Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3003: Stolen!

?????????? Gross frowned slightly, "I heard Mo Changchun say, you and Bing Ji have a son, this box can be opened?"

???????? Su Hang could not laugh or cry, "This ghost logic, say it, do you believe it?"

???????? This matter is completely nonsense!

???????? Gross shook his head, "I don't believe it or not, they all believe it!"

???????? "They have been kept in this box for a long time, and they are holding back their imagination. A group of neuropathy, is that credible?" Su Hang retorted.

???????? "No, no!" Gross said, "This is what you don't understand, this **** box, you see it as a magic weapon, we outsiders, just be The magic weapon is trapped, and the owner of the magic weapon does not open the box, no one can get out!"

?????????????? "So, wait for your master to open the box?" Su Hang asked.

???????????? Gross shook his head, "Master can open the box and let us go out, that is naturally the best, but if Master is not interesting, we have to find another way, According to my guess, if a new life is born, this life is not a foreign life, maybe this box will be chosen as the new owner, and the proverbs left by fate may be what this means!"


?????????? Listening to Gross's nose, eyes, and mind, Su Hang was stunned by him, "that is, a new life can become the master of this box space, The so-called proverb of fate, is this? Become the owner of the box, open the box?"

???????????? Gross nodded slightly, "Rule restrictions, this space can't give birth to new life, but, I can know what fate is thinking, he wants to speculate, Reborn in the situation of reincarnation, and then become the master of this space!"

???????? Su Hang stayed for a long time, staring at Gros froze!

???????? "No, no, this doesn't make sense!" Su Hang shook his head again and again, disagreeing with Gross's words.

???????? "What makes no sense?" Gross asked.

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "You said that all have noses and eyes, but, don't forget one thing, why did destiny do this, and why should it be done?"

???????? "This space is empty, why would destiny want to abandon the flesh, rather reincarnate, to get this space?"

???????? Su Hang shook his head again and again, this simply does not make sense!

???????? At this time, Gross said, "This is nothing difficult to understand, because this box is left by the master, destiny wants to get it, not surprising!"

???????? "Oh!" Su Hang smiled bitterly, "The key is, what is the use of this box? It's just an empty box, what can it do?"

?????????? Gross said, "Master is not so boring, this box can never be empty..."

?????????? Su Hang heard this, and really wanted to ask him, how much do you know about your master, is he not bored? He is really boring!

?????????? "Yeah, this is indeed not an empty box, after all, we have so many injustices!" Su Hangdao.

??????Gross said, his face slightly trembling, "I mean, there must be treasure in this box!"

???????? "There is treasure, what treasure?" Su Hang looked at Gros with a smile, "If there is treasure, the group of people inside has long been searched, this space is not very big. It’s not a small thing. What’s trapped in the box is the existence of the dominating realm. I don’t know how many billions of years have come early. Do you think that there is treasure in this box, and everyone can still wonder?

??????Gross was firm in his face, "You underestimated Master's ability, I have a hunch, there must be a huge secret in this box..."

?????? Looking at Gross's eyes, full of admiration for his master, was revealed. Su Hang felt that he was not saved. Like himself just coming in, he could not recognize the reality.

???????? "What baby, what secret, don't even think about it, I think, you are not as practical as you can, quickly set up an altar, pray to your master, let him open the box!" Su channel.

??????????Gross glanced at Su Hang, "I don't need you to say that I still mean it!"

?????????? Su Hang shrugged, "Then I wish you good luck, if you can go out, then I really have to thank you, and then, the grudges between us, let's talk about it again!"

?????????? After finishing, Suhang got up and left, and Gross did not stop!


?????????? "How? What did he say?" Bing Ji sighed in relief when he saw Su Hang coming out, and greeted him quickly!

???????? "Go back and say it again!" Su Hang did not say much, and went back to the place with Bing Ji.

???????? After returning to the residence, Suhang briefly talked to Bingji about the dialogue with Gross, and said whether there is treasure in this space, Bingji shook his head again and again, saying never heard about it.

???????? Su Hang thought for a while and said, "Then who do you know is the first person to come in this box?"

???????? "You are a suspicion, the first person to enter the box, hidden the treasure in the box?" Bing Ji easily thought of Su Hang's suspicion.

?????????? Su Hang nodded slightly, "It does not rule out this possibility. The first person to come in is indeed the most suspected, either the box itself is empty, or it has already been It's taken, but no one else knows it!"

???????? Bing Ji smiled bitterly, "You can think of this problem, but I think this should not exist, this box is so powerful, if there is treasure, the value of its treasure must be Higher, after so many years, if someone has a treasure, it’s impossible not to show any traces!"

???????? "Everything is not absolute, in case someone just can bear it?"

?????????? Bing Ji thought about it, maybe Su Hang made sense, said immediately, "The first box, as far as I know, is Brother Tian Pi!"

???????? "Heavenly Way?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

?????????? "The thief is also a thief!" Bing Ji explained!

?????? Su Hang heard the words, frowned slightly, "Tian Tian Pi? The difference between the words, fall a thousand miles, listening to this name, it seems that it is not a good person!"

???????? "A person's good or bad, how can he spend his name?" Bingji shook his head and smiled I have little contact with him, but his character should still be Not bad, at least there is no contradiction with other people, treat others is also gentle and easy-going! "

???????? "These things can be disguised!" Su Hang waved his hand, "Tell about this thief!"

???????????? Bing Ji nodded, "Tian Tian, ​​this person, has always been very low-key, I heard a long time ago, he should have a seventh-order dominance, the strength is not outstanding, in Among the people I wait for, it can only be regarded as the upper middle, but he has a deep friendship with Yunlang of Paiyun Cave and has lived in Paiyun Cave for a long time!"

??????????" As for the others, I don’t know much about it. This person doesn’t like the limelight. Like most people, he doesn’t show the mountains and the water. I haven’t paid much attention to it before. Went to listen to his news!"

???????? "He also came this wedding banquet, that is, the middle-aged man sitting next to Yun Lang, who is still in Moya Mountain, do you want to see him?"??

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