Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2998: Come out for me!

"He is Gross?"

Su Hang couldn't help but carefully look at the old man in the distance, and subconsciously stepped back, making himself less conspicuous. If Gros knew he was here, Su Hang could imagine how miserable he would die. .

Fortunately, Gross hasn't seen him yet, which is still gratifying for Su Hang!

At this time, Gross, where is the mood to pay attention to the Su Hang in the crowd? Among the many strong men, Su Hang is too unobtrusive.

With a mess in his heart, Gross looked at this and looked at that. He knew a lot of acquaintances. He felt that his brain was a little overwhelming. Until King Owl grabbed his hands excitedly, he still couldn't react.

Everyone was watching Gros, just like they were watching Soviet Air. All their faces were covered with smiles. Many of these people had hatred against Gros, but at this moment, there was no hatred at all. Without exception, it is all about promoting narrowness and gloating!

There is another victim, these people, do not know what kind of psychology!

Su Hang was worried, why did Gros enter here? He got the box? In other words, has the Temple of Void come to the world of Chaos?

For a moment, Su Hang felt a little uneasy in his heart!

"You guys, why are you all in the magical box!" Gross looked around and woke up from ignorance, his mouth a little trembling, and there was a bad hunch in his heart!

Tie Ahu haha ​​smiled, walked over and patted Gross on the shoulder, "Brother, how did you come in, how did we come in, haha, I don't know why, I can't help seeing you I want to laugh!"

Gros was covered with black lines on his face, and it was a little bit of aftertaste. In his impression, most of the people who got the box disappeared mysteriously. Now I want to come. Could it have come into this box?

But why didn't they go out? Could it be said that something in this box is attracting them?

Just thinking about it, Mo Changchun came over and looked at Gross seriously, "God machine box? Brother, do you know the origin of this box?"

Gross heard this, frowning slightly, staring at Mo Changchun, but did not reply!

At this time, King Xiao said, "Brother Mo, the elder brother has just arrived, I'm afraid I'm still not used to it. Let's let him slow down first and wait until I talk to him!"

Seeing that Gross was not in a state, Mo Changchun heard this and nodded, and even greeted everyone to disperse, but no one paid attention to Su Hang. After three days of exhaustion, everyone had to consume and had to rest.

Su Hang hurriedly took advantage of the crowd and left with Bing Ji, taking back Wu Xiangding.


In the room, Su Hang was walking back and forth, seeming to be worried, quite anxious!

"You can't blame you for failing to re-train your physical body. After all, you don't know what the result will be. At least you have made a panacea. Everyone has benefited!" Bing Ji saw Su Hang with a worried face. Thinking he was anxious about the fate of the flesh, he quickly uttered comfort!

Su Hang shook his head again and again, "I am worried, not this!"

"Oh? Then what are you worried about?" Bing Ji looked at Su Hang in doubt.

Su Hang frowned and said nothing.

Bingji smiled and said, "We have already worshipped and we have become relatives. Don't you think I'll hurt you? What can I tell you, don't hide it!"

Su Hang took a deep breath and told Bing Ji about his grievances with Gros, and his fear that the Void Temple had invaded the chaotic world.

After all, since Gross came in, it proved that Gross got the box, that is to say, Gross went to Chuangjie Mountain!

After hearing Su Hang’s words, Bing Ji frowned and stood up and patted Su Hang’s shoulder. “It seems that you should not show up for the past few days. Although he hasn’t seen you yet, other people know you. If you let him know about your existence, I'm afraid I will definitely deal with you. He and Brother Xiao Wang are brothers of righteousness. I can find an opportunity to listen to him, at least understand the outside world..."

Su Hang took a deep breath, and now it can only be like this. In this world, the only person willing to help him and willing to help him is probably Bing Ji!

"I just want to get out of this ghost place now!" At this moment, Su Hang had an urge to cry, and his emotions almost collapsed, but in the face of Bing Ji, as a man, he dare not cry come out.


For the next time, Suhang could only stay in the room and dared not go anywhere, for fear of encountering Gross, let Gross know his identity!

Bing Ji went to help to hear the news, and Su Hang could only wait. He had no other choice but to wait.

Pressing the worry in his heart, no one left or right, Su Hang took out the phaseless tripod, his body flashed into the tripod!

"No phase, come out for me!"

As soon as he entered the tripod, Su Hang shouted loudly. It looked like a fiery debt collector!

"What is it?" At this time, an old man raked out of his body and walked out from the depths of the chaotic ethos of the chaos. It was none other than nothing.

Su Hang walked over and grabbed Wu Xiang's neck directly, "Why lie to me?"

"Cough!" Wuxiang is where Su Hang's opponent quickly grabbed Su Hang's hands. "Let go, let go, if you have something to say, why should you?"

Su Hang let go of the phaseless, "You killed me, let me tell you a good time?"

Wu Xiang smiled bitterly, "You guys, really rude, are now in this state, still so rash!"

Su Hang took a deep breath and calmed down the anger in his heart, glaring at nothing, saying, "Say good to reinvent the body of destiny, why did you make me a panacea? Do you know, I To leave this space, you must regenerate your destiny. The original six people divided the body of the destiny. Now it’s okay. If you practice such a panacea, everyone has a share..."

"Calm, calm..." Wu Xiang waved his hands and explained, "That's the physical body of fate. Do you think I handled it as I wanted?"

Su Hang listened to this His face was black, "Huh, it's impossible, or is fate letting you turn his flesh into a panacea?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Wu Xiang replied.

Su Hang was stunned, "What? What are you saying? Is this destiny?"

What a joke? Fate will make Wuxiang refine his flesh and give it to others? Is this funny? Who would be so stupid?

Wu Xiang sighed, "I don't need to lie to you, after all, think about it, what good can I do by doing this?"

Su Hang frowned, "Why didn't you tell me long ago?"

Wu Xiang shrugged. "If I told you earlier, would you still collect the body of fate so hard? Can those six people willingly hand over the body of fate?"

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