Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3026: Mrs. Ji!

???????????? "Boom!"

???????? Su Hang was a little bit surprised, only to hear the bang, and saw that the man's entire upper body disappeared out of thin air, leaving only one pair of feet and standing still.

??????In an instant, the raven was silent, a group of people, including the woman, all changed their complexions. I never expected that Suhang would be so sturdy. You know, just that man, but the Eighth Grade Supreme, It was so vulnerable in front of Su Hang.

??? "Noisy!" Su Hang reached out and took his ears. Since the strong here is respected, he has to use some means to come out, but this trouble is less.

?????????? In front of this group of menacing existence, no one dared to say a little nonsense, who dare to touch the mold, these legs in front of you is a lesson.

"Young man, you are so arrogant!" The woman gritted her teeth and looked at Su Hang with a black face, her expression still fierce.

?????? Su Hang is a little baffled, "This lady, can you admit that you are the wrong person? What is your attitude? What's wrong with Su Mou and you?"

?????? The woman said coldly, "My name is Ru Ji, the dead husband is the lord of the temple!"

?????? "Gru?" Su Hang heard the words, and he froze in his heart, was that Gru killed by Yuehua Sans?

?????????? Ru Ji looked at Su Hang with a black face, "My husband died because of you, and my two sons died because of you. Surnamed Su, you said, is this right? Bloody vendetta?"

???????? The voice fell, such as a long sword appeared in Ji's hand, and came directly to the Su Hang, most likely to take the posture of Su Hang's life.

?????????? However, knowing Jiupin Supreme, who can bluff? Su Hang's fingers lightly touched the tip of the sword, like the sword in Ji's hand was like glass, and it shattered instantly!

?????????? For example, Ji Ji was frightened and took a step back instinctively. Obviously, he was shocked by the power displayed by the Soviet Airways. A kid from the chaotic world can have this Ordinary skill?

???????? "Don't point a sword at me!" Su Hang said lightly. "First of all, I sympathize with you and your husband. I'm very sorry, but there is a debt and a blame. It was Yuehuasan who killed him, not me..."

???????? "Yuehua San people are dead, I should naturally avenge you!" If Ji interrupted Su Hang, his face was still full of hatred!

?????? Su Hang shook his head, "You must count on my head, I have no way to take you, but unfortunately, you seem to be too weak, without that ability, as Mrs. Ji really wanted to avenge me , Or improve your strength and come again!"

???????? If Ji heard this, she was clearly looked down upon, and immediately said, "You are a servant, Tess also underestimates me. I'm afraid you don't know. , I can’t kill you, I can’t kill you if you don’t believe me!

???????? These words made Su Hang frown, Yunyou Palace? Although he didn't know what kind of existence Yunyun Palace existed, but since he could marry the Void Temple, he wouldn't be far behind.

???????? It is said that the woman in anger is the most unreasonable. At this moment, the woman in front of her is not just as simple as anger.

???????? "So, I am still leaving you today?" Su Hang frowned and moved a little. He didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble caused him, he could only Choose to erase it.

?????????? "Why do you dare to kill me? You know where is here?" But this is the Temple of Void, such as Ji Ke does not think that Su Hang has the courage to start her, if Su Hang Dare to kill her here, that is to hit the face of the temple, hit the face of Gros, naturally a strong man cleans him up.

???????? Su Hang sneered, "I'm more than daring to kill you, annoying me, your two sons, don't want to live a good one!"

???????? "What?" As Ji Wenyan said, he paused, not because of the threat of Suhang, but because of her two sons mentioned in Suhang's words!

???????? "You mean Ge Miao and Ge Sen? Are they still alive?" Ru Ji asked immediately.

???????? Previously, Gros let Ge Miao and Gerson go to chaotic world to catch Su Hang, and until now no news has been sent back, but Su Hang came to the temple by herself, she would naturally think , Ge Miao and Ge Sen have already died in the hands of Su Hang.

???????? Ru Ji was angry because of her two sons, you know, although her husband Grew died, but the ancestor Gros has already begun to help him rebirth, although rebirth may be It will never be the same again, but there is hope in the end.

????????However, her two sons are different. They committed a felony, and the ancestors of Gros wished them to die, and it was impossible to spend a lot of effort and energy to resurrect them!

?????? Now, listening to Su Hang's tone, his two sons are still alive? This is like a person who is about to die of thirst in the desert. Suddenly seeing the oasis in the front, he instantly ignites hope.

?????????? Su Hangdao, "Although they have harmed me, this person, I don't like to complain, so I just captured them and didn't kill them, but since the wife is so hateful I, then, think about me or destroy them!"

????????"Do not!"

?????????? Ru Ji shouted quickly, stared at Su Hang for a long time, and suddenly knelt in front of Su Hang, "Please, please, please let me go, just now It's my fault, you shouldn't offend your majesty, please, please..."

?????? The attitude has completely changed. From her face, she can no longer see the hatred, only begging, because the excitement, the voice is shaking, completely incoherent, such as Ji Ji gave Su Hang to bow!

?????? Su Hang stared at Ru Ji and didn't mean to ask her to get up. "Aren't you going to kill me? No revenge?"

?????? As Ji Ji excitedly said, "As long as you return my son to me, great grace, great teeth, unforgettable!"

???????? This is so special, also great grace! Su Hang smiled bitterly in his heart, perhaps this is the so-called poor world parents' heart!

?????? Su Hang waved his hand, "They are now in the chaotic world and live well, as long as they sincerely repent and wait for some time, I will let them come back!"

?????????? For example, Ji stared blankly at Su Hang, and did not know whether it was a surprise, the whole person did not know what to say!

?????????? "However, you only remember your second son and third son, isn't your eldest son a son?" Su Hang added.

???????? Ru Ji froze for a moment, "What do you mean? Gexin? Gexin is still alive?"

???????? " But not alive, it's difficult!" Su Hang sighed long.

???????? If Ji Dun paused, he swallowed hard, "Su, Brother Su, I was just offended. Let's, can we take a step to talk? Have a good chat!"

???????? Learning that Gexin is still alive, such as Ji is naturally happy, but Gexin's things are more sensitive, she did not dare to get it on the table.

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "If Mrs. Ji, let it be!"


???????? This is like Ji, it is really troublesome, Suhang spent the power of nine cows and two tigers, anyway, she sent her, but Suhang had to admit that this is a poor woman.

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