Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3007: Who is Su Hang?

?????????? Suhang is now in the corner. There are so many gangsters here, there is no place for him to show.

?????????? Since there is a door, then there must be a way to open the door. Su Hang wants to take out Meng Nan's destiny for her, but it is simply inconvenient for so many people here .

???????? The emergence of this treasure house is certainly not for no reason, it must be a foreshadowing of what everyone sees, this treasure house should appear for the first time.

?????????? I don’t know how long this treasure house will appear, will it always exist, or will it disappear after some time?

???????????? Gross frowned, not knowing what he was thinking, perhaps thinking about what clues his master had left him!

???????????? "Gross, you are the only one who has been in. Tell us what is inside!" At this time, Yun Lang asked.

?????????? Yun Lang asked, everyone looked at Gros curiously, and couldn't get in. Simply listen to Gros gossip and see if this treasure trove had any value to them.

???????????? Gross recovered, thought for a while, and looked up at the treasure house in front of him, "There are five layers in it, and none of them contains huge treasures, I only I went in once. When I first visited the teacher, Master asked me to go in and choose a treasure..."

?????????? "Oh? What did your brother choose?" Wang Xiao asked.

?????????? Gross said, "I didn't choose any magic weapon. When I was a teacher, we were in conflict with fate. The fate was too strong. I chose 10,000 yuan. Skills..."

???????????? "The skill of ten thousand yuan?"

???????????? Everyone was surprised, there are skills available? Ten thousand yuan, that is a very powerful skill.

?????????? Gross smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately, he still failed to overcome his fate, and finally was seriously wounded by his fate, and fell into the field like today..."

?????????? The ninth-ranking master fell to the seventh-ranking, and has not broken through for many years. Gros's mood is naturally indescribable. The emergence of this treasure house in front of him, but he let him see hope. In this treasure house, There must be a treasure to restore his strength!

?????????????? "Gross, it really is such a bad climate!"

?????????? Just as everyone was sighing, a voice suddenly came from the side, and everyone looked back, and somehow an unknown old man appeared next to him!

???????????? Everyone didn't know anyone, and none of them called their names, and even how the old man appeared did not notice it.

?????????? "Who is your Excellency?" Gross frowned, and the person immediately disrespected himself, which made him instinctively disgusted.

???????????? The old man was polite, with a faint smile, and his eyes only looked at Gros in the crowd, "Old Fleur nine dust, from the fairy!"

???????????? Fairy? Upon hearing the name, Gross was obviously startled, and looked at the old man in front of him in a daze!

???????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, where is the fairy, Su Hang did not know, but he heard Meng Nan said, Meng Nan also comes from the fairy, that is Say, this Luo Jiuchen and Meng Nan come from the same place.

?????????????? "Why? You haven't heard of me?" The old man looked at Gross faintly.

?????????? Gross woke up and quickly shook his head, "No, no, you are Luo Jiuchen, Brother Luo? I have heard Master mention you..."

?????????? Gross seemed a little excited, as if he had seen a loved one.

?????????? Luo Jiuchen heard the words, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "I also heard from Master about you, saying that I had accepted a disciple in Hongmeng World, because it is not a climate, just a name. !"

???????? Speaking of this, Luo Jiuchen looked up and down Gros, "I said, Junior Brother, you have been practicing for so many years, why is it the seventh-order dominance, and depending on your situation, it is still faintly If it does not stop in time, I am afraid it will not be long before it will fall to the sixth order!"

When he heard this, Gross was lifeless, only embarrassed and embarrassed. He stepped forward and came to Luo Jiuchen, "This matter is hard to say. The younger brother was seriously injured and his strength fell. Retired, failed to recover for many years, I wanted to find Master's help, but it was difficult to find the trace of Master, so it has been dragged until now, I don't want to see Brother today, my younger brother Brother Luo!"

?????? Having finished, Gross was excited to pay respect to Luo Jiuchen!

?????? Luo Jiuchen was relieved by Gross’s visit, "Slightly injured, why bother with the Master, stay here, and help your brother to see it!"

???????? "Thank you, Brother!" Gros was excited again, this really met his loved ones, "Brother here, but the Master asked you to rescue me!"

???????? It is hard to imagine how excited Gross is now. It must be that his master sensed his prayer and knew that he was trapped in the box, so he sent this brother to save himself!

???????? Master really did not forget me, Gros called that moved.

???????? Luo Jiuchen looked at Gross indifferently, but did not answer him, but his eyes were clearly an expression that you thought about more, maybe you just didn't want to fight Gross!

???????? Everyone around looked at this scene in a daze, before I heard that Gross said there was a master, and he was so bragging that there was another brother coming out at this time. This brother seemed to be the same Niubi coax!

????????Luo Jiuchen looked up at the treasure house in front of him, "The treasure house is now alive. If you can come here, you should be destined. After the door opens, you can enter." , Seek each opportunity!"

?????????? Everyone looked at Luo Jiuchen suspiciously. This person came mysteriously. No one but Gros had a whisper.

?????????? At this time, Su Hang was also a little excited, but what he was excited about was not the treasure in the treasure, but the appearance of Luo Jiuchen, did it mean that the box could be opened and able to go out? Anymore?

?????????? "Brother Luo, can I go in too?" Gross asked.

?????????? Luo Jiuchen smiled, "Everyone here can go in, naturally including you!"

???????? The implication is, you can go in, I can go in, everyone can go in and seek opportunities!

?????????? Gross was relieved obviously, his eyes showed a very hot light, and even a bit of a fist!

"Brother, how do you open this door?" Gross asked.

After listening to this Luo Jiuchen looked around, "Excuse me, who is Su Hang?"


Everyone was stunned and turned their eyes to Su Hang in the corner, and at this time, the named Su Hang was also ashamed.

I don't need Su Hang to answer. Just looking at everyone's eyes, Luo Jiuchen already knew the answer, "Your Excellency is Su Hang?"

Su Hang stood up stubbornly, "I am Su Hang, I do not know what you advise?"

???? If you don’t order others, just click me, what does that mean? Su Hang felt a little nervous.

Luo Jiuchen glanced at Su Hang, nodded slightly, and did not talk nonsense. A slap-shaped large square jade dish appeared in his hand, and he passed it directly to Su Hang!

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