Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3038: Strange!

?????????? Really, really just left!

?????????? After the ghost walked away, the scene was silent, and the cold clothes put the box away. It did not mean to open the scene and look. The face was as usual, as if the appearance of the ghost was just not affected. Her mood.

?????????? "Brother Tong, Minggu will also break through the founding realm? What is going on?" Yun Lang asked.

???????????? Tong Zhanxuan seemed to suddenly lose interest at this time, and waved his hand, saying, "Originally, I thought that the ancient meeting would come, and the two of us could talk to each other, and so on. Listen, in this way, it is good for everyone, but I did not expect that the ancients do not appreciate the face, alas, okay, today’s banquet is over. So far, you have come, Wan Mo Cave has arranged accommodation for everyone, you go back to your place first Take a break and rest, then the old man opens the altar in Mingjing Cave, everyone who wants to come, can come!"

???????? After that, Tong Zhanxuan got up and trembling away with the eight ancient demon, leaving everyone to look at each other.

???????????? The cold clothes got up and said, "Everyone, Master has already said, after a while, I will open the altar in Mingjing Cave. The opportunity is rare. I believe everyone does not want to miss this conference. In addition, , Master is in poor health, so everyone should try not to bother!"

???????????? This is obviously meant to be heard by the big brothers!



?????????? In the Wanmo Ancient Cave, the space is very large, with countless caves. This Wanmo Ancient Cave is one of the three major forces in the Demon Realm, and there are no classes, as long as you want to join Yes, the Wanmo Ancient Cave is willing to absorb, so although it is called the Wanmo, in fact, there are more than tens of thousands of demons entrenched in the Wanmo Ancient Cave. It can be hundreds of millions. The power is huge. If you only look at the number of gatekeepers In fact, Wanmo Ancient Cave is definitely the first.

Of course, a large number of people does not mean everything. Even if there are more demons in the Wanmo Ancient Cave, to measure the size of this force, you still have to look at the top handful.

?????????? After the banquet, everyone did not say they wanted to leave. Da Lao Yuan came, it was impossible to leave after a meal, and there was always some substantial gains.

?????????? Everyone is still thinking about waiting for Tong Zhanxuan to preach, to find out how Tong Zhanxuan touched the threshold of the founding realm, and how can this realm be surpassed.

?????????? Su Hang was also arranged as a residence, a small cave, with simple facilities inside, only a stone platform, and a ruined futon was placed on the stone platform.

?????????? "Stilt, stilt!" Gross went to the cave of Su Hang, squeezed his chin, and called Stilt.

?????????? Su Hang looked at Gros oddly, "What's wrong?"

???????? Gross said, "Even Brother Luo, I just touched that threshold, and, still because of the opportunity in the treasure trove of the Master, otherwise, I don’t know when to wait. And the realm of Tong Zhanxuan, I know very well that Brother Luo is not a half star, so he said that he touched the threshold, I don’t believe it!"

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "Some things, you have to believe, I can be sure that Tong Zhanxuan has indeed touched the threshold of the founding state!"

???????? "Oh?" Gross turned back and looked at Su Hang strangely, "Why are you so sure?"

?????????? Su Hang paused for a moment, thinking, I can't tell you, I used the results of the Xueshen system scan, the system can't scan the information of Tong Zhanxuan, it can only explain, Tong Zhanxuan has approached that state indefinitely!

???????? "This..." Su Hang hesitated for a while, and said, "I think Tong Zhanxuan will not be so stupid. We are all called to attend the Wanmo Banquet, just to lie to everyone to tell a lie. And what’s more, isn’t he going to talk about it? It’s gold and stone at that time, don’t you know it?”

?????????? Su Hang knew that his words were not very persuasive, and said immediately, "Tong Zhanxuan passed the throne, so coincidentally, Ming Gu is also looking for inheritors, I think, among them, There must be an inevitable connection. I don’t know how they touched that level, but I intuitively told me that Tong Zhanxuan didn’t lie!"

?????????????? Gross took a deep breath, "Since Hongmeng, so many years, there has not been a person who surpassed Hongmeng, but now not only has appeared, but also appeared two at a time. This is really incredible, I think, Tong Zhanxuan and Ming Gu must have encountered some chance!"

???????? "Opportunity?" Su Hang raised an eyebrow. "What opportunity?"

???????? "Where do I know what chance?" Gros couldn't help laughing, and Su Hang asked this question a bit stupidly, "However, I heard Brother Luo said that I want to break through the founding situation, It is not just cultivation, but accumulation that can be achieved. To break through, you must have the opportunity to become enlightened!"

???????? "The opportunity to become enlightened?" Su Hang thought back, "that is, the Hongmeng larvae that Luo Jiu Chen took from the treasure house that day?"

???????? Luo Jiuchen had vaguely said this before in the treasure house.

???????? Gross said, "Yes, Hongmeng larvae, the foundation of the founding. Without this thing, regardless of how many years you have cultivated and how deep your skills are, it is impossible to break through that realm!"

?????????? Su Hang paused and said, "So, Tong Zhanxuan and Ming Gu really have a chance!"

???????????? Gross nodded, "Hong Mong larvae, this thing is rare, it is unimaginable, this void world was originally evolved from the growth of a hong mon larvae, it is impossible to breed another hong Meng Young, I don’t know what chance these two people met!"

???????? "Waiting for him to preach, don't you know?" Su Hangdao.

???????? Gross shook his head, "Tong Zhan Xuan is happily swaying, otherwise there will not be today's Devil Banquet, but Tong Zhan Xuan is not a fool. It’s just superior, he can’t tell everyone the breakthrough!"

???????????? Yes, the so-called "broom self-preservation", not to mention that this is a way to break through Hongmeng, it is not a broom at all, how can Tong Zhanxuan come up and share it with others?

?????????? "Then we can't take him, can you still have a way to tell him the breakthrough method?" Su Hangdao.

???????????? Gross thought for a while, "I have no way, but, Brother Su, you might be able to do it!"

?????????? "Me?" Su Hang was a little stunned. "What can I do?"

???????? Gross lowered his You can start from the cold clothes, after all, you have the relationship of Bingji! "

???????? "Winter clothes?"

???????? Su Hang frowned slightly, although the cold clothes are Bing Ji's sister, but Su Hang and cold clothes have only seen one side, and there is no deep contact, he does not think that cold clothes will He glanced at each other and said nothing.

?????? At this time, it is possible to ask Su Hang to ask for this question in the winter coat?

???????? Gross said, "In my understanding of Tong Zhanxuan, this person is so obvious that even if he only gets a magic weapon, he can't wait to let the people of the whole void know that this time the Wanmo Banquet can be seen. So, to keep a secret in his heart, it is probably impossible, he will definitely say it out, and as a disciple of Tong Zhanxuan, he is the heir of the Wanmo Ancient Grottoes, Tong Zhanxuan will most likely inform Han Yi of this secret, so Su Brother, if you want to find out this secret, you can only start with your winter clothes!"

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