Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3019: 1 pair of apprentices!

In addition to the Profound Spirit, there are other presences in the Holy Spirit Garden. Obviously this is premeditated. It is impossible for a group of people to enter by mistake, and it is still hidden in Chuangjie Mountain.

Bingji got up and walked in front of Su Hang. She reached out and nodded in the middle of Su Hang's forehead. "Although I can't see their true body, you should be able to!"

Su Hang reached out and touched his forehead. "You mean, my eyes?"

Bingji nodded slightly, "This is an eye of a strong man. There is nothing to escape from it. Although your current strength is not yet able to exert its full strength, the spirit of the demon can at least see it. !"

Bingji Realm is much higher than Su Hang. She has long seen that Su Hang has an eye in her heart, and she also knows that it is a strong eye!

If it weren’t for Bing Ji’s reminder, Su Hang almost forgot that he still has such an eye. Not much to say at the moment. The skill works. The brow suddenly flashes a light, and the skin tears, and a vertical eye is revealed. come out.

The skill poured into it, and the godless eyes suddenly ignited a little expression. Su Hang stood in the hall and directly looked around with that eye.

The white piece is a pale white, almost transparent world, full of nothingness.

Vaguely, near or far, several purple light clusters appeared in his field of vision, just like a piece of white paper, dotted with a few drops of purple ink.

Is that the spirit of the demon?

After closing his eyes, Su Hang took a deep breath. The consumption of this eye is not small, but he is consciously looking for the spirit of the devil. The purple light clusters seen by his eyes should be the spirit of the devil. Right?

"How? Seen?" Bing Ji asked.

Su Hangdao, "There are three, and none of them seem to be ordinary goods. I'm thinking, do you want to kill the snake!"

"You can't just let it go!" Bingji shook her head. "Maybe talk to them!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, in his current state, after the upgrade of the Xueshen system, he could already find the information that dominates the real power, but there are too many people on the mountain, he cannot check them one by one. It was found that the person had already ran away, but now it is different. With this eye, Su Hang has found the specific whereabouts of these people.

In this way, the trouble of checking one by one is eliminated, and these people can be directly attacked!

Take a deep breath, "Then, Sister Bing will go with me?"

At present, Su Hang does not know the specific strength of these three people. Therefore, it is necessary to call Shang Bingji properly.

Bingji was no different, nodded, and left the Cangtian Temple with Su Hang.



This is a new peak in Chuangjie Mountain, not far from Mingyue Peak. After the rebirth of the previous twelve Wuzu ancestors, they were temporarily placed on Mingyue Peak, but that is after all the place of the Yin family, one or two is okay, Twelve were put there, crying all day long, that too affected the normal life of Ming Yuefeng!

Therefore, Su Hang was destined to rise again, and gave the famous **** Wu Feng, placed all 12 newborns in the past, and recruited many people to serve!

Two people Su Hang is looking for are now on the Shenwu Peak.

Today, it was rare and quiet. Twelve babies were sleeping soundly. A group of old ladies sat in the yard, gathered together in twos and threes, and whispered about what was going on. This was their rare rest time.

"Master, do you say what kind of ribs are wrong? What are we doing here? We ran to this broken place and acted as a nanny for a group of children!" One looks pretty and looks 30 or 40 years old. The woman, who stood up and raised her chest, complained to a chunky old woman next to her, but her voice was a male voice!

The old woman looked like she was in her fifties, her face covered with freckles, and like most of the old women around her, she didn't look good.

The old woman carefully folded a pile of diapers in front of her and reached out to touch the freckles on her nose. "Non-House Lord behind, do you want to die?"

The voice is very low, but it is old and thick, and it is clearly the voice of a man. Dressing up with this woman seems a little out of place!

The younger woman heard the words, her neck shrunk, and her face showed fear. "The disciple just complained casually. Don’t you feel grieved, Master? Your old man is also an elder in the courtyard anyway. , This is too difficult..."

"Enough!" The freckled old woman groaned, "There are also strong people on this mountain of creation, if you are seen through the trails of you and me, you will not be able to eat and walk around, there is this complaint In fact, think about how to save your sweetheart!"

Upon hearing this, the expression on the young woman's face froze slightly, "Sister Xuan Ling? Master, ask me to say, let's go directly to the kid who is surnamed Su!"

"Humph!" The freckled woman sneered coldly, "That man is not as simple as you think. With my strength, there is no certainty that he will win. Moreover, in this chaos, the strong man sits in town, and the owner has been warned. We have another mission this time, and we can’t do it unless we have to do it!”

The young woman frowned slightly, "Who can threaten the principal? Master, can you tell us what our mission is?"

"What you shouldn't know, don't ask indiscriminately, what you should know, when the time comes, you will naturally be able to know!" The freckled woman responded directly.

The young woman touched her nose and was thinking that when she asked what, a person came in from outside. The people looked up and saw that it was an older woman who was in charge of Shenwufeng.

The old woman walked into the courtyard and looked down from the top. "The Sovereign drove to Shenwu Peak, Zhao Er waited to go to the main hall, and gave Er and other rewards. Come with me. When I met the Sect Master, I should say, Don’t say what you shouldn’t say, otherwise the Sect Master will be unhappy, and I can’t save it!”

There was no unnecessary nonsense, the old woman turned around and left. When the old ladies heard that there was a reward, they quickly followed. If there is something good, how can they not be active?

The old freckled woman glanced at the younger woman.

"Master?" The younger woman looked at the freckled old woman inquiringly.

The old woman lost the diaper in her Let's take a look! "


The main hall of God Wufeng!

A group of old mothers, thirty or fifty people, together with the guards on the mountain, husband, maid, etc., there are hundreds of people, and the hall is filled!

Su Hang really wanted to reward him. After some consolation, one person issued twenty superb spirit stones, and everyone was grateful for three kneels and nine knocks!

"Everyone has worked hard during this time. When Benzong came this time, in addition to consoling everyone, he also wanted to choose two aunts to serve at Mingyuefeng. There are two ladies in Benzong who are pregnant, and there are no decent people around them. Go, everyone has a lot of experience..."

Su Hang said some reasons, but his eyes were shaking in the crowd!

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