Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3011: Hongmeng larvae!

????"Then I choose the second floor!" Su Hang said for a long time.

???????? Luo Jiuchen heard the words, showing a slight arc in the corner of his mouth, "Okay, let's go to the second floor!"

???????? The speech was very neat and refreshing, Su Hang stared at Luo Jiuchen for a long time, Luo Jiuchen did not say anything, and went directly to the gate of the second floor.

???????? Standing in the door, Luo Jiuchen turned around, "Brother Su, please!"

???????? Su Hang took a deep breath and walked over with Bing Ji. Gross froze for a moment, and immediately followed, all four entered the gate, and the gate closed immediately.

?????????? Just like an elevator, it is quite modern, only to feel a slight tremor under the foot, straight to the second floor!


???????? The door opened, and has reached the second floor. The entrance is also a bright hall. There is almost no difference from the first floor. Rows of jade tables have been neatly displayed.

?????????? "Brother Su, please feel free!" Luo Jiuchen said, and then he had entered the jade platform area, looking for the baby he could deserve!

???????? Gross is also like a fart, excited with words, thinking that this opportunity is hard-won, must choose the most precious thing!

???????? The time was running out. After some delay, there was only about half of the incense left. Su Hang looked around and wandered around with Bing Ji.

?????????? There are probably hundreds of treasures displayed on the second floor. Su Hang and the two people saw a few of them, and they didn’t think they were too big compared to the treasures on the first floor. The difference may be a little vaguely better!

?????????? "Oh, this..."

???????? His eyes fell on one of the jade platforms, Su Hang fixed his gaze, and Bing Ji walked over next to him and looked into the hood of Yutai.

???????? There is a book suspended in it, the darkened cover, obviously some years, there are three big words written on the cover!

???????? Patriarch Sutra!

???????? Item: Patriarch Sutra!

???????? Introduction: Boring things written by boring people!

???????? Bing Ji was a little stunned, "Boring thing? Do you know this book?"

???????? Can be displayed here, how can it be boring? What can surprise Su Hang is even less boring!

???????? Su Hang has not answered, Luo Jiuchen has come over, "The ancestral ancestor is a masterpiece created by the teacher, this should be the whole story, Brother Su, if you are interested, you may as well take it! "

???????????? Luo Jiuchen said this, proving that he had no idea about this ancestral scripture. After all, he was a disciple of Meng Nan and he must have practiced the ancestral scriptures!

???????????? However, the Soviet Union is also not interested, after all, he has not completed the third chapter, this ancestral scripture, I am afraid there are only three chapters, three chapters It's already in his hands, he doesn't need to waste such an opportunity!

???????? Gross came over, but he was very interested. Meng Nan accepted him as a disciple, but he did not pass on his skills. At this time, I heard that it was the ancestor created by Meng Nan. He is naturally very interested in truancy!

?????? However, after a careful measurement, this exercise method is tempting to him, but his top priority now is to restore the skill and state of the year and repair the injuries on the flesh. This exercise method obviously cannot Satisfy this point, so Gross thought about it and gave up!

???????? As for Bing Ji, she has her own practice methods, even if the other methods are good, she can’t modify it and stick to her own way, that’s the truth!

?????????? At this time, Luo Jiuchen's eyes fell on a jade platform next to him, and I saw that there was a chaotic fog like that in the mask, that thing It is as if there is life, sometimes elongated and sometimes compressed, so that people can not see its true content.

???????? Item: Hongmeng larvae!

???????? Introduction: A Hongmeng world in the development stage!

???????? A simple one-sentence introduction surprised Su Hang inexplicably. This is actually a developing Hongmeng world!

?????? What is Hongmeng World? The void world outside of chaos was once called Hongmeng. To be precise, the current chaotic world can also be regarded as a part of the Hongmeng world.

?????? More than one world in Hongmeng? There is still a larvae here? Su Hang felt that his brain circuit could not be turned around.

"Is Brother Su interested?" Luo Jiuchen turned to Su Hang and asked.

???????? Su Hang looked at Luo Jiuchen with some doubt, "What's the use of this thing?"

?????? Luo Jiuchen smiled indifferently, "This thing is of great use to the ninth-order master monk. For example, if I have this thing, maybe in the near future, I will be able to surpass the ninth-order master. !"

?????????? Su Hang looked at Luo Jiuchen with some shock, and did not speak for a long time!

?????????? That is to say, breaking through the ninth-level dominance is related to the **** of Hongmeng?

???????? However, for Su Hang, it is still a bit far away, even if he got it, I am afraid it will not be used for a long time!

?????????? Su Hang shook his head, "If you are interested, please first please!"

???????? Luo Jiuchen's mouth showed a trace of arc, "If you don't want it, then I will have it!"

?????? The voice fell, Luo Jiuchen's hand was already printed on the jade platform, and then the mask on the jade platform disappeared, Luo Jiuchen's hand stretched forward, and the mist of fog instantly went from Luo Jiu. Dust's palm penetrated and disappeared.

???????? Luo Jiuchen's face with a somewhat satisfied smile, he is also a powerhouse of the ninth-order dominance, this time to get the opportunity to enter the treasure house, the biggest purpose is to seek a breakthrough The method, and this Hongmeng larvae, exactly as he wanted, with this thing, break through the ninth order, enter a higher realm, just around the corner!

???????? "Congratulations brother!"

?????????? Gross sent a sincere blessing next to him, he was also puzzled how Luo Jiuchen made a decision so quickly, did not say any better choice, but listen to Luo Jiu After Chen talked about the usefulness of this thing, there was only sigh and envy!

???????? Unfortunately, he has not recovered to the ninth level, otherwise, he would also like to take this thing!

?????????? Luo Jiuchen smiled and said, "Younger brother has always wanted to restore his skill, just for his brother just saw a treasure, maybe it will be useful to you!"

???????? "Oh?" A flash of alien color flashed in Gross' eyes, "Brother, please give pointers!"

?????????? Luo Jiuchen led Gross to the corner. Although Su Hang was curious, he did not follow. After all, time was limited, so he was not given a lively opportunity.

?????????? Bing Ji apparently did not have that leisure, and followed Su Hang for a while, and finally stopped in front of a jade platform in the northwest corner.

???????????? There is a white crystal floating in the mask, just like a piece of the mask is across, Su Hang can still feel its cold!

???????? Item: Source of Ice!

???????? Brief introduction: Hongmeng is essential for the birth of the basic source!

?????????? Su Hang does not understand, but Bing Ji is obviously very interested in this thing, because she is practicing the practice of ice attributes.

???????? Before Su Hangduo said, Bing Ji's hand had been pressed on the stone platform, the mask had faded, Bing Ji reached out to grab the piece of ice, Xiu Mei wrinkled slightly, cold Bing merged into Bing Ji's flesh.

?????? Bing Ji's face was filled with rejoicing, and she turned back and smiled at Su Hang, "I'll choose this!"

?????? Su Hang nodded slightly, no matter whether it was useful to Bing Ji, happy anyway!

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