Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3034: Cave master's winter clothes!

After pulling out the Xueshen system and scanning, the information of the person coming soon appeared in Suhang's mind.

Cold clothes, the current cave master of the Wanmo Ancient Cave, and the ninth rank dominates the realm!

That's right, this woman is Bing Ji's sister!

Unlike Su Hang's imagination, he originally thought that the cold clothes would be a woman with a cold face and a high cold that could not be approached, but now at a glance, at least the appearance seems to be kind.

She actually appeared? Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the winter clothes, but it was also right to think about it. There were two 9th-rank strong men picking things up here. Obviously, the slaves could not cover the scene. If the winter clothes do not come out, I am afraid that Tie Ahu will know. Hitting in, after all, what is a good thing about a 9th order existence?

"Girl in cold clothes, you guys under your hands, really don't understand the rules!" Tie Ahu said a word, and you can see that the two are in love!

Han Yi smiled faintly, "The Wan Mo Gu Grottoes have the rules of the Wan Mo Gu Grottoes. They all acted according to the rules. There was no fault before they offended. Han Yi made a guilt to the three!"

Yun Lang shrugged, "I'm not convenient for you to intervene in your own family affairs. However, this Su brother has no friendship with us. If you don't let him in today, I'm afraid we don't have to go in!"

Han Yiwen said, his expression slightly frozen on his face, and his eyes fell on Su Hang. He looked up and down. "Are you the husband of my sister Bing Ji?"

Su Hang heard the words and looked a little embarrassed, "We just went to church, as for this marriage..."

"Brother Su, since he has worshipped, it is a husband and wife. With us as witnesses, no one will not recognize that qualification!" Yun Lang said beside him.

Yun Lang's remarks were obviously for the cold clothes. It seemed that Su Hang was afraid that the winter clothes would not admit this wedding ceremony!

Su Hang smiled bitterly, where did he have this thought.

At this time, Han Yi said, "My sister, who has always been above her eyes, can't think of it, and there are men who can make her look good. It seems that you are also extraordinary!"

"Uh, huh!" Su Hang laughed dryly, is this boasting himself? It sounds weird, little embarrassment!

"Is she okay?" the winter clothes asked.

Su Hang nodded, "Very good, my sister is assured, Bing Ji also misses you very much, I will take her to see you in the future!"

Han Yi stared at Su Hang for a long time, "Let's talk about it later, today is the Devil's Banquet, don't you want to hinder your friends behind!"

Say here, the winter clothes look to the rear, "You are all guests from afar, today is the big day of the Wanmo Ancient Cave. Since you are here, let's go inside together, invitations or something, it doesn't matter!"

Everyone heard it, it was an uproar, making an exception because of one person, this person can be a real face!

However, think about it, but they are the brother-in-law's brother-in-law's brother-in-law, can you not have this face?

Some of them, like Su Hang, did not have invitations and were blocked at the door. At this time, there were smiles on their faces!


Han Yi did not get too close to Su Hang because of the relationship between Su Hang and Bing Ji.

Entering the Wanmo Ancient Cave, in a huge cave, there are two columns, three steps, hundreds of short and long tables, and thousands of futons behind the tables.

Countless acolytes are interspersing around the table, placing wine dishes.

All the guests have already begun to take their seats. This seat is also very particular. The low-ranking people have no status. They all took the third staircase. The third staircase is the lowest, with four or five hundred low tables.

In the final analysis, the people sitting here are inferior to others, and there is nothing in front of them. Most of them are the families brought by the invited people. They do not have the dominance. Before, they could not come in because there were no invitations. At this time, they were exposed to the light of Su Hang and were able to enter the cave. Banquet, mostly arranged here.

On the second step up, there are also two or three hundred low tables. The terrain is slightly higher. Those sitting here are invitees with invitations. On the left is the Void Protoss, on the right is the Void Demon. Almost all the existence of the dominance.

There are two people sitting on a table, two or three hundred tables, that is, about two or six hundred people who dominate the realm on this second step.

At the top, it is the first staircase. There are about fifty low tables, which are also separated on the left and right sides. There are two places for the devil, one table for one person.

Almost all of them who can sit here are the ninth-ranked strongmen, or the old seniors of the void like Gross, the helm of the great forces!

And Su Hang, Xu is the reason for his personal relationship. He was lucky enough to sit here, but he was sitting in the last place on the left.

Although it is the last place, in terms of seniority, Su Hang can't sit here anyway, so he is a related household.

The first one is Gros. The two are difficult brothers and brothers. However, with Su Air at the bottom, Gros doesn’t have to be so embarrassed. At least he is still in the first echelon. If he sits down, even if he ranks first, it will hurt his self-esteem.

After the people were seated, they were whispering to each other, the seat in the center was still empty, and the winter clothes had not yet appeared.

Su Hang looked around, this scene is really not small, it can be said that the strong is like a cloud, arrived today, I don’t know how many forces there are in the void, but I don’t think it should be too much, there should be a lot of not there. Of course, after all, on that day of the prison mountain, did you just come to the three prisoners?

Su Hang's eyes were scanned, and the information of all the people sitting was scanned clearly. On that day, the three old prisoners sat opposite, and the three white-bearded old men looked nothing special. expensive!

At this time, the three old men were talking and laughing with people, and most people were curious. The Wanmo Ancient Cave changed hands. Although it was a big event, it was not enough to affect the entire void world. Wanmo Ancient Cave digested itself. Why do you want to make such a big show, and invite the two forces that can almost be called the gods and demons!

Does it say that is really the same as the rumor, the cold clothes hate Ming Gu, want to take this opportunity to do anything with Ming Gu?

Such a big scene, want to prove that she is stronger than Ming Gu?

Everyone looked at the column on the right side of the Demon Race, and the seat at the front was empty, and no one was sitting. It was faint, everyone was guessing, maybe that seat was reserved for the ancient world!

The winter clothes invited everyone, it is impossible not to invite Ming Gu. After all, with the character of the winter clothes, this is a proof to Ming Gu that although the old lady left you, the old lady still has a better chance than you.

The psychology of a woman is difficult to guess. The so-called things that are caused by love, hate, cold clothes, and ancient ages. Many older people present know that it is difficult to protect the winter clothes from excessive things.

It's just that Minggu will come, then it's not necessarily!

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