Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3014: Maintain compensation packages!

???????? "Obtain the key to the treasure *1"

???????? "Get energy points * 10 trillion trillion!"


???????? The content of the gift package is very simple, just two, the energy points are directly stored by Soviet Airways, 10 trillion trillion energy points, for the current Soviet Airways, it is a big income.


?????????? Item: Treasure Key.

??????????Introduction: After use, you can open the Mengnan Treasury once and send the user to the Mengnan Treasure!


?????????? Hey? Su Hang froze for a moment, Mengnan treasure house? Was it the treasure house they had entered before? Su Hang is a little surprised, that is to say, he still has the opportunity to enter the treasure trove again?

???????? Then this is a good thing, after the system maintenance and upgrade, is the function really powerful? Can you get the key to that treasure house?

???????? Surprised to be surprised, Su Hang was even more surprised by the scroll of destiny from Meng Nan, which actually allowed the Xueshen system to be upgraded directly to the ultimate form.

???????? This is too strong, right? However, at this moment, Su Hang is not very interested in treasures. What treasure house key does not know whether this ultimate science system can make the key of this box, if it can, then would it be possible to go out? !

???????? At the moment, Suhang does not say anything, and directly communicates with the Xueshen system. This is also the first time since the system upgrade, Suhang has provided demand for the system, and it is somewhat surging!

?????????? After a while, Su Hang's mouth showed a somewhat satisfied smile.

???????? "What are you laughing at?" Bing Ji apparently has been following Su Hang. This guy actually laughed, and did not know what good things happened.

???????????? Su Hang opened his eyes and met Bing Ji's curious eyes, "I have a way to go out!"

???????? "Go out? Where to go?" Bing Ji froze for a moment.

???????? Su Hang smiled, "Of course it is to leave this box, go to the world outside the box, I now, there is a way to go out!"

?????? "Really?" Bing Ji heard the words, his face was surprised, but then the expression on his face froze again, "What you said is true?"

?????????? After all, Su Hang only dominates the realm of Tier II. She is so far away that she can’t go out. What can Su Hang do? Don’t be whimsical?

???????? "Relax, this time to be ten stable!" Su Hang smiled and stood up from the bed!

???????? "Where are you going?" Bing Ji asked quickly.

???????? Su Hang took care of his clothes, "Before I go out, I have to find some existence and talk about it!"

???????? "Who are you looking for?" Bing Ji got up and asked.

???????? "Gross!" Su Hang dropped a sentence, and has walked out of the room!

???????? Looking for Gross again? Bing Ji was a little stunned. What did Su Hang do to find Gros at this time? Does it mean that to leave this box, you still need to pass Gross?


???????? I have been here once, and this time, the airline has been familiar with it, and soon arrived at Gross’s residence.

??????Gross was retreating and practiced, and Su Hang was pulled out by the wake directly. The black face was like the bottom of the pot.

???????? "Boy, if you don't give me a statement, I can't finish it with you today!" In the main hall, Gross's eyes seemed to swallow the Suhang!

???????? is in retreat and is being awakened alive by people, this feeling, refining should not be too bad, anyone will get a little angry, especially Gross!

?????????? Suhang has no fear, "I have a way to leave this box!"

???????? Straight in, Su Hang said such a sentence directly!

????????Gross stared at Suhang with a stunned look, only to recover for a long time, "You woke me up just to say this?"

?????????? Su Hang nodded for granted.

???????? "Humph!" Gros was not angry, he snorted heavily, "I also have a way to leave, didn't Brother Luo say it, just thirty or fifty years..."

???????? "No, I mean now!" Su Hang interrupted Gross, "I have a way to leave now!"

???????? "Huh?" Gross froze, staring at Su Hang for a long time, "What are you saying? Now?"

???????? Su Hang nodded seriously, "Yes, now, I can go out at any time, Lord Lord Gross, I think, you should be like me now, eager to go out, after all There are crises on all sides of the Void Temple. If you wait three or fifty years before going out and whether the Void Temple still exists, it may not be necessary. Maybe it was already annexed by other forces!"

???????? Gross reached out and interrupted Suhang's words, "How to get out?"

???????? The corner of Su Hang’s mouth curved a little, "I can take you out, but I need to talk to you about a condition!"

?????????? "What conditions?" Gross asked directly.

?????? Su Hangdao, "Simple, I only need one of your promises. We are also sad together. After we leave here, I hope you and I can turn it into a jade silk. The previous grudges will be cancelled. You and yours The Temple of the Void can no longer play the idea of ​​Chaos World!"

???????? "Oh, ha ha ha ha!" Gros heard, suddenly ha ha laughed, "ridiculous, kid, because of you, my temple lost so much, this debt, is it said to be cancelled? Can it be written off?"

???????? Su Hang shrugged, "What happened before was completely accidental. I never thought it would be the result, causing damage to the temple, and I can't blame me completely. Moreover, Gross Lord, you should be very clear, if you wait for three or fifty years before going out, then I am afraid that the temple is not as simple as a loss. Lord Lord Gross has been in business for so many years, I am afraid that I don’t want to be destroyed and destroyed. Once once?"

?????????? Gross took a deep breath, "You can really go out!"

???????? "You don't have to doubt this!" Su Hangdao.

?????? Gross thought for a while, "Even if I promised that the temple would not be embarrassed by chaos, but, don't think that there is no power to stare at the chaotic world, other forces, I can't control..."

???????? "Gross Palace Lord, you said this question, maybe, we can still cooperate?" Su Hangdao.

???????? "Cooperation?" Gross chuckled work with you? ridiculous! "

???????? "Not ridiculous!" Su Hang shook his head, "Since you and I grudged off, then the next step is naturally cooperation, don't forget, your Void Temple, also suffered from The threat of the Quartet, we have a common enemy!"

?????????? "With your power, the second-order dominion, the void can take you, too much!" Gross still despised the Soviet airlines, a second-order domination, It's simply not enough to talk to him on an equal footing!

???????? Su Hangdao, "Although I only have second-order dominance, it took me less than six years to develop from an ordinary mortal to the present state, so, you think, if you Give me six years, am I still a second-order dominator?"

???????????? Gross frowned slightly and couldn’t help but look at Su Hang. If Su Hang said it was true, then this kid was really amazing!

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