Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3039: Secretly talk about the winter clothes!

I have to say that Gross speaks very well, but if Su Hang is to use this relationship to listen to others, Su Hang always feels that this behavior is immoral, and that he and the cold clothes are not familiar with it. degree.

"But I am not interested in this issue!" Su Hang shook his head and directly rejected Gross.

Gross looked at Su Hang with some surprise. "How is this possible? How could you not be interested? That is how to break through Hongmeng, who can't be bothered?"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "I'm in a low state, and it's too far away from that state. So, breaking through Hongmeng doesn't seem too attractive to me. Lord Lord Gross, you're not stuck in seven. Level? To break through Hongmeng, still far away, let others worry about it!"

Gross said, his face shivered slightly, "Although I have only seven ranks, but I used to be the pinnacle. Now that I have the founding tree, I believe that I will be able to return to the pinnacle soon. Faced with the same problem, Brother Su, you are also the same. Don’t think that the low state is not enough. One day, you will also face this problem. And, I believe that with your qualifications, this day should not be too far away. !"

Gross is vague, and the little touted the Su Hang.

Su Hang didn't feel complacent because of Gros's compliment, he immediately waved his hand, "Master of the Gros, you may wish to explore the way first, if you can ask, don't forget to come back and tell me!"

Gross blows his beard and is a little angry. "It's really not a child to teach!"

Su Hang shrugged his shoulders and did not refute. He was asked to help him find out the news, and he did not benefit at all. He was not pure silly!

At this time, people from outside of Su Hang's cave, Su Hang looked at it, but it was an ancient devil.

"It turned out to be a predecessor of Heavenly Slave, I don't know what to teach!" Su Hang tried to lower his posture as much as possible. Among the ten thousand demon ancient caves, there are more people who are stronger than him. Gu Mo Tian Nu felt sorry for him, but that was not a contradiction, and this is still the territory of others!

"Are you the Suhang?" Tiannu first greeted Gross, and then looked at Suhang up and down for a few moments, asking a little knowingly.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Yes, under Su Hang!"

Tian Nu nodded his head, "The cave owner has orders, let me invite you to meet the devil cave!"

"Oh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, first glanced at Gross, and then asked, "Senior said, I don't know which cave owner?"

Tiannu heard that he almost didn't give Su Hang a blind eye, "The old cave master has abdicated, of course you are the new cave master!"

The new cave owner, that's the cold clothes, the cold clothes want to see me?

Su Hang paused and could understand it even if he thinks about it. The winter clothes should want to know the information of Bing Ji!

"Since the Han Yi Cave mainly sees you, you should go and see it, don't be neglected!" Gross said next to him. He really wanted to sleep and came to a pillow. He just wanted Su Hang to check the news!

Su Hang hesitated and arched his hand at Tiannu. "Please also ask Senior to lead the way!"

There are countless caves in this Ten Thousand Devil Caves, where he knows where is the Demon Cave!

Gros next to him squinted at Su Hang, clearly letting Su Hang not forget what they just talked about.

Su Hang did not respond to him, nor did he know whether he understood Gros's eyes, and left the place with Tian Nu.


Alchemy Cave.

This is a football-sized cave. There are pools of magma-like things in the cave. The hot light reflects the entire cave into a reddish color. It is a little scary inside.

In the middle of the magma pool, there is a high platform. When the slave brought Su Hang into the refining cave, the cold clothes were sitting cross-legged on the high platform, like a god!

"The master of the cave, Su Hang brought it!" Tiannu walked to the pool and bowed to the cold clothes!

"Come back first!" Han Yi said with her eyes closed, without opening her eyes.

Tiannu heard the words and nodded slightly, "Yes!"

Tian Nu turned around and gave Su Hang a warning look, and left the Devil's Cave directly. At this time, Su Hang and Han Yi were left in the cave!

Su Hang arched her hands in cold clothes and opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to call it. You call it senior. She is Bingji's sister. Call her sister. People don't necessarily see you.

At this time, Han Yi opened his eyes and looked at Suhang.

The eyes are relatively awkward, Su Hang laughed a little, and was about to speak, but the winter coat spoke, "Since you are Bing Ji's husband, call me my sister!"


Su Hang breathed out a breath, but it was a solution to this problem, and immediately arched his hand, "Su Hang sees sister in winter clothes!"

There was no change in the expression of the winter clothes, but nodded slightly, "Bing Ji has been okay all these years!"

Sure enough, the winter clothes are called Su Hang, just to get some information about Bing Ji. After all, they are sisters, so naturally care about your sister!

Since the cold clothes asked, Su Hang did not hide, and told him what he knew about Bing Ji.

Including Bing Ji, who was trapped in a wooden box for many years, he and he were forced to worship in a confusing way, and became a pro affair.

After listening to the cold clothes, he was also sighing, "You are quite frank, but, anyway, since you are already a pro, I just hope you can treat her well, I can be such a sister, if you let me know, you are guilty, Ding Rao you must not!"

Su Hanghanran thought that he would tell the story, the cold clothes would have sympathy, but he did not want to directly sympathize and change the threat!

"Sister assured!" Su Hang nodded, "Bing Ji should have come this time, but there is no way, chaos is not guarded, and she can only be wronged!"

"That frost, I will find her liquidation!" Han Yi said lightly, and then said However, you want to protect the chaotic world, I am afraid it is a little difficult! "

Han Yi jumped the topic directly into the chaotic world. Su Hang's face changed slightly, "I don't know what my sister has advised me?"

"What advice can I have?" Han Yi shook his head. "All I can represent is the Devil's Cave. Your chaotic world occupies too much territory in the void, and it has been expanding constantly. There are more than one or two of them in the void, including my Wanmo Ancient Cave, who have been coveting this territory for a long time and are ready to include it in their pockets at any time!"

"This..." Su Hang froze, his face slightly changed!

At this time, Han Yidao said, "Why, afraid?"

Su Hang heard the words and laughed, "Afraid, of course I am afraid, with my current strength, against the entire void, it is undoubtedly a scorpion, but since the sister mentioned this problem, there must be a way to help me solve it?"

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