Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3024: Wanmo Ancient Cave!

?????????? "Oh? Holy Ghost?" The King of Owls scratched his beard and turned to look at Gross.

???????? Gross was also stroking his beard, "The Holy Ghost House hasn't shown much limelight in these years. The person of Ming Gu is acting low-key. Which one is it for?"

?????????? When Su Hang finished talking about the ins and outs, after Gross heard it, he was a little puzzled, "Ming Gu is going to pass on the position? Such a big thing, I don't know why?"

???????? Su Hang couldn't help crying, why don't you know? People are going to pass on the position, but they have to tell you that they can’t succeed? Do you really consider yourself a personal thing?

?????????? "Could it be, what happened to the Minggu stall?" King Xiao asked.

??????Gross pondered for a moment, "Ming Gu, although he is a cultivator, but the Holy Ghost has always been firmly held in his hands, and now suddenly wants to pass the position, it is indeed a bit strange, but With his strength, it is impossible to go further. In this case, it is really not the right time to pass the position. However, it should not be said that he is spreading things, and there are not a few people in the void who have a sense of existence. Provoke him!"

?????????? Speaking of which, Gross seemed to think of something, "Could it be said..."

???????? "What's the matter?" Gross stopped at one sentence, and Suhang felt a little uncomfortable, and asked quickly.

?????????? The owl king also pinched his beard and looked at Gross with a puzzled look. He hadn't returned to the void for a long time. It can be said that he knew nothing about the situation in the void.

?????????????? Gross said, "Sometimes ago, there was a change in the Wanmo Ancient Cave. I have been worried that the Wanmo Ancient Cave will stare at my Void Temple, but now it seems Or maybe the change in the Ten Thousand Demon Grottoes was not aimed at my Void Temple, but his Holy Spirit Temple!"

???????????? "Oh? Why do you say that?" King Xiao asked.

???????? Gross said, "The younger brother did not know, Ming Gu's wife Han Yiju, was unhappy with Ming Gu at that time, and went to the Wanmo Ancient Cave in one go, so I guess, this time should not It would be the return of the cold clothes. At that time, his husband and wife were like that. If the cold clothes came back, there would probably be a big battle. Ha ha, if that is the case, there will be a good show!"

?????????? Suhang listened to this and couldn't help but feel a bit cold in his heart. How can this old guy be so vulgar, and someone else's husband and wife are doing it, are you so pleased?

?????????? Gross is very vulgar, his smile is not only gloating, but also a bit lucky, now coveted the power of the temple, if the Holy Spirit Academy can be with the ancient cave Doing a fight will undoubtedly attract the firepower of the past.

???????? "Report!"

???????? At this time, a voice came from outside, and then a black gas rushed in and knelt in front of Gross directly, "The old master, the visitor of the Wanmo Ancient Cave, leave a Zhang Baitie!"

?????????????? "The Ancient Cave of Ten Thousand Devils?" Gros was heard, and there was a bit of shock on his face. Why did he come as soon as he said it?

?????????? Su Hang also felt a little surprised.

??????????Gross's hand moved, and the Beté holding in that man's hand flew directly into Gross's hand. When he opened it, Grows frowned slightly!

???????? "Where are the people?" Bai Tie closed, and gave it to the next owl king, Gross asked the man below.

???????? "If you go back to the old lord of the palace, the person will leave and leave!" said the man.

?????? Gross heard the words, his two eyebrows jumped a little, and at this time, the king of the owl also read the prayer, and his face was a little dignified.

?????????? "What happened?" Su Hang asked curiously.

???????? King Xiao did not say anything, he closed the post and threw it directly to Suhang.

???????? Su Hang took it and opened it, his two eyebrows also wrinkled slightly.

?????????? It's not so much an invitation, it's an invitation. The beautiful handwriting in the post is a woman's hand at first glance.

?????????? The letter stated that Wanmo Ancient Cave changed its owner, and the new emperor took the throne. All parties are invited to pay a visit to Wanmo Ancient Cave!

???????? And the payment is eight small characters, Master of the Devil's Cave, Demon Emperor's Winter Clothes!

?????????? Devil's winter clothes, winter clothes? Isn't that Bing Ji's sister?

???????? Closing the post, Su Hang looked up at Gross, looking a little bit dumbfounded, "Two..."

?????????? "The Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons Grottoes is changing, this is a big deal, the new emperor is actually a cold coat, this woman, but some means..." Gross said.

?????????? King Xiao Road, "I remember, the Master of the Ten Thousand Devil Caves should be Tong Zhanxuan. According to the rules of the Ten Thousand Devil Caves, the new master must kill the old ones to dominate the Ancient Demon Grottoes and the Winter Clothes. Has that strength beat Tong Zhanxuan?"

???????? Gross said, "In the battle with fate, Tong Zhanxuan suffered a lot like me, but he was slightly better than me. I estimate that Tong Zhanxuan's strength should fall to Around the eighth level, the strength of the winter clothes, in these years, it should be possible to win him!"

???????????? Xiao Wang nodded slightly, he really didn't really know anything about the present void world.

?????????? At this time, Gros said, "The matter of the Void Demon Clan will actually make a big fanfare, and send me invitations to the temple. This coat is not brave! "

?????????? You have to know that the Void Demon are aliens, and these Void deities can be said to be opposites. However, now that the Devil changes its owner, it actually sends them invitations, which is really It was an accident.

???????? Since the Void Temple was invited, then other forces must have also received invitations, that is to say, the Wanmo Ancient Cave is to let the entire Void know this, this coat is not afraid of courage , Gross had to guess whether the winter clothes had broken through to the ninth-level dominance, otherwise, where would there be such courage.

?????????? "In the words, this coat is Bing Ji's sister?" Su Hang asked curiously.

?????????? Gross nodded slightly, "Indeed, just compared with Bing Ji, the personality of the winter coat is extreme. After that, after the trouble with the ancients, it disappeared without a trace, only rumors said that she I went to the Wanmo Ancient Caves, and after many years, cold clothes will appear in this way!"

???????????? next to the king of the owl, "could it be that this is the so-called strong return, this woman, is not an ordinary person, I am afraid that I have to find the Holy Spirit House!

?????????? Su Hang thought for a while and said, "Does that mean that Ming Gu is going to abdicate also related to this matter?"

?????????? Gross shrugged, "Who knows? Other people's family affairs, how can we outsiders be qualified to manage? However, this time, I am afraid that there is really a good show!"

?????????? "After three days, do you want to go?" Gross asked Su Hang.

???????? Su Hang hesitated for a while, "It's you who asked you, I'm going, isn't it appropriate?"

???????? "Ha ha ha!" Xiao Wang smiled, "It may not be appropriate for others to go, but it is really appropriate for you to go to Suhang. You know, you are a brother-in-law in cold clothes!"

?????????? Su Hang heard that his forehead was covered with black lines, but he was curious about all forces in the void. This time, the Devil Banquet will surely gather all the strong parties. For Suhang, perhaps, it is really an opportunity to know the world of the void!

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