Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2997: Who is here?

"Why? You Dao friends can't believe me?" Condensate frowned slightly, obviously, she could also feel that she had just been unconvincing.

Everyone heard something, and they were all anxious to laugh. Where is the trust, but clearly it is completely believed, what temperament of this woman, who does not know, if the medicine is in her hand, can there be any reason to hand it in?

No one cares about it, the frost is a little angry, but what can she do anymore, she can't go up and grab it? Who can she rob?

All of a sudden, everyone stood on the square in front of the temple and looked at each other. This unexpected result stunned everyone.



Gross let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the void in front of him, a pair of eyes full of light, "It really is a hidden universe, and I didn't think there was such a large space in the box."

Gros sincerely admired, and at the same time admired his wit, I am afraid that only he can think of such a tricky way, use this way to enter the box for treasure.

But, where is the treasure?

Gross's enlarged figure looked around, and suddenly saw a few bright lights flying toward him from the dark void.

Gross froze for a moment, his figure flashed, and he immediately caught the lights in his hands.

"Is this? Elixir?" Looking at the three immortals in his hand, Gross was completely dumbfounded!

The fragrance was tangy, as if it had just been released, and it was still hot, a little hot, feeling the surging power of the medicine, and Gros was excited.

This just entered the box, and encountered such a baby, this is simply picking up the treasure!

I really don’t know how many treasures the master put in this box, and Gross was immediately full of anticipation!

"Hey, the front, grab me a panacea?" Just when Gross was happy, a voice suddenly came from the void!

Immediately, I saw a white-haired old man in black robe, appeared in front of Gros out of thin air.

Gross was shocked, why is there still someone in this box?

Looking up and down, I saw that the old man was of extraordinary temperament. I was afraid that there would be a seventh-order world king realm. But in this way, Gross looked a bit familiar with it.

"Demon Lord?" Gross blurted out, surprised, but recognized the man in front of him.

The old man with white whiskers fluttered and listened to Gros calling out his name. It was also a moment of consternation. At first he felt that this person was strange and hadn't seen it in this box space, but then he felt a little familiar, and his mind flashed, "Gross?"

Gross was completely dumbfounded. The old man in front of him was his old acquaintance, the Void Demon Night Demon King, "You, aren't you missing? Why are you here?"

Ye Mojun heard the words, his face shook slightly, and looked at Gross with his eyelids raised, "I haven't seen you before, Gross, when did you come in?"

"Just now!" Gross felt a little faint.

Daredevil heard the words and laughed, "Okay, okay, here comes another one, Gros, welcome you to join the missing army!"

Gross heard it, and his heart sank. "The missing army? What do you mean?"

Night Demon King just laughed and didn’t explain, "Go, newcomer, follow me to Moya Mountain, these days, it’s really fun, hahaha, Gross, everyone will be very happy to see you !"


Gross stayed on the spot, and the whole person was confused. The Night Demon King was a gangster in the Nether Demon Realm. He had also been hostile to him. Now, the Night Demon King has seen him as if to see him. Like an old friend, it's really strange.

The night demon lord’s mouth was curved with a slight arc, "To say one more thing, your righteous brother King is also here. At this time, you can reunite with your brother!"


As soon as Gross heard the name, he was dumbfounded. At that time, the King of Owls had a magical machine box, and he disappeared before he could study with him. He once thought that King Owl wanted to monopolize the treasure in the box and rolled the box to escape. Say, did King Owl enter this box?


On Moya Mountain, the atmosphere is a little weird. Everyone looked at Su Hang, waiting for him to give a statement, saying that good refining the body of destiny? How did you come up with a panacea? Isn't this playing everyone like a fool?

"If I said, I don't know why this happened, do you believe it?" Su Hang said awkwardly. Although it is difficult to convince people that he knows this reason, he still has to explain it!

Everyone looked at Su Hang, with a bad face, Su Hang felt very stressed, and sweat was on his forehead. At this time, Bing Ji said, "Dear friends, something happened, I can guarantee that my husband does not know The inside story, wait for me to find out clearly, can I explain to you?"

At this time, Ye Feifan waved his hand, "It's okay, don't tell me, anyway, this fate can't be refined by the hands of me and so on, and now everyone can work together to make a pot of daggers, at least it can also help A little skill..."

Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and the rest of the people saw Ye Feifan speaking, and they said nothing. After all, after working for a few days, they got at least a few pills of medicine.

It's just that some of the ninth-rank strong men are a bit unbalanced, especially the King of Owls. Finally, they made the body of fate into a Lingyun column. You're good, just replace me with a pill, and see you The person has a share, how do you accept it?

"Haha, everyone look, who is here?"

Just when King Owl wanted to go viral, there was a burst of laughter outside the mountain, everyone's eyes turned, and then they saw two figures appearing on the square in front of the palace instantly.

"This is..." Everyone looked at the old man beside the night demon lord, the scene seemed to be frozen.

"Brother?" King Owl first called out broke the solidified atmosphere. He and Gross were brothers of righteousness, and naturally recognized Gross at a glance.

"Brother Owl? Are you really here?" Of course Gros also recognized King Owl, and the whole person was petrified!

Shocked, accidentally, Gross looked around, many of them were acquaintances!

Gros’s seniority is already the oldest in the void world. Most of the people there know, even if they don’t know it, it can only be regarded as a junior. Like Suhang, they don’t know at all. Who is this old man? Can everyone be so surprised?

"Gross, the founder of the Temple of the Void, the elder brother of King Owl!" At this time, Bing Ji quietly explained to Su Hang in his ear, this sentence, but surprised Su Hang!

So, the old man in front of him is his rival?

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