Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3025: Troublemaker!

The only worry is to take some risks, after all, too many strong!

After hesitating, Su Hang nodded, "Alright, then I won't invite you to go!"

Although it is a bit risky, Su Hang is not without self-protection means, his fate armor has not been used yet!


?????????? I didn't expect that it was really time for Su Hang to come. As soon as he came to the void world, he encountered such a big event!

?????????? In the next time, Soviet Airlines and Gross discussed the two alliances in detail and set up a covenant. Originally, Gross did not pay much attention to Soviet Airlines. , Especially now that the return of King Owl is enough to deter the Quartet forces, it can be said that the crisis faced by the Void Temple has basically been resolved!

???????? Just at the moment when Su Hang arrived in the Void Temple, Gross was still weighing whether there was a need to cooperate with Su Hang and whether it was necessary to leave Su Hang directly in the Nether Temple. .

?????? However, after repeated weighings, Gross finally signed the covenant and left a blood mark. To say that in the chaotic world, nothing can make him eye-catching, but this Soviet Airways is different. , He knew his own master, and his brother Luo Jiuchen's attitude also showed that his master also viewed Su Hang differently. Therefore, Gross finally changed his mind and temporarily joined forces with Su Hang and walked first. Take a look and see what happens in the future. If it is advantageous, continue to cooperate. If it is not profitable, just kick it away!

?????????? As the founder of the Void Temple, he of course wants to maximize the benefits. In his eyes, Su Hang is just a late generation who can use it.

???????????? Similarly, in the eyes of Su Hang, Gros is also being used. He needs to use Gros as the first shield in the chaotic world. The relationship between utilization and utilization, but the relationship of mutual utilization!

?????????? These two days, Su Hang stayed in the Temple of the Void, and Gros let Chu Bang accompany Su Hang to look around, but, to be honest, this void world is empty, What's the point of view, or is it better to have a chaotic world? If you want scenery and scenery, I really don't know how these void lives survived in such a lonely space?

???????? In fact, Su Hang thought that he was just looking at the problem from his own standpoint, just like the fish in the water, some people may feel that the air on the land is so fresh, fish How to survive in water? However, if you let the fish choose to live on land or in water, it will definitely choose water without hesitation!

???????? Everything has its truth. Let the creatures in the chaos live in the void, certainly not suitable. Similarly, let the creatures in the void go to the chaos, it must be a lot of discomfort. .

So, this is where the contradiction between chaos and the void lies. Both evolved from Hongmeng, but they are two extremes. Chaos is suppressed by the void, which is inevitable.

?????????? But I have to say that after Su Hang arrived in the Void World, he clearly felt that the power of the Void in the Void World was full of comfort, making him very comfortable and friendly, as if he had ascended from the Xuanhuang Realm to the Heaven Realm before. , He can feel the obvious cultivation improvement.

?????? Cultivating here, I am afraid that one day can be worth ten days of the chaotic world.

???????? Not that the chaotic world is worse than this void world. First, because the chaotic world is too small, the power of chaos is not as strong as the power of the void. Second, because the void is derived from Hongmeng, it is also mixed. With some great power.

???????? This may be the reason why those who are strong in the void will dismiss chaos, just like the pro-son who dislikes the dry son, the bloodline is destined to everything.

??????????However, a son may not be able to be a pro son. When Hongmeng has completely evolved into a void, it is not yet known whether it is strong or weak with Chaos!

?????????? In this temple, many people are hostile to Su Hang, it is because of Su Hang that it will cause the Void Temple to suffer heavy losses. It was made by Su Hang, so it was uncomfortable for Su Hang to spend two days in the temple.

???????? I met a few waves of provocations, but none of them were very powerful characters. They were all sent by Suhang. However, Suhang still had to admit that this Void Temple is really tough and powerful. Violence is everywhere.

???????? The iron law of respecting the strong is here, and the one with the big fist can have power. Therefore, in the temple, all places except the main hall and the rest area are safe areas. It is a dangerous area, and it is possible to see fights anytime, anywhere.

?????????? This place is really a mess, and there is no order at all!

?????????? Su Hang also asked Chu Beng on this question, but Chu Beng only smiled bitterly, not to mention the Temple of the Void, most of the forces in the Void are like this, only following one iron law, The strong is respected.

???????? Even, if Su Hang can do Gross today, the seat of the Lord of the Void Temple is considered Su Hang.

???????? It's really a cruel world. Su Hang had no idea what to do as the Lord of the Void. Of course, he didn't have the confidence to beat Gross. Although he had a fateful armor, he never used it. Who knows how much power can be exerted?

???????? Such a thing, the Soviet Union will not try, for now, cooperation with the Void Temple is the only way out.

???????????? Violence is everywhere, and Su Hang is too lazy to watch, simply meditating in the residence, waiting to go to Wan Mo Ancient Cave with Gross!

???????????? "Su's name, get out!"

???????? Su Hang was meditating in the room, and suddenly there was a woman's roar outside. That sound shocked Su Hang's clothes to bang!

???????? Opening his eyes, Su Hang's eyes were a bit puzzled, but he was in the residence, belonging to a safe area, is there someone to challenge me?

???????? At the moment, Su Hang got up and pushed open the door and looked out. At the door, a group of different people surrounded a Chinese woman.

?????? The woman, about thirty years old, is bright and moving, with a dignified posture and a cool and temperament.

??????At this time, the woman was staring at the eyes, staring at Suhang like a sea of ​​ are Suhang? "The woman glanced at Su Hang and said coldly, as if to give Su Hang to the ten thousand pieces of dead body.

???????? Just let yourself get out, it should be this one, Su Hang thought about it, "Yes, I am Su Hang, who is this lady, come to Sumou for what you do ?"

?????????? "Indiscriminate, see Madam Ru Ji, do not kneel and salute?" A man next to him screamed, completely like a protector!

?????????? When Su Hang heard this, he couldn't help but bemused, "Joke, even when I met the Lord of the House of Gross, I didn't kneel to see the truth, you have a few pounds, Dare to put this joke in front of me?"

???????? The man heard the words, his eyes widened, "What a crazy boy, I want to challenge you, but dare to fight?"

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