Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3031: Create a wonderful tree!

?????????? Yuan Kui shook his fist heavily, "Good ability, I underestimated you!"

?????????? The corner of Suhang’s mouth curled up a little arc, "What, still not coming? Let’s always score a win or lose?"

???????? Yuan Kui took a deep look at Su Hang. It was impossible to fight again. Weighed again and again and calmed the depression in my heart. "Dare to ask the name?"

?????????? It is at least an eighth-order existence to be equal to oneself. Such an existence cannot have no title in the void, but Yuan Kui has never heard of such characters.

???????? "The surname is Su, the famous airline is not enough!" Suhang said directly.

?????????? Soviet Airlines? Never heard of it!

?????? Yuan Kui took a deep breath, "Well, Yuan Mou remembered, I hope you will come back alive this time during your visit to the Ancient Demon Grottoes. Today, in this battle, Yuan Mou will find two to get back sooner or later! "

?????????? After finishing the speech, without waiting for Su Hang to reply, Yuan Kui turned around and gestured to Chi Man. Without hesitation, the two turned around and walked away, disappearing instantly!

?????????? Suhang and Gros were left in place.

???????? "You..." Gross looked at Suhang with a puzzled look. Where did this boy come from? This power could actually match Yuan Kui!

???????? Vaguely, he seemed to see something, but he was afraid to confirm.

?????? Su Hang shook his head, two pairs of flesh separated, one of them was taken away by Su Hang, at this moment, Su Hang's body is no longer so fierce.

???????? At this time, Su Hang waved his hand, "Leave here first and talk!"

?????????? Gross also knew that it should not stay here for a long time. After all, it was the site of Mount Tianhe. If the nest was exploded, it was indeed a huge trouble. They were here to go to the Wanmo Ancient Caves. , Did not come to Tianhe Mountain to fight.

???????? The two quickly bypassed Tianhe Mountain and continued to go in the direction of Wanmo Ancient Cave.

???????? "You just used it, but the armor of fate?" Gros asked before he walked far away.

???????? He also fought against fate. From the flesh that was just used by Soviet Airways, he could clearly feel the breath of fate. Although the appearance is different, but that kind of breath is not Will change.

???????? Su Hang heard the words, nodded slightly, "Look at it, don't say it!"

?????????? Gross frowned, "Sure enough, it seems that Yuehua was indeed deceived by you, and the temple was also pitted by you!"

?????? The Soviet airline was speechless, and Gross did not know that his fateful armor was obtained later, but there was no need to explain it. After all, the two have already joined forces, and the Soviet airlines also let Gross Seeing his strength, if Gross had underestimated him a little bit, now, Gross will not be underestimated!

????????????"The Lord Gros is also hidden very deep, everyone else thinks when your strength drops, but you don’t want to, and there is such a powerful killing trick, that Gu Bo, anyway, is also Tianhe Mountain One of the five major prison masters, the existence of the seventh order, was solved by you, and it turned out that the thin and dead camel was bigger than the horse!" Su Hangdao said a few words, which was somewhat touted, "but, I don't know "The treasure tree, Lord of the Gros, what is the way to come? It has such a powerful force, it is really incredible!"

?????????????? Gross shook his head, "There is nothing to say, in the treasure house of that day, don't you also have the treasure?"

?????????? "Oh?" Su Hang was a little surprised when she was surprised, "Could it be that the Lord Gros was taken from that treasure house?"

?????? Gross did not conceal, and nodded directly, "That's right, that's true. This number is called the founding wonderful tree. Although it is just a small sapling, the power is huge. Brother your strength, give me a little sapling, I am afraid that it is not enough to grow a leaf!"

????????Gross words, there are a bit of bragging elements, listening to the ears of Su Hang, Su Hang was surprised, just after this sapling swallowed Gu Bo, Su Hang saw it with his own eyes, It's just enough to grow a leaf. Think about how much energy you have to swallow if this small sapling is going to grow into a towering tree.

???????? It is really unimaginable. Su Hang took a look at Gross, how much oil was a little scared. He knew that this treasure was chosen by Luo Jiuchen for Gross, and it must be extraordinary.

?????????? "The Lord of the Gros said with a smile, you and I are allies, and should be unanimous with each other, will not kill each other!" Su Hang smiled.

??????Gross glanced at Su Hang, unsure, "At that time you also got a treasure, what a scroll of destiny, Brother Su, I am so frank, can you tell me, what is the use of your baby ?"

?????????? Su Hang paused, "Actually, it's not very useful, just let me make a wish, and, the wish comes true!"

???????? "Oh?" Gross looked at Su Hang strangely, "Then don't know what the Brothers Su made?"

???????? Su Hang shrugged, "The world will always be peaceful!"

???????? "Oh, tell a joke!" Gross shook his head. "Since Hongmeng was born, there has not been a moment of peace. Where there are souls, there is fighting, even in this void, why? It’s not a fight, Brother Su, you’re not honest!"

???????? Su Hang sighed, indeed, haven't just had a fight, where is there peace?

?????? Su Hangdao, "Actually, I just made a wish to be able to come out of that box. At that time, you can understand the situation of Lord Gross, and we are all eager to come out. , So I made such a wish, after that, I got the key and took you out together!"

???????? Speaking of this, Su Hang smiled, "Suddenly felt that I have a fearless dedication spirit. At the end, it seems that I am alone, and I have no benefits, but you, all Get the treasure!"

???????? "Oh!" Gross chuckled, "If I believe in you, it's really evil, you guys, there is no half truth!"

???????? "Oh?" Su Hang was somewhat stunned. "My words have no credibility? Is there any loophole?"

????????Gross glanced at Su You ask, it is the biggest loophole, and if the scroll of life can really make a wish come true, you can’t do it. I wish that if I changed it, I would definitely make a wish and become the strongest man since Hongmeng. When that happens, I will directly break the box space, won't it come out? "

?????????? Su Hang's face twitched, and immediately shot his thigh, "Yeah, why didn't I think, alas, it's a pity, a pity, such a chance was wasted!"

??????Gross looked at Su Hang silently, and said, can you act like a little bit? This acting is really not too bad!

?????? Suhang Gu said to him that there was no half-truth, and Gross shook his head, and he didn’t ask anymore. Unless he had a Suhang meal, he would never ask how much.

???????????? The two bypassed Tian He Mountain and went straight to the depths of the void. At the speed of the two, they traveled for about two or three hours, a vast land, still in the void Floating quietly!

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