasure. Unfortunately, no one in the entire void world except me knows The true origin of this box, only know that this box is indestructible, which will contain secret treasures..."

Talking about Grosquet, Chu Beng also listened carefully. No wonder Gros was so excited when he saw this box before.

"However, this divine machine box has appeared several times in the void. The strange thing is that everyone who got it disappeared mysteriously after a period of time. The old man once had a sworn brother named King Owl, God The box once fell into his hands, and he said that he would join me in the details, but before I could see the box, he could easily disappear together..."

After a long talk, Chu Bing listened to it and realized that the old hall master has always been superior in show, but in fact, the only thing I know more than others is the name of this box!

Otherwise, Gross would not hold the box and study for a day or two, nor saw him open the box for treasure.

"I'm afraid that person knew that there was a huge amount of treasure in the box, and he refused to share it with the old hall master, so he rolled away and ran away!" Chu Bang said.

Gros did not deny that he had thought about it once in a while, "This box has changed hands several times, but it was unexpected that it will eventually fall into the hands of the old man. This old man's adventure came to the realm of chaos, but what a surprise!"

Chu collapsed for a moment. "The old hall master, his subordinates are puzzled. With the powerful strength of the old hall master, it is easy to destroy this chaotic world. Why is there the word adventure?"

Gross took a deep breath. "Do you think that I pressed on the realm of chaos? Is it really because of the agreement with fate? Ridiculous, just because the Master's warning came first!"

"Oh?" Chu Beng looked at Gross doubtfully.

Gros sighed, "Master has written to warn that within two years, the chaotic world is not allowed to offend. Although the old man does not know the reason, it can be guessed that the master is probably in this chaotic world. During this time, the temple Weak, heavy losses, harassed by all forces, the old man is really fists and four hands, so if the temple is not swallowed by other forces, I am afraid that the score will fall apart, and the name will survive. The old man has come to the chaotic world this time. In fact, I just want to find the master, and ask the master for help. If the master is willing to take action, those threats in the void will not be a problem at all!"

Chu Beng heard the words and suddenly realized that he had originally thought that Gross had brought him to the chaotic world in order to seek revenge for the Suhang. After all, the temple was made like this, Suhang was the culprit, the second and third princes Ordered to chase the world to catch Su Hang, but never return, I am afraid it has been encountered unexpectedly, this is enough to anger Gross!

Now I know that Gross is thinking otherwise!

"I know, the master of the old hall master is sure to know the intention of the old hall master, so this **** box is basically the master of the old hall master who stays for you, no matter how many masters it has experienced. , But ultimately fell into the hands of the old hall master, so the treasure in the box is also the legacy of the old hall master's master to the old hall master!" Chu Bang said, although there is a flattering element, but , It really makes a lot of sense.

Gros nodded again and again, and he thought the same. Although he didn’t see his master, he got the box. The treasure in the box should be enough to strengthen the entire Void Temple, although he didn’t know what was inside. There is nothing, but he heard his master said that there is a collection of his master for half his life in the box!

That must be an unimaginable mass of wealth!

"Thank you Master for your pity, Grosse thanks Master!" Gross put the box on the table and performed a tribute and respectful gift!

How dare Chu Beng sneer, and behind Gros, with his head kowtowing, the tears moved by Gros are all coming out, the scene is even a little funny.

Gross stood up and wiped his tears, not knowing how sincere he was, picking up the box and studying again.

Chu Bang said beside him, "My subordinates have seen this box sealed so well that it should not have been opened by anyone!"

"Oh!" Gross chuckled. "How can it be so easy to open this Master's Divine Machine Box? Let them break their heads, and in the end it's not a free ride, even when I was at the ninth peak, Don’t try to break the box..."

"Hi!" Chu Bangpeng took a breath of breath, the ninth order master could not break through? This box looks ordinary, is it so hard?

"Also, this box is the inheritance that the master of the old hall master left to the old hall master. Others don't know the opening method, the old hall master must know it!"

Chu Beng said it was a flattering sentence. He didn't want it but embarrassed Gross. To be honest, he really didn't know how to open this box. At that time, he had only seen his master play with this box, but only knew the name of the box. No one knows anything, and his master has never confided to him how to open the box.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been studying here for more than a day, and opened the box for security!

However, this time in front of his subordinates, if he said he didn't know, isn't this a face-slap? How much face does that have?

With a slight change in his complexion, Gross said, "This box is so natural that there is no way to open it!"

"Oh?" Chu Beng froze, since it was a box, how could it not be opened.

Gross's mysterious Unable to open, does not mean that you can not enter, as long as you can enter this box, you can naturally take out the treasures inside! "

"Subordinates are dull!" Since Chu Beng's doubts can't be opened, what else to talk about?

Gross said, "Although the material texture of this box is extremely hard, it can't be broken with external force at all, but it can be a coincidence. As long as I shrink the body sufficiently small, I can find the gap between the materials, and I can enter the box through these gaps. internal!"

Chu Beng was stunned when he heard it, and he was really shocked at the IQ of Gros. "If the old hall master Gao Ming, if he changes his subordinates, I am afraid that even if he wants to break his head, he will never think of this method!"

The corners of Gros’s mouth showed a trace of arc. He praised Chu Beng, and he used it. This is the result of his careful study over the past day. Many times, you can’t think of the answer to the question. Just change the angle. Think about it, there are often unexpected gains.

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