Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3018: Void Demon is coming!

However, for the current Su Hang, there are not so many worries for the time being, the Xueshen system has been upgraded to the ultimate form, and Su Hang can expect that the future practice will be smooth, and in a short time, it will reach the ninth-order dominance. , It should not be a problem, when the threat from the void can be regarded as a threat?


Off the peak!

Chu Beng was like losing his soul. The whole anxious anxiety seemed to be going to collapse. The box that the old master left him to take care of was taken away by the mysterious man. How could this be good?

When he saw Su Hang, Chu Beng was like grabbing the life-saving straw, and quickly pulled Su Hang to cry and let Su Hang get an idea.

Seeing the situation of Chu Bang, Su Hang didn't have the heart to tease him again and told the truth. After repeated confirmation, Chu Bang couldn't help but settle down and was overjoyed!

"Brother Chu, what do you plan to do afterwards?" Su Chu asked casually when Chu Beng stabilized his emotions and the two of them sat at the table.

Chu Beng sighed, "What else can I do, the old master has already returned, and I should naturally go back quickly, otherwise, the old master will blame, I can't afford it!"

Su Hangdao, "I and the Temple are already in alliance, and the two are no longer at odds. You will come here once again. You may wish to stay a little longer. I think that Lord Gros will not blame!"

Chu Beng could hear that these were just polite scenes, and he shook his head at the moment, "The temple is a waste of life, how can I enjoy here, or I have to go back earlier, the old temple master has a bad temper, if he wants to punish I don’t care what alliance is not alliance!"

Su Hang heard that it was not easy to keep him, but Chu Bang then said, "Brother Su, there is one thing, I am afraid you have to know!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Chu Beng in surprise. What else did he have to explain to himself?

Chu Beng leaned forward and said, "Brother Su, I am afraid that the Void Demon has come to the chaotic world, and I can feel that there is a Void Demon on your creation mountain, you may be against this Void The devil doesn’t know much about it. They are made up of the remnant spirits of the declining void powerhouse. These existences are not powerful, and they are extremely good at disguising. However, I am naturally sensitive to the spirit of the demon, these days , I found that there is more than one spirit on the mountain of creation world, and there is more than one, there must be a void demons coming here, Brother Su, you must be careful!"

"This is serious?" Su Hang was a little surprised. I don't know if it was the reason why he didn't pay attention. He really didn't feel any Void Demon on this mountain!

Chu Bang nodded. "It's true, Brother Su doesn't have to doubt me. I can't do anything else like me, but I'm naturally allergic to the spirit of the devil..."

Su Hang hesitated for a moment, "So, Brother Chu, you really can't just leave this way. First help me find the Void Demon on this mountain and talk!"

Chu Beng heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Brother Su is a little embarrassed to me. These Void Demon camouflage, ordinary people can't see the flaws at all, I can only feel the spirit of the devil, but these few I also checked the sky. I couldn’t find the specific position of the spirit of the demon spirit. What is certain is that its strength is definitely above me. You must know that even the strength of the void magic spirit is stronger, even if there is the dominance of the realm, It’s not easy to see through their real bodies!"

"So, Brother Su, I said so much, I just wanted to remind you, I have limited ability, and I can help you too. I still go back to the temple first, these Void Demons, to be honest, I can't afford it !"


When Chu Beng said it, he laughed aloud. The meaning of the words, Su Hang still heard it. This guy might not be able to find the Void Demon Clan he said, but he did not dare to offend!

While Su Hang was here, Chu Bang did not dare to offend. Su Hang had to guess that the Void Demon hidden in Chuangjie Mountain might not be underestimated!

Seeing Chu Beng's appearance, Su Hang didn't want to be overcome by the strongman. Since he wanted to leave, after a few words of greeting, he sent him away.

The Void Demon is a force in the Void, but now it has actually sneaked into the chaotic world, and it has also sneaked into its own side. If Chu Bang said the truth, then this matter is a bit big!

Earlier, there was already a Demon Clan of the Holy Ghost, what a woman called Xuan Ling broke in, and also tried to **** the reborn Xuan Ming. Now, another Void Demon Clan emerged, what do they want to do?

In the Cangtian Temple, Su Hang repeatedly searched the entire Chuangjie Mountain with his tyrannical consciousness, and did not know whether those existences were really so good at disguising. Su Hang still failed to see any flaws.

Su Hang frowned, the enemy is dark, I am clear, the key is not yet aware of these existence hidden in Chuangjie Mountain, what idea to play, is always a hidden danger!

On the side of the so-called couch, how can we allow others to sleep soundly? Su Hang does not want to leave such a hidden danger around him. Since he knows that they exist, he must be removed.

"What happened?"

A figure walked in from the entrance of the hall. Su Hang looked up, but it was Bing Ji. Bing Ji's realm was much higher. Presumably, he just felt Su Hang's insight and know what must have happened!

Bingji just arrived, Su Hang just asked, "Sister Bing, how much do you know about the Void Demon?"

Bing Ji heard the words, looked suspiciously at Su Hang, then walked to the seat next to him and sat down, "You feel it?"

"Huh?" Su Hang looked at Bingji with some surprise. Did Bingji feel the Demon on the mountain? If this is the case, it saves a lot of things!

Bing Ji nodded slightly, "I feel a little bit of the spirit of the demon, but it is erratic I can't get the correct position, I am also going to talk to you, this Void Demon, in the world of Void, but one It’s a great force. Of course, this force is also divided into many factions. Among them, the Holy Spirit Academy, Heavenly Prison Mountain, and Wanmo Ancient Cave. These three forces are the strongest and do not lose to any force in the void, but that was a long time ago. It’s something, I don’t know what’s going on now!"

It seems that Chu Bang said it was true. Su Hang's eyebrows twisted to one place. Bing Ji had confirmed Chu Bang's words that there was indeed a Void Demon coming, and he was hiding beside him.

"Sister Bing can find them out?" Su Hang asked.

Bing Ji listened and shook her head. "It can't be seen by me. These existences are not shallow and should not be underestimated. However, I have had some dealings with the Holy Ghost House, Tianhe Mountain, and Wanmo Ancient Cave. This mountain is vague. The spirit of the devil is like the Holy Spirit Academy!"

"Holy Spirit House?" Su Hang thought of Xuan Ling. The woman came from the Holy Spirit House. It seemed that Xuan Ling was not what she said was a misunderstanding in the chaotic world.

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