Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3013: system maintenance!

?????? Luo Jiuchen nodded slightly, "To be honest, no one can go out, of course I can't get out!"

?????????? Everyone looked at Luo Jiuchen in doubt, there would be such a silly person in the world?

?????????? Mo Changchun said, "Luo Daoyou, I don't know what the time is right?"

???????????? Luo Jiuchen took a deep breath, "You don't have to worry about it, Luo Mou has gotten the chance from the treasure house, if no accident, when Luo Mou detaches from the present state, This space will not be able to restrain me. By then, Luomou will take you out!"


???????? Everyone heard that his eyes were all bright, and Gros next to him suddenly realized that Luo Jiuchen ventured into treasure hunting, knowing that as long as he could break through a higher state, he could leave, no wonder he would know The situation in this box is still so bold to come in!

???????? "I don't know, how long will it take Brother Luo to break through?" Ye Feifan asked.

???????? Luo Jiuchen said, "Several seven or eight years, as many as three or fifty years!"

?????????? Everyone heard the words, and there was a look of joy on their faces, that is, at most another thirty or fifty years, they can leave?

???????? They don’t know how long they have been waiting in this space. For thirty or fifty years, for them, it’s just a flick of a finger, a nap, and a blink of an eye. Too.

?????????????? At this time, Luo Jiuchen said, "Of course, if you want to stay in the box at that time, wait for the next treasure chest to open, Luomou will not block!"

?????? Everyone heard, the account called for a look, wait? Although the treasures in the treasure trove are attractive enough, the world outside is vast!

???????? On the scene, only Su Hang was smiling bitterly. For thirty to fifty years, it was very short for others, but for him, it was too long!

???????? Others can wait, he can't wait!

?????????? "Senior Luo..." Su Hang seemed to have something to say!

???????? However, just after the words were spoken, Luo Jiuchen reached out and stopped, "Brother Su, you don't have to say more, we all have our own fate, you turn to me, I also Reluctantly, if you are too long in thirty or fifty years, you may wish to find other ways yourself!"

???????????? Speaking of this part, what can Su Air say?

?????????? At this time, Mo Changchun said, "Brother Luo is new, when there is nowhere to go, why not go to Moya Mountain for a break, how?"

???????? Mo Changchun is enthusiastic, others want to come forward to invite, but their own conditions are not as good as Mo Yashan, can only watch Mo Changchun be such a good person, offer this diligence!

???????????? Luo Jiuchen did not refuse, nodded slightly, "Then thank you Dao friends!"

?????????? Mo Changchun smiled and could make such a presence, for him, it can be said that there are many benefits.

???????? The other people looked at each other, most of them decided to go to Moya Mountain, after all, after a nap in thirty or fifty years, in case Luo Jiuchen walked by the time, he missed the opportunity, then no Is it miserable?

?????????? Therefore, at this time, it was still good for everyone to hold the group, so a group of people were full and went to Moya Mountain!

?????????? This time, indeed everyone is full!



?????????? After returning to Moya Mountain, Su Hang originally wanted to talk to Luo Jiuchen, but Luo Jiuchen didn't give him a chance. As soon as he returned to Mo Yashan, Mo Changchun Find a quiet room for him and go to retreat!

?????????? The rest of the people, who got the treasure from the treasure house, also shrunk in their residences, either closed or studied.

?????????? Bingji got the source of extreme ice, also need to spend some time to realize!

?????????? In the room, Bing Ji was sitting on the bed, the ice around her was a little bit, her eyes were closed, she was breathing evenly, the fairy was so powerful, Su Hang sighed helplessly, this Bing Ji, obviously If you have a place to live, you still rely on yourself, but you still don't reject it, which makes Suhang have to sigh that the magic medicine for condensing cream is really too fierce!

???????? Su Hang took out the scroll of destiny and took a look at it. There was only the word destiny on the scroll. Ordinary, nothing special!

???????? However, the simplest way, something that looks ordinary, is not necessarily ordinary, is it really able to upgrade the super learning system to the ultimate form?

?????????? Su Hang had such a little suspicion in his heart. However, there is a question before him, how to use this scroll?

???????? As soon as the thought started, Suhang felt that the scroll in his hand was hot, and it became hot and hot in an instant. Before the Suhang had time to react, the scroll turned into a streamer and directly fell into Suhang's eyebrows. .

???????? "Buzz!"

?????? Su Hang instantly felt like his brain was exploding, his eyes flashed, he fainted and planted his head directly on the ground!

???????? "System upgrade and maintenance, this update and maintenance takes about three hours, restart after three hours!"

???????? A mechanical voice sounded in Su Hang's mind, but Su Hang in the syncope just didn't know if it could be heard.


???????? When Su Hang woke up, it was already the next day. I don’t know when he was lying on the bed. Bing Ji was still sitting cross-legged next to him. Presumably Bing Ji found him falling to the ground. Lift him up.

?????????? "Wake up?" When Suhang woke up, Bing Ji opened her eyes and looked at Suhang!

???????? Su Hang sat up and patted his head with his hand, some confused, some headache.

???????? "How long have I slept?" Su Hang asked.

?????? "One night!" Bing Ji replied, "What's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly faint?"

???????? Anyway, Su Hang is also the existence of a dominating realm, why would suddenly faint? Bing Ji was shocked last night. She thought that Su Hang was secretly attacked by someone!

???????? Fortunately, just one night, Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief. "It's nothing. I used the baby I got from the treasure trove. I didn't expect it to be so fierce. It's a bit up. Now it's okay!"

???????? "Huh?" Bing Ji looked up and down Suhang, a little puzzled, already used? But did not see any improvement in the realm of Su Hang?

?????? What is the use of that baby? Bing Ji was a little curious, but Su Hang didn't say, and she didn't have a good time to follow up.

?????????? "How about you? That source of extreme ice can help you?" Su Hang asked.

?????????? Bing Ji nodded slightly, "This treasure is indeed powerful. Only one night, I feel that cultivation has grown a lot. This ice source is constantly tempering my body and Soul, I believe that it will not take long to enter the eighth level..."

???????????? Su Hang nodded, "My head hurts a bit, I will adjust my interest rate for a while!"


???????????? At this time, Su can't wait for it, what will it look like after learning the **** system is upgraded!

???????????? "System maintenance is complete!"

???????????? "Get an updated maintenance compensation package *1"


???????????? As soon as the system was called up, a bunch of messages popped up, and I almost didn't dry Suhang!

Is there a maintenance package? Su Hang froze for a moment, quickly clicked to receive, and got the gift bag, without a word, opened it directly in the sea of ​​consciousness, according to the principle, the compensation for system upgrade and maintenance should be very rich and excellent!

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