Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3000: I know this person!

???????????? You know, this level, even if only a second, is enough to do a lot of things!

???????????? "How to use this armor?" Su Hang immediately asked!

?????? There is no way to say, "Battle armor has not been completely gestated, you drop a drop of sperm blood, it will follow your heart and turn into what you want, after the pregnancy is completed, you are The only thing that can control it is!"

?????????????? Su Hang turned his face and looked at Wuxiang, "Brother, I trust you very much, I hope you can also be worthy of my trust, this time, you don’t Will you lie to me again?"

?????????? shrugged without a face, "brother, don't you say you trust me very much? Is there anything to doubt? The time we have known is not too short, I have had some harm After you? If you refuse to believe me, then forget it, this pair of armor will stay here and wait for the next one!

?????? Su Hang stared at Wuxiang for a while, and then nodded slightly, "Well, I believe you!"

?????? Now biting the middle finger, forcing a drop of essence blood, shot directly at the white cocoon in the pool, the essence blood fell on the white cocoon, and instantly entered!

?????????? Immediately afterwards, the white cocoon seemed to be urged. Like a balloon, it quickly inflated. The white water in the pool was boiling. The breathtaking momentum made Suhang unable to bear it. Take a step back.

?????????? Soon, the white cocoon has grown to more than a foot high, and finally stopped growing, only to hear a click, a crack appeared on the white cocoon, as if there was life To break out of the cocoon.

???????? The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and it quickly broke into two halves, just like a peeled peanut shell, revealing the inside.

???????????? It was a man with a long hair shawl, all naked, sitting cross-legged on the lotus leaf, his muscles muscular, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of terror.

?????????????? There is no breath, no breath of life, if nothing is said, this is just a pair of armor, a pair of human-shaped armor, a completely refined , A humanoid Taoist without a soul.

???????????? However, at the moment when this humanoid armor appeared, Suhang felt a mysterious connection with it, a blood-connected connection.

?????????? A big sleeve waved, the sleeve wind blowing, blowing the hair of the humanoid armor, revealing the true appearance, as if nothing had said, this armor was refined by the Soviet Air The appearance of blood is almost exactly the same as that of Su Hang. The only difference is that the hair is longer than that of Su Hang, more like a doppelganger of Su Hang!

?????????? "Well, didn't you lie to you?" Wu Xiang joked next to him, "Do you want to try it?"

?????????? Su Hang paused, "Forget it, try again later!"

?????????? With a wave of his hand, the lotus leaf was holding the flesh armor, slowly sinking into the bottom of the pool, and no matter what it said, this armor is very energy-consuming. The consumption is not clear for a few days, there is no need to waste it at this time, wait until later.

?????????? Saying nothing, standing next to it silently, Suhang stared at the pool for a while, "Brother, you have been with destiny for many years, but you know how to do this Go out of the box space?"

?????????? Shaking his head without phase, "Fate has always believed in a fate, and fate has arrived, even if you don't want to go out, you can go out!"

?????????? "Really?" Su Hang smiled bitterly!


?????????? Mo Changchun, they come in this box, they don’t even know how many Yuanhui, until now they have not been able to wait for the so-called fate, Su Air does not want to be like them, for Su Air, I can’t wait for ten or eight years...

?????????? Every minute is a waste of time for Air China!

?????????? The unanswered answer was too perfunctory for Su Hang. Su Hang took a deep breath and looked at the bottle filled with Elixir in his hand. Strength, it's better to ask for help, to provoke an axe to split this broken box!

?????????? Out of Wuxiang Ding, Su Hang took out a Destiny Pill and tried to take it. Since he has learned the power of this medicine from Wu Xiang's mouth, Su Hang naturally does not have to worry about it What are the side effects, this is a panacea for pure substitute skill.

?????????? The medicine power of immortality is huge, but it is not fierce and very gentle. Su Hang is sitting on the bed, the ancestral scripture has been running for a few hours, and the medicine power is still growing continuously. Flesh and soul.

?????????? "This medicine, I am afraid that three or two can make me break through to the third-order dominion?" There was footsteps outside, Su Hang opened his eyes, knowing that Bing Ji came back Now!

?????????????? The more you go up, the more horrible it is to consume. Don’t look at the fact that only two or three can break through now. These three hundred and sixty-six elixir can let him go At that point, it's hard to tell!

?????????? Bing Ji pushed the door in and saw Su Hang meditating beside him.

???????? "How? But there is news?" Without waiting for Bing Ji to sit down, Su Hang quickly got up and greeted the past.

?????? Bingji went to ask Gross to help him listen to the news. For the outside situation, Su Hang felt abnormally worried, for fear that Bingji would bring any bad news!

???????? "Don't hurry!"

???????? Bing Ji sat down at the table, "The King of Owls was talking to Gross, I listened to it a little bit, and Gross seemed to know quite a bit about this box space..."

???????? "Oh?" Su Hang looked at Bing Ji doubtfully.

???????? Bing Ji Road, "He said that this box is called the Divine Machine Box, what is his master's thing, I was a bit strange, in the life of Gros, what can exist, is Enough to qualify as his master?"

?????????? "Guru Gross, that's not..." Su Hang frowned, Master Gross, isn't Meng Nan? Is this box really Meng Nan's thing?

???????? At this time, Su Hang was really crying and laughing. This box was actually left by Meng Nan. Is he full enough to support him? Is it because he left such a box for mischief?

???????????? "Do you know something?" Bing Ji looked at Su Hang curiously.

?????????? "I know this person. I used to only know that he was boring, but I didn't expect him to be so boring!" Su Hang felt a little tired. In the end, he was actually killed by Meng. Nan gave the pit, he wanted to break the sky and did not think it would be the result!


?????????? When I heard that Suhang knew the master of Gros Bing Ji was also very surprised and couldn't help asking more.

?????????? Su Hang waved his hand, "You talk about what you heard..."

???????? Bing Ji nodded slightly, "However, it seems that he only knows that this box is called a magic machine box. Like us, he is smart, shrinking his body and coming in through the gap of the box. Yes, it’s still impossible to get out of it. He probably doesn’t know much about this box yet as much as we know!"

?????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, "Then he said how he got this box?"

?????????????? Bing Ji looked up at Su Hang, "This may have to go talk to him yourself!"

???????? "I talk to him?" Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly, "What a joke? Isn't that killing me?"

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