Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3008: Endless treasure!

???? "What is this?" Su Hang unconsciously reached over and took a look down at what was in his hand. It was cold, without weight, like nothing.

???????? Luo Jiuchen said, "The key to the door, you press it on the door, the door will naturally open!"

???????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, "But why am I?"

???????? "Let you go, where do you come from so much nonsense!" Without waiting for Luo Jiuchen to reply, the king next to him said a word first.

?????????? So far, King Owl has been a little unhappy with Su Hang!

???????????? Where does Su Hang care about him, without clarifying the situation, he can't just open the door in such a risky way.

???????? After all, with so many people here, why should you go by yourself? If oneself is used as a sacrifice, then you are not wronged to die?

???????????? Luo Jiuchen said, "I also want to know why, but this key was given to me by the teacher, and I said let you come, I naturally want to respect the teacher's life. !"

??????????Oh? Su Hang hesitated a moment, was Meng Nan asked? What does this mean?

?????????? "Boy, let you open the door, is it because you don't even have the courage? If my brother wants to be against you, can I still use these means?" Gross said.

???????????? Gross was a little rushed, but it still sounded quite reasonable. Su Hang hesitated and took the hex key and walked to the gate.

?????????? "How to open the law?" Su Hang asked Luo Jiuchen back.

?????? Luo Jiuchen said, "One press on the door, the door will open naturally!"


???????? The voice had just fallen, and Su Air had already pressed the so-called key directly on his door.

???????? Everyone looked at the door, thinking that Su Hang would be tweaking for a while!

?????? I saw Su Hang's hand on the door, and the key made of hexagonal jade in his hand was instantly absorbed on the door.

?????? "Buzz!"

???????? Su Hang only felt a scorching heat in the palm of his hand. There was a force that bounced his palm. The hexagonal key melted into the door as if the ice had melted. The hard door also seemed It turned into the surface of the water, starting with the palm of the Su Hang, and the waves spread out in circles!

?????????? Su Hang quickly took his hands away, and saw that the circle of ripples spread on the stone door. After a while, a small vortex formed on the stone door.

The vortex quickly became larger, but after a while, it had spread to the whole gate, and the gate disappeared in a moment, and only a black passage appeared in front of everyone.

???????? However, no one acted, and Su Hang stood at the gate in a daze, not knowing what was going on in it, and he dared not act.

???????? Everyone looked at Su Hang, then looked back at Luo Jiuchen, why did Su Hang come to open this stone door?

?????????? Luo Jiuchen didn't move, everyone didn't dare to move, it was clear that Luo Jiuchen wanted to know more about this treasure house, and they knew nothing about it.

???????? "What are you waiting for, come in!"

???????? Luo Jiuchen smiled, then lifted his legs and walked towards the stone gate. When passing by Su Hang, he stopped and looked at Su Hang, and gave Su Hang a very meaningful look. Then entered the treasure house.

???????? Gross followed immediately and couldn't wait. The other people met, and there were any worries, and they swarmed in.

?????????? For a moment, only Su Hang and Bing Ji were left outside the door!

???????? Bing Ji pulled the Su Hang who was still stunned, "Let's go, let's go in too!"

???????? Su Hang nodded slightly, entered the stone gate side by side with Bing Ji, walked through a corridor, with brilliant lights in front, what appeared in front of Su Hang was a magnificent hall and a rounded dome , Almost five feet tall!

?????????? Sure enough, there is heaven and earth, and Su Hang looks around. This hall is full of modernization, with a clear marble floor, a few white jade pillars on the wall, and many watercolors and chandeliers painted on the wall. The wall lamp illuminates the whole hall!

???????? Everyone is like Grandma Liu into the Grand View Garden, looking around, looking curiously at every corner, as if looking for treasure.

?????????? Luo Jiuchen stood in the middle of the hall and looked at everyone with a smile, "You guys, listen to me for two sentences first!"

?????????? Everyone calmed down, gathered around Luo Jiuchen, and focused their gaze on Luo Jiuchen's body. Gross stood beside him, just like a follower.

?????????? Luo Jiuchen said, "This treasure trove is owned by Master Meng Nan Daojun and contains infinite treasures from all walks of life. You have been trapped in the box for so many years. I owe it, so I opened the door of the treasure house and let you all come in the treasure house to find a chance, which is a make up for everyone!"

?????? "Where is the treasure? Why didn't I see it?" Tie Ahu directly said, this guy is just like the king of owls, he is an impatient!

???????? The hall is empty, except for the marble floor, which is the pillar of white jade. Where is the treasure?

???????? Luo Jiuchen's mouth showed a slight arc, "Dear everyone, look behind me!"

?????????? Everyone heard the words and looked back, only to see that the ground was shaking, and the jade platforms appeared out of thin air, neatly arranged in the hall.

???????????? This hall is about the size of a football field, and the jade terraces almost cover the entire hall, dense and dense, there are about hundreds of them!

?????????? Each jade platform is about one meter high, with a semi-circular transparent light mask on it, looming a precious light!

???????????? Everyone looked at this scene and were stunned!

???????????? Luo Jiuchen said, "There is a treasure on each jade table, and there is information on each treasure outside the mask. You can take a good look, but, I I have to remind you, don’t move around when watching. Everyone can only choose the same. After choosing, put your hand on the table and the mask will open..."

???????? "Everything here is an invaluable treasure. You can choose whatever you want. Remember, choose it before you start!"

???????? "You have a choice of incense, please cherish!"


?????????? Luo Jiuchen's words came down, and everyone immediately dispersed, where did they go to the jade!

???????? Su Hang should calm down a little bit. After all, he has a system of learning the gods, what baby can't get it? Just prepare the energy!

???????? But Out of curiosity, Su Hang was still the first to enter the Jade Terrace area with Bing Ji, just like walking into a museum.

?????????? Walking to the nearest jade platform, the jade platform is covered by a transparent mask. Through the mask, you can see that the tray is on the table, and a color is suspended in the tray. Light group!

?????????? I can't see clearly. Bing Ji pointed to the front of the stone platform, where there was a nameplate with some information on it.

???????????? Item: Kung Fu Ball!

???????????? Introduction: After use, you can immediately increase the power of 1,000 yuan!

?????????? "Oh!" Su Hang's eyes flashed a bright color, the skill of a thousand yuan, that's a lot, used in Su Hang's body, entered the tertiary dominance, should Isn’t that difficult?

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