Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3002: Night talk!

In the room, looking at each other, the atmosphere almost solidified, Su Hang's heart thumped, and the pressure that Gross put on him was too great!

"Boy, you are guilty!" Gross sat in the chair and questioned for a long time from his mouth.

Su Hang took a deep breath and found a stool next to him, so as not to flash his legs and show cowardice.

"What does Lord Gross have to say, and what sin do I have?" Su Hang asked, but he was secretly guarding his mind. If Gross had the intention to start against him, he had to take out the armor of fate immediately!

"Everyone knows people, why pretend to be stupid?" Gross said lightly, making people unable to see his anger!

Su Hang also said lightly, "I think it's better to make it clear!"

Gross took a deep breath and looked at Su Hang with cold eyes, "Boy, Yuehua, did you do it? With a small life, not only did Yuehua be buried, but I also suffered huge losses from the Void Temple, You're really overcast!"

Su Hang listened and said, "I don't think I am yin, everything I do is just to protect myself and chaos. As for the consequences, I really didn't expect it. I didn't expect things to evolve like this!"

"Hehe!" Gross laughed lightly. "If you think you said that, I will let you go, then you are wrong!"

Su Hang is not afraid, "Are you still killing me? We are all trapped in this box now. You and I can't get out. Do you think there is any point in those grudges?"

"Humph!" Gross glanced at Su Hang. "If you can't get out, it doesn't mean the old man can't get out!"

Su Hang heard that, frowning gently, "What do you mean? Do you have a way to get out?"

Gross smiled lightly, "I'm not afraid to tell you that although I can't go out, this magical machine box is the thing of my master. My master is supernatural. I am trapped in the box. As long as I pray sincerely, his old man will surely show up to save him!"

"Haha!" Su Hang heard this, but couldn't help laughing. "Naive, really naive!"

Gross stared at Su Hang, who wanted to show superiority, but didn't want to be ridiculed by Su Hang, which made him bear it, "Boy, what do you say?"

After Su Hang laughed, he looked at Gross, "Your master? Do you mean Meng Nan?"

Gross raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Su Hang with a little surprise. "It seems that you really have seen the teacher!"

"Huh?" This made Su Hang a little stunned. "You don't seem surprised?"

Gross said, "If there is a letter from the teacher, how long do you think your chaotic world can last? When the old man gets the letter from the teacher, the old man knows that the master must be in the chaotic world, and you are now the owner of the chaos. People should have contact with the Master. The old man came to the Chaos World this time to seek the Master. I went to Chuangjie Mountain to find you, but I wanted to find you to listen to the Master. I didn’t expect to see the Master by accident. The remaining machine box, a research, this is here!"

At the end of the day, Gross was a little embarrassed. If he wasn't smart, how could he come in and be trapped like everyone else?

"So, did you go to Chuangjie Mountain?" Su Hang dropped his face!

Gros seemed to know what Su Hang was worried about, "Yes, the old man went to Chuangjie Mountain. However, the old fish did not bother to deal with those small fish and shrimps. Moreover, there is a warning from the master, but now let me When I see you, then there can be complaints and revenge!"

Hearing this, Suhang felt relieved, that is to say, Gross did not start on Chuangjie Mountain!

As for his desire to complain and revenge against himself, Su Hang did not care so much, after all, he is not without a fight!

"You are not afraid?"

Seeing Su Hang is not only afraid, but also a little more joy on his face. Gross frowned slightly. This little second-order master kid, ignoring himself?

This courage is extraordinary, and Gros can't help but look at the Soviet Union again!

"What are I afraid of?" Su Hang shook his head. "Brother Meng Nan and I have some friendship. He also helped me resolve the crisis several times. He also mentioned to me that you are his The named disciple, Gros, and Meng Nan and I talked with each other in the same age. Counting it, I am also your elder!"

"Humph, ridiculous!" Gross snorted, elder? What stinky fish rotten shrimp also deserve to be called his elders? Ridiculous!

Immediately, Gross said, "Because of you, the strength of the temple has been greatly damaged, and it has been affected by the influence of the Quartet. It was crumbling. I originally went to chaos to find you about the whereabouts of the master. Yes, but now it seems that it is not necessary at all. There are many friends of the old man in this box. They can help me through this crisis in the temple, so your presence seems a bit daunting. I am not right about chaos for the time being. Start, just destroy you, I believe that Master will not say anything!"

Between the words, there is a great threat.

Su Hangdao, "Even if everyone here helps you, what can you do? Everyone can't get out of it, you are all like a fart!"

Su Hang's words are already unkind, "Don't tell me, your Master will come to rescue you, I have a good relationship with him, but I haven't seen him come to rescue me, if you don't believe, you can try..."

Gross frowned, looking at the brave boy in front of him, and said for a long time, "Try, I will try it myself, but boy, our direct grievances, it is impossible to be kind, I now give Brother Mo a face, I will not care about you for the time being, there will be a day to clean up you sooner or later!"

Su Hang listened to The corner of the mouth curved a little, "We are grasshoppers on a rope, a pair of brothers and brothers, is it necessary to lie in the nest? The grudge is broken, then you have to wait after leaving the box Again, now I want to go out more than you..."

Gross looked at Su Hang calmly, "I heard Brother Mo that they said, the motto left by fate? Are you ready to resurrect your fate?"

Su Hang shrugged, "Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel, I know that there is a deep hatred between you and destiny, maybe you don’t want him to be born again, but, as you wish, I may simply Never thought about rebirth!"

"What do you mean?" Gross looked at Su Hang lightly. What did he never think about rebirth? Do not want to be reborn?

"I don't know!" Su Hang shook his head. "I don't know how to explain it now. I am afraid that the so-called proverbs of destiny are just a piece of joke. At the moment, we can only go with the flow and look step by step!"

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