Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3010: what are you laughing at?

Su Hang looked around, and the rest, plus him and Bing Ji, there were only ten people. In addition to Gross and Luo Jiuchen, there were six people left!

Mo Changchun, Condensation Frost, King Owl, Ye Feifan, Yun Lang, Drunk Mengsheng!

There are only a few left, and others, including the Tier Ahu, including the ninth-rank strongmen, have been forced to leave.

So much was eliminated in the first wave?

A lot of them were pitted. For Mo Changchun and several others, he had indeed hesitated just now, but the treasures just did not arouse their great interest. Even the full-grade Dan, for Su Hang In this way, it may be regarded as a treasure, but for the ninth-level strongman, there is no use at all!

As for Zui Mengsheng, he was a bit slippery. When he saw that Gross was hiding behind Luo Jiuchen, he guessed that there must be something behind. This is after all only the first floor. When I just looked outside, this treasure house But five floors!

"Everyone, congratulations to you here in advance!" Luo Jiuchen looked at the eight people in front of him, and then pointed to the top of his finger. "There are also four layers above, each layer has countless treasures, you can choose one at will. Everyone can choose a treasure, but I have to remind you that this is your last chance. You can only choose to enter one of them. Once you choose, you can’t change it. After a column of incense, no matter whether you have chosen a satisfactory treasure, it will be spread out of the treasure house and no longer have the opportunity!"


Several people had surprised faces on their faces, and Zui Mengsheng asked, "Is there any difference between the four layers above?"

Everyone is curious!

Luo Jiuchen shook his head, "I can't answer you this question, because although this treasure house is a teacher, but as a disciple of his old family, I have not been in every floor!"

Everyone frowned, how to choose one out of four? According to common sense, the things at the top should be the most precious, that is to say, the things at the fifth should be the most attractive?

However, since Luo Jiuchen has such a multiple choice question, it can only show that the fifth floor may not be the most valuable one. Of course, it may also be Luo Jiuchen's mystery!

"You guys, please!"

Luo Jiuchen said, spread his hands, and opened four doors on the walls in four directions, just like the elevator doors, leading to the second three, four, and five floors!

Several people are hesitating, after all, there is not much information, which level to enter, it is very difficult to choose!

However, as time goes by, if you stay a little longer, you may miss a chance to get a treasure.

Mo Changchun and Condensed Frost glanced at each other, and then the two of them walked to the gate leading to the fifth floor!

If you don’t know how to choose, you might as well choose the fifth floor. Under the same probability, the possibility of big goods on the fifth floor may be higher.

Seeing that Mo Changchun and Condensed Frost are gone, the two of King Xiao and Ye Feifan also quickly caught up. They also chose the fifth floor. As for the reason, they should be the same as Mo Changchun.

Yun Lang hesitated and entered the fourth floor with Zui Mengsheng!

There were Gross, Su Hang, Bing Ji, and Luo Jiuchen in place.

Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang, "Are you still going?"

Su Hang thought about it, "No hurry, I will follow you!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang strangely!

Su Hang smiled, "Which level you enter, we will enter the level!"

"Oh!" Luo Jiuchen heard the words and couldn't help laughing. "I don't fetch treasures, what are you waiting for me to do? Time is running out, young people, opportunities should not be missed..."

Su Hang shrugged, "I don't care, but I don't believe you will come out empty-handed when you come in!"

Even if Luo Jiuchen is not interested, can Gross not be interested? You know, Gross has a purpose in coming in, but Gross has not been hands-on. Obviously, he is waiting for Luo Jiuchen.

This Luo Jiuchen routine is quite deep, and Su Hang felt that only by staring at him can he have the opportunity to get the most benefit!

Bing Ji stood firmly behind Su Hang. Su Hang did not leave, she naturally did not leave, and she was waiting for Luo Jiuchen.


Luo Jiuchen stared at Su Hang for a while and suddenly laughed!

Gross was inexplicably, and Su Hang was inexplicably, "What are you laughing at?"

Luo Jiuchen brushed the long whiskers under his jaws, "Brother Su, it really is a shrewd person. It's a good thing. The master said that anyone who can enter this treasure house is qualified to take a treasure, and the old man naturally has it. This opportunity!"

Su Hang smiled, "The time for a pillar of incense, but not long, we can wait, just don't know if you can't wait?"

"Brother?" Gross looked at Luo Jiuchen next to him. He was also waiting for Luo Jiuchen. He knew that Luo Jiuchen must know where the most valuable things in this treasure trove were. Unexpectedly, Su Hang was also playing this idea. .

Luo Jiuchen shook his head, "Brother Su is smart and wise, the old man admires it, but I am not afraid to tell you that you are waiting for me, I am also waiting!"

"What are you waiting for?" Su Hang frowned slightly!

"Waiting for you!" Luo Jiuchen looked at Su Hang with a profound expression!

"Wait for me?" Su Hang looked puzzled.

Luo Jiuchen nodded his head as a matter of course, "Yes, wait for you, Brother Su, which floor you go to, I will go to the floor!"

Su Hang stunned, Luo Jiuchen's words made him very puzzled, "Why?"

Luo Jiuchen smiled, "There are many treasures in this treasure house, what is the most precious, and where, I am afraid that only the Master knows, you ask me which floor I plan to go, I can only tell you, I can only rely on Mongolia, but before I came I had already thought about it, since the Master looked at you differently, it means that you have a great chance, so follow you, there will be no mistake!"

Gros looked at Luo Jiuchen with a stunned look beside him. It seemed that he wanted to find out if Luo Jiuchen was telling the truth. He was really waiting for Su Hang to choose first.

"Boy, pick it quickly, time is running out!" Gross said impatiently.

Regarding Luo Jiuchen's remarks, Su Hang was somewhat unable to accept it. This is like a bad exam. It is justified to find a good copy answer. Now, Luo Jiuchen thinks of Su Hang That score is good!

Staring at Luo Jiuchen for a long time, this is so special, you wait for me, I wait for you, when will this have to wait? It's not a way to wait like this, no one will get any benefits at that time!

From Luo Jiuchen's eyes, Su Hang couldn't see his suspicion of telling lies, and he looked forward to it a little bit, as if he was really waiting for Su Hang's choice!

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