Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2999: Real armor!

A few words, what Su Hang said was nothing!

???????? "Why?" Su Hang was sulking for a long time before he spit out three words. Why should he do this? Why should destiny do this? You know, this is undoubtedly a complete abandonment of the restoration of the physical body and the rebirth in this way!

?????????? "Where do I know why?" Shaking his head helplessly, "I'm just an executor of destiny. I dare not ask, nor dare to say! "

???????????? Su Hang looked at Wuxiang with a black face, "This is the worst time I have been fooled by you, I trust you so much, you actually concealed in this kind of thing I am phaseless, can I still believe you in the future?"

???????? "Ah, brother!" Wu Xiang reached out and patted Su Hang's shoulder. "It's helpless, you have to understand brother, and then, rebirth, what good can it do for you? ..."

???????? "He is not reborn, how can I get out of this broken box?" Su Hang hummed.

???????? There is no way to say, "Is he born again, you can go out? Don’t think about it. Although fate is planning what, I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, he came with you this time. , I never thought about going out so quickly. There must be something he wanted in this space, so that he would rather give up what he didn’t want!"

?????? Su Hang frowned, "I don't care what he wants, I just know, I want to go out now, I want to leave this broken space!"

?????? No sigh, "Boy, if you want to open a little bit, we are weak now, we can only be squeezed by others. We still admit our fate for the time being, and weird development is good. Moreover, this time, you are not No gains!"

???????? "I have the gain of fart!" It's okay not to listen to this, Su Hang wanted to scold the mother as soon as he heard this, "It took me three days to consume so much skill, In the end, I grabbed a panacea. I don’t know if I can make up for my loss!"

?????????? Said, there was a panacea in the hands of Su Hang, which was the one he got when he started the trip.

?????????? At that time, everyone was robbing orders, Su Hang was stunned in the spot because of surprise, so he grabbed one, and the others were robbed by others. For him, This business is blood loss.

?????????? "Haha!" At this time, there was no phase but smiled, "Don't forget, brother, this destiny, but I made it!"

?????????? "Huh?" Su Hang raised her eyebrows and looked at Wuxiang. "What's the matter, do you still have private possessions?"

?????????? "Go away those two words!" A corner of the mouth of the phaseless mouth was curved, and a jade bottle was taken out of the sleeve. "I not only hid, but also hid a lot !"

???????? Without saying anything, Su Hang directly reached out and grabbed the jade bottle from the phaseless hand. When he opened it, the aroma was tangy, and the golden light inside was the same kind of immortality.

?????????? "I am not a fool, can I give them all?" Wu Xiang's face with a full smile, "As early as the moment Dancheng, I was already in the first place Most of the Elixir has been taken away. There are 365 Destiny Pills in this bottle, all of which are made from the fate of the fate refined from the body of Destiny. One is enough to be repaired by the 100 Yuan Society. Because, these 365 panacea pills are the power of nearly 40,000 yuan, in your current state, take one per month, only thirty years, enough to make you reach the seventh level, or even It is the eighth-order dominion!"

?????????? Closing the bottle in his hand, Su Hang was a little excited. Although thirty years is a long time for him, it is too short for practitioners. It’s too short to ignore!

?????? No doubt, this is a huge asset!

???????? "No!" Su Hang suddenly seemed to think of something.

???????? "What's wrong?" Wu Xiang looked at Suhang with a bit of consternation.

???????? Su Hangdao, "The power of destiny, the ninth-order dominance, and far more powerful than the ninth-order dominance, you are a panacea, plus others have snatched it, at most 500 , Where it accounts for the majority, but only enough to reach the eighth order? This is unscientific, saying, do you still have private possessions?"

?????? The beard without a face shook, "Boy, what are you kidding me, I'm just an instrument, what's the use of hiding this thing?"

??????"Then you give me a reasonable explanation!" Su Hang is not so easy to dispel doubts about the unrelated. The old boy has fooled himself once, then it cannot be ruled out that he can foolish himself a second time. !

???????? After all, the material thrown in has a theoretical output of 100 pounds. As a result, you only produced 20 pounds for me. Even if your machine is heavily consumed, you can’t consume so much. Right?

?????????? Looking at Su Hang without words, and hooked his finger at Su Hang, "Come with me!"

???????? Having finished speaking, he turned and walked into the depths of the white space filled with air. Su Hang followed closely with doubt, but he was not afraid of this trick.

???????? Although this time pitted himself, Su Hang believes that no phase will not harm him, at least he has left so much inventory.


???????? In the depths of the tripod, there is a pond, about two feet square. The pond is filled with milk-like white water, and gurgling bubbling, like a milk hot spring.

???????? came to the pool, stopped without a phase, Suhang looked at it, how could there be such a place in Dingzhong, and what is the source of this pool?

???????????? Did not wait for Su Hang to ask, without knowing Su Hang's doubts, stretched out a finger, and pointed to the pool.

?????????? I saw that the pool boiled more intensely, a lotus leaf holding a white cocoon-like thing, breaking open the pool surface to reveal it.

???????????? "What is this?" Suhang asked immediately.

?????????? There is no way to say, "Aren't you destiny flesh? This is it!"

???????? "What?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Don't you refine him into a panacea?"

???????????? Shaking his head without phase, "Those immortals are just the condensed air of destiny in the flesh. Although powerful, they are only part of the flesh. With the strength of the strong, the physical body has been retrained, and the new physical body is generated, but it is no longer the physical body of fate!"

?????????? "What do you mean?" Su Hang looked at Wuxiang a little Wuxiang Road, "meaning that the flesh in this cocoon has been taken off The essence of the flesh has nothing to do with destiny, it is already a very pure armor..."

?????????? "Oh?" Su Hang was surprised for a while. "Could it be that my destiny left me?"

?????????? Smiled without a face, and did not deny, "This body consumes a huge amount of energy. If you want to use it, it is not an easy task. However, in your current state, If you control this armor, Tier 7, Tier 8 or even Tier 9, it should not be a problem, but it is difficult to say how long it can support, three seconds, five seconds, ha ha, you will know when you try it at that time!"

???????? Su Hang heard that he couldn't help but feel a little excited. What kind of energy can be completely ignored. Didn't he just get so many destiny? Not to mention three seconds and five seconds, even if it is only one second and two seconds, it is very rare to be able to experience the power of the eighth order and the nineth order.

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