Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3032: No entry!

"Just there?"

Looking at the figure from afar, one by one fell to the land one by one, Su Hang wanted to come, there should be the Wanmo Ancient Cave?

Gross nodded slightly. "The demons are entrenched. Be careful for a while. The worship of violence in the Wanmo Ancient Cave is more exaggerated than any other place. In addition, we are in trouble at Tianhe Mountain. If you meet the three elders, it’s better to keep a low profile!"

Su Hang nodded, and he could see that Gross still had a deep fear of the three old men in that day.

In fact, it is also true. After all, Gross' strength has not been restored. The existence of the ninth order must be terrified, including the Soviet airlines. I am afraid, and I dare not provoke it!

Gross said so exaggeratedly, and said that the Ten Thousand Demon Grottoes were like Longtan Tiger Cave. Su Hang couldn't help but wonder, what kind of place this is.

Between the two, the two had already arrived on the land. Here, they encountered a lot of existence, humanoid, strange, and ugly.

Presumably all came to attend the Devil's Banquet, many of whom met Gros, but Su Hang didn't know any of them. He followed Gros and watched Gros and people talking and laughing. It was treated as Gross's follower.

A large black mountain appeared in front of Su Hang. There was a huge cave under the mountain. The cave entrance was 100 meters high and very wide. From a distance, one could see each figure walking in.

A group of men wearing black armor set up checkpoints at the entrance of the cave, and inspected the invitations of everyone one by one.

"It's over, I don't have invitations, how is it good?" Su Hang saw this scene from afar, and the whole person felt bad.

Gross heard the words and smiled, "I'm afraid of it, don't I, Gross, have no such face?"

Su Hang thinks about it too. Gross is also the Lord of the Void Temple. What if he brings a follower in?

At this time, the two had arrived in front of the cave, and there was a huge stone standing next to the cave between them. The stone was inscribed with four weird characters. Su Hang used the system of learning gods to scan it, and knew that it was the four characters of the ancient demon cave.

"It turned out to be the Lord Lord of the Void Temple!" A leading man in the hole took a look at the invitation from Gross, closed it, and returned it to the hands of Gross, "Please!"

The man turned sideways and made a please gesture.

Gross nodded slightly and made a gesture to the Soviet airlines. The Soviet airlines quickly followed Gross inwards.

However, before striding forward, he was stopped by the man's hand.

Su Hang looked up, looking up at the man in front of him with almost two heads higher than himself.

"Your Excellency, invitation!" the man said.

Su Hang shook his face slightly, looked up at Gross, and Gross turned around and said, "He and I went all the way, let him in!"

Carrying a shelf, it's completely a predecessor!

However, the man said, "Sorry, Lord Gross, there is only one invitation. This is the rule set by the cave master. If there is no invitation, you can't go in!"


Su Hang hasn't spoken yet. Gros's face can't be hung up first. This guy doesn't give himself a face. He just promised Su Hang just now. Isn't this beating his face?

"Little brother, didn't you hear clearly, he and the old man are all the way!" Gros replied badly again.

The man was unimpressed. "Princess Gross, I have made it very clear. If there is no invitation, I can only leave the cave..."

Speaking of which, the man reached out and pointed aside. Su Hang turned his head to look around. A man in ragged clothes, who looked like a beggar, was crouching in the corner with a lot of anger on his face!

"His name is Linfeng, but the son of Linzhou, the Lord of the Fallen Abyss. There is no invitation, but he stays outside!" the man continued.

Linzhou? Su Hang had not heard of it, but when Gross heard it, he frowned, Linzhou, the Lord of the Fallen Abyss, was the Nether God Race, and was also a ninth-order existence.

The existence of a ninth-order person can't bring his own son into it. You once a ninth-order strongman can take in any person?

After all, you are just a ninth-ranked man. The so-called heroes don't mention the bravery of those days. What else can you show?

Gross was suffocated and flushed. In front of so many people, he lost his face!

"Hey, can't you enter in the end, don't block it here, blocking the people behind!"

"Yeah, there aren't any invitations. I want to participate in the Wanmo Banquet. Why is there such a big face?"

"Honestly staying outside, this Ten Thousand Demon Feast, not all stinky fish can get in!"


A lot of coaxing sounds came from behind, and Su Hang frowned slightly. This is the void world. Between people, it is too dissonant. The hearts of these gods and demons are all twisted. of.

Gross is also a blushing face when riding a tiger.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Lord Lord Gross, go ahead first!"

Groston paused and was about to speak. At this time, a burly figure suddenly came out from the crowd. "Haha, who am I? It turned out to be Brother Su and Brother Gross!"

Su Hang's eyes lit up when he saw it, and it was actually Tiehu!

"Brother Tie!" Gross smiled on his face.

"Senior Iron, are you here too?" Su Hang was a little surprised and didn't expect to meet Tie Ahu here.

The crowd around just now was noisy and quickly muttered. Those who can come here have some identity and status in the void. Many of them know Tie Ahu. This once disappeared and appeared suddenly recently. By.

For the strong, everyone has only awe.

"What's going on?" Tie Ahu asked.

Gross said indignantly, "This dog is so low-eyed that the Su brothers have no invitations to let in!"

Su Hang laughed bitterly, "Little things, little things!"

"Hehe!" Tie Ahu smiled and turned to the guard to look over. "This little thing can stop the Su brothers? I'll teach you, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you should What to do."

The guard shuddered, "Senior, this is the rule set by the cave master. You can't admit posts if you read them!"


Tie Ahu raised his hand directly, and the guard instantly turned to fly ash.


Everyone was shocked, including Su Hang, their eyes were about to fall out. This is so special, too violent? Actually, the guard was destroyed directly, this is the site of the Wanmo Ancient Cave!

Tie Ahu clapped his hands as if sweeping a dust, and turned to look at Su Hang, "Look, this is not enough? No one is looking for you to invite?"

Su Hang, "..."

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