Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3036: Personal death!

"Brother Tong..." Yun Lang opened his mouth. Obviously, he had something to say. He was also a ninth-ranked Jiu Jiu. If he had an opportunity today, he naturally wanted to ask for advice!

Tong Zhanxuan waved his hand and interrupted Yun Lang’s words, “What Brother Yun wants to say, the old man understands, but today is the Devil’s Banquet, let’s focus on it first, everyone enjoys the wine in the glass, the food in the plate, you come from afar , Tong Mou first respect you a cup!"

With that, Tong Zhanxuan tremblingly lifted the wine glass on the table and lifted it away from the crowd.

Everyone was polite and swallowed up, Tie Ahu said, "Brother Tong, Brother Fang Caiyun wanted to ask, what is the level above the ninth level? How can we break through?"

When everyone said this, everyone looked at Tong Zhanxuan like a curious baby, looking humbly for advice.

Tong Zhanxuan shook the wine on his beard and hung his appetite for a long time before saying, "On the ninth level, there is another layer of realm. This realm is called the realm of founding. Open up a great deal between waving..."

Founding state?

Everyone heard a new term. However, when everyone heard it with interest, they did not see Tong Zhanxuan continue to talk down. The old man ate himself on the table.

Really dying individual!

At this time, an old woman next to the Black Cloud Cave in Biyou Mountain said, Mrs. Biyun said, "Brother, don't stop appetizing for us. How can you break through this original state, please give pointers!"

"Yeah, yeah, Brother Tong has educated us!"

Everyone nodded and could see the eagerness. In this first echelon, I am afraid that Suhang and Gross do not care.

Su Hang didn't care at all, what was the starting point, still far away from him, and Gross, he hoped that Tong Zhanxuan wouldn't say a word, otherwise, all of them would run ahead of themselves one by one.

Therefore, Gross is a little absent-minded, and Su Hang is purely curious!

Tong Zhanxuan put down his chopsticks, "No hurry, wait for a friend, and don't know if he will come today. When he comes, let's set up an altar after the banquet and talk about it. Then, what do you want to ask, Let's talk about anything!"

Everyone was stunned. An old man on the left asked, "Tong old, but I don't know, who are you waiting for?"

This old man looks black, and the whole person is dirty. Su Hang scanned it with the Xueshen system. This man is called Linzhou, the Lord of the Fallen Abyss!

There are four abysses in the void. This old man is one of them. The same nine-tier existence. The young man Lin Feng, who was previously stopped outside like Su Hang because he did not have invitations, is the old man's son!

This dress is indeed a bit degenerate.

Tong Zhanxuan smiled, an unpredictable look.

This kind of face really made people want to flatten him, and Su Hang looked a little speechless, saying, if you want to say it, don't say it, why don't you sell these customs, it's really painful and annoying!

"An old friend is also an old friend of everybody, and I am not sure whether he will come, so wait a minute!"

Tong Zhanxuan made everyone depressed to vomit blood, half of the words, are you letting everyone guess?

This is all boring, all closed their mouths consciously, since you have to wait, then wait slowly, as far as Tong Zhanxuan's style of speaking is concerned, no matter how much he asks, he doesn't want to say that he will still run around to sell you Guanzi .

Among the seats, Su Hang glanced at the cold clothes across from him. Perhaps he was the only one who saw it. When Tong Zhanxuan was speaking, his face was obviously unnatural. Su Hang seemed to understand something vaguely in his heart.

Who is Tong Zhanxuan waiting for? I'm afraid it's the same person as the winter clothes!


Everyone took care of themselves by drinking and eating. No one spoke anymore. No one asked him any questions. Tong Zhanxuan was sitting on the throne, but he was embarrassed!

Is it a bit too much?

Su Hang looked at Tong Zhanxuan's complexion, but couldn't help but want to laugh. Tong Zhanxuan seemed to be aware of it, and looked at Su Hang with a kind of profound expression.

"This little brother, I'm afraid that your Daoling age is less than one yuan, but the realm has the second level of dominance. I don't know who is the master?" Tong Zhanxuan asked.

The rest of them waited, or looked at Su Hang, or continued to chat about themselves, they were not very interested in Su Hang.

After being named, how could I not respond? Su Hang got up and arched his hands, "Returning to the predecessor, the younger Su Hang, there is no martial art, but, by chance, by some powerful predecessors' guidance. Opportunity!"

Su Hang thought, for these great powers, one yuan would probably be the smallest unit of time they feel, just like a dollar and a penny. In daily life, you will think that a dollar is the smallest and no one will go Care about the existence of that penny.

If Su Hang told him that he hadn't practiced for less than ten years, he didn't know whether it would hurt everyone's self-confidence.

"Opportunity coincidence?" Tong Zhanxuan said with a smile, "I think there was a friend who likes to hang opportunity around my mouth. I think there is a bit of his breath in your body. Presumably, you are pointing your finger Senior is powerful, he is the one!"

"Oh?" Su Hang frowned slightly, "I don't know who the senior said?"

"Oh!" Tong Zhanxuan smiled slightly, "You and I know it well, so I don't need to say more!"

I lost, Su Hang couldn't help but want to scold her mother, this Tong Zhanxuan, this style of speaking, can live to the present, it is really a miracle.

Everything is to say half stay half, half wait for you to guess, this kind of appetizing behavior is really very uncomfortable.

Su Hang paused, and when he was about to say more, Tong Zhanxuan said again, "However, I said earlier that everyone who went to the banquet today had any grievances with me in the Ancient Demon Grotto. Someone who is not a vengeful person, that person was so unforgettable in the past, but now I am afraid that the life is not easy, but I have already surpassed Hongmeng, alas, I want to come now, it is really sighing, Brother Su, if you can still See him and bring me a good deal for him. There are no permanent enemies in this world. When you reach a certain level, any cause and effect, all grudges, are equal to the clouds!"

Listening to the meaning of Tong Zhanxuan, Su Hang may understand that the existence of Tong Zhanxuan's once indelible existence should be destiny. In addition to destiny, who can be called indestructible?

Moreover, when destiny singled out the entire void world, this Tong Zhanxuan must have also participated in the war, so he said there were grudges, but Tong Zhanxuan did not seem to have much loss in that battle, otherwise, it should be the same as Gross, Still recuperating, not floating like this!

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