Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3004: It's all here!

After listening to Bing Ji, Su Hang passed through his mind, but he didn't remember who was sitting next to Yun Lang and what he looked like.

After all, Su Hang's mind was only on the six masters, where would he be distracted to pay attention to a star next to the moon?

"See you, do you know where he lives?" Su Hang thought about it, and still had to visit.


These two days have just passed the wedding banquet, everyone has not left, especially these two days by Su Hang fooling around to make a panacea, a lot of consumption, basically recovering.

Not far from Gros's residence, there was a small courtyard. The yard was black and empty, the gate was closed, and there was a faint voice from inside.

"Just here?" Su Hang looked up. The courtyard was called Yingfengyuan, but where is the wind in the void?

Bing Ji nodded slightly, "Tian Tiao and Yun Lang live here!"

"Yunlang is also here?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and they were all great people. He so rashly came to the door that if there was a conflict, he could not suppress the scene!

However, they have already arrived here. Su Hang hesitated and walked in with their legs raised. This time, Bing Ji also followed in. After all, there is no need to avoid it!

"Excuse me, can Senior Senior Theft be in the house? Su Hang asks!"

Coming to the yard, Su Hang arched his hand against the main hall door, at least the courtesy should be sufficient, so as not to say that you do not understand the etiquette, there is a reason for soar.

With a crunch, the door opened to the side, "Come in!"

This sound, sounded familiar to Su Hang's ears, and went into the hall with Bing Ji, only to find that there were three people sitting in the hall, and two of them had seen him, one was Yunlang, the other was actually grid Rose!

This old man, just finished talking with himself, why did he come here? Su Hang is a little puzzled!

Next to Gros, sitting a thin man with a tall nose and a deep-sighted man. I think that this man should be a stolen man!

When Suhang looked at the crowd, three people were also looking at Suhang. The thin man said, "Little friend came to me? I don't know what's the matter?"

Su Hang was a little embarrassed, looked at the two people next to him, and indicated that it was not convenient to say!

Tian Pi smiled, "None of them are outsiders, Xiaoyou has something to say, but it's okay!"

Yun Lang pointed to the seat next to him and motioned for Su Hang and Bing Ji to take their seats!

Su Hang was also polite. He found a seat and sat down. He just opened his mouth and wanted to ask something. At this time, Gross opened his mouth. "Do you want to ask if Brother Tiandao knows what is in this box space? Where is the treasure?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, looked at Gros in amazement, but the next day's thief laughed aloud, "Little friend, this question you want to ask, just Gros has already asked!"


Su Hang looked over to Gross, and it turned out that Gross had the same purpose as him.

Think about it too, Gross thinks that there is treasure in this space, it is natural to think of the body of Tian Pi, and come to Tian Pi for confirmation is a matter of course. After all, Su Hang can think of how Gros can't think of it.

Hearing Tian Tian’s words, Gross caressed, “Boy, you don’t have to worry about that. I think Tian Tian brother just said, he doesn’t know anything!”

This sounds like it's talking to Su Hang again, but in fact it's more like talking to the sky!

Su Hang didn't know what they had talked about before they came in, but one thing is certain, Gross has not gained anything.

Su Hang glanced at Tian Pi, and Tian Pi smiled bitterly, "Brother Ge doesn't need to call me with such a sandy projection. Although I was the first to come in, I can use my character guarantee, this box is indeed There is nothing, at least I haven’t discovered it, and I don’t have to worry about what treasure I will hide!”

Tian Pi looks like a bitter-hearted woman, but Gross doesn’t seem to believe him, "I know the origin of this box. Brother Tian Pi, do you think such a box will be really empty? Are you really? It’s very suspicious, we don’t mean to ask you to hand over the things. If you really get something, please tell me, then that thing may be the key to whether we can leave this space!"

Tian Pi has a bitter face, and I don’t know how to answer Gross’s words. The other party believes that you have hidden something. No matter how you explain it, it’s useless.

At this time, Yun Lang opened his mouth, "Gross, I can guarantee for Brother Tiandao, you don't have to ask this question again!"

guarantee? When Gros heard this, she couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking that although Yunlang is a ninth-ranking master, why should you guarantee it? The relationship between you two is so good, maybe you are a gang, the baby is hidden by the two of you!

I really want to say that you guarantee a fart! But Gros thought that he could not do Yun Lang now. He took a deep breath and said, "Well, Brother Yun Lang said that, I certainly believe it, but I still have a question to ask Brother Tian Rob!"

His eyes fell on the thief, and the thief paused, feeling that Gross would not be a good question to ask!

"Brother Ge, please!" Tian Pi nodded!

Gros said, "Brother Tiandao was the first to enter the space of this box, that is to say, Brother Tiandao was the first to get the God Machine Box. So, I would like to ask, this God Machine Box is Heaven Robber Where did the brother get it from?"

This question is a bit of an idea, and Su Hang is also trying to ask this question. You know, this magic box is Meng Nan's thing, how could you get it? Stolen? If it is stolen, then the character of this stolen person is a bit doubtful. If he just guarantees his character, it is not enough to be accepted.

I have to say that this question is tricky and awkward to ask. Several people looked at the thief and waited for him to answer.

Tian Pi smiled to get this box? If I say it, I'm afraid you won't believe it! "

"Senior Thief only wants to say, I will naturally believe it!" Su Hang said directly.

Tian Pi took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I don't know how this box came from. I just remember that day, when I closed at the Spirit Market, I suddenly rang and awakened me, and I quickly went out to check, only Seeing that a big pit was smashed before closing the door, there was an object in the pit, that is the box, which is what Brother Ge said to be a magical machine box!"

"I don’t know the origin of the box, but because the box is too special to open at all, so I guess there will be treasures in it and try to come in. I found that I can’t get out. It’s too late to regret, and later, one after another When someone comes in, I don’t feel alone..."

Tian Pi talked about his past. Su Hang and others listened to his ears, but he was a bit skeptical. Hearing what he said, the box took the initiative to find him?

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