Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3035: Tong Zhanxuan!

???????? But in any case, everyone is determined that there will be a good show today, and there is a bit of anticipation.

?????????? "Cough, the cave master is here!"

???????? Waiting for about half an hour, Gumo Tiannu walked out with the other seven Gumo, eight people lined up, Gumo Tiannu shouted with his throat.

Immediately, the eight people were divided into two rows, standing on both sides, greeting the cave owner, and everyone in the field was silent.

"Tong Zhan Xuan?"


Everyone looked at it and couldn't help but burst out exclaimed. I saw two people coming out from the hole in the rear. The first one was the old man!

Wearing a white robe, she was short, and afraid of being only one meter two, with a black stick in her hand, she was old and stalked.

And behind this person, it is the cold clothes that keep pace.

???????????? This man is Tong Zhanxuan, the previous generation of cave masters in Wanmo Ancient Cave? Su Hang saw that everyone around him stood up, and quickly stood up.

???????? It can be seen that this Tong Zhanxuan is not low in rank, otherwise, these old monsters don't need to get up at all.

???????? "You don't have to be polite, please sit down!" The voice was old, but there was still a faint power.

?????? Everyone was polite, and they were all seated again. The appearance of the old man changed the atmosphere of the venue.

?????? This Tong Zhanxuan is similar to Gros. They are all the Hongmeng Demon from the beginning of Hongmeng. They originally thought that the cold clothes became the new cave owner. Then, Tong Zhanxuan must be dead!

???????? Because of the rules of the Wanmo Ancient Caves, in fact not only the Wanmo Ancient Caves, the entire void world has this rule. To be the boss, you must kill the boss.

?????? I thought Tong Zhanxuan was dead, but I didn't expect that he appeared here alive again at this moment, which really made everyone cry out of surprise.

Tong Zhanxuan sat down on that throne, and Han Yi, as the new cave master, sat on the seat that everyone thought was for Ming Gu.

???????? The eight ancient demons stood behind Tong Zhanxuan separately, bowed to stand, and stood in full swing!

?????? The scene was very quiet, and the atmosphere became a little weird. Su Hang pulled out the system of Xueshen and scanned the Tong Zhan Xuan, but the result surprised him a little. The information of this Tong Zhan Xuan was a little vague. He could only scan Tong Zhan Xuan. The name, as well as some simple information, as for the deeper information of the realm strength, it is actually garbled.


?????? Su Hang's face slightly, this situation, or the first encounter after the system upgrade, Su Hang can not help guessing, is this child warfare Xuan, has broken through the ninth-level dominance?

???????? At this time, Tong Zhanxuan raised his head slightly, glanced thoughtfully at Su Hang, Su Hang lowered his head, and secretly shouted in his heart, this old man, could not be aware of his own Probed!

???????? His eyes did not stay on Su Hang for a long time, Tong Zhanxuan turned to look around, a little smile appeared on his face, "Don’t be so serious, please hold the same banquet today. Come, mainly two things!"

?????? Two things?

Everyone heard the words and looked at Tong Zhanxuan suspiciously. No one asked, but they were all curious about the two things Tong Zhanxuan said.

At this time, Tong Zhanxuan said, "Everyone may have heard about this first thing. From now on, the position of the Master of Wanmo Cave will be handed over to me as a disciple in the winter clothes. Countless demons in the Devil's Cave will be controlled by the cold clothes in the future!"

?????????? Tong Zhanxuan's words are light and flirty, making people feel that he seems to be able to go to Hexi at any time.

??????disciple? It turns out that the winter clothes worshipped Tong Zhanxuan as a teacher? Everyone looked at each other, Xu Shi didn't know about it until now.

???????? At this time, Han Yi stood up and arched his hands to the crowd, "Master respects and loves him as a cave master. Han Yi will certainly live up to the expectations of the Master. You all follow the same path, and I thank you all in advance!"

?????????? It's all scenes, everyone gets up and returns in a hurry, but the cold clothes are also a ninth-order strongman, a strong woman, where else can you take care of it!

?????????? After sitting down again, everyone's eyes were focused on Tong Zhanxuan, and they were a little puzzled. How could the tone of this Tong Zhanxuan be like explaining the future?

?????????? "Brother Tong created the Devil's Ancient Cave with one hand and dominated half of the world in the Demon Realm. He was so famous, how come he suddenly thought of passing the throne?"

???????? Talking is the head of the three elders in Heaven, Tai Meng!

?????? The question from Tai Meng asked the voices of many people present. Tong Zhanxuan suddenly passed the post. There were no signs before, and it was a bit unexpected.

???????? Eyes gathered, Tong Zhanxuan said, "Why do you want to pass the position, this is the second reason to invite you to come today..."

???????? Speaking of this, Tong Zhanxuan stopped and sated everyone's appetite.

???????? Next to the cold clothes, said, "Actually, not to hide from you, Master will be beyond the ninth level, detached from Hongmeng, so..."

???????? "Beyond the ninth order?"

?????? When they heard the words of the winter clothes, everyone was in an uproar, and even the dozens of characters in the first echelon exclaimed again and again.

?????? Beyond the ninth tier, these of them can sit in the first echelon, most of them are the existence of the ninth tier. Since Hongmeng, I haven’t heard of anyone who can surpass Hongmeng, even that year. With one person's strength, he almost singled out the fate of the entire void world, and he also stopped at the level of the ninth order and could not go forward.

???????? Breaking through the ninth level, how much difficulty is there, the existence of these sittings has the most say, for them, it is a distant and almost impossible thing.

Now, some people tell them that Tong Zhanxuan will break through the ninth order and surpass Hongmeng, how can they not be surprised.

Su Hang was also very surprised. It turned out that today's banquet was the main play. Although he could not scan the information of Tong Zhanxuan, he already had speculation in his heart, but he was really surprised when he heard this.

???????? "Brother Is what the girl in the cold clothes really said?" It is Tie Ahu who speaks of the existence of his peers, so it is not surprising to call Tong Brother.

?????????? As for the girl in the winter clothes, that's different, after all, although the winter clothes worshiped Tong Zhanxuan as a teacher, but she was the wife of Ming Gu, also considered a peer!

Tong Zhanxuan slightly bowed his head, "The old man has been in retreat for many years, and finally touched the threshold of the founding state in recent days. I feel that it will break through in the near future. Write off today!"

??????it is true?

Everyone looked at Tong Zhanxuan, and for a long time they were silent. After being surprised, all of them were very excited. If Tong Zhanxuan said the truth, then he would be the first to touch the void. Existing beyond the edge of Hongmeng, perhaps Tong Zhanxuan can bring great inspiration to their cultivation!

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