Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3040: Help send a courier!

Cold clothes heard a smile on his face, "I can't help you anything else, but if you can help me do one thing, in exchange, I can guarantee that the Wanmo Ancient Cave can have nothing to do with Chaos World Autumn. Commit!"

Su Hang paused, "I don't know, what did my sister want me to do?"

"It's a simple thing!" Han Yi smiled. "Go to a place, send me something, and give it to someone!"

Su Hang stared at the winter clothes and seemed to understand something. His face was thoughtful. "Sister, would you want me to go to the Holy Ghost?"

After hearing the words, Han Yi also stared at Su Hang for a while, "It seems that you are also very smart!"

Obviously, Su Hang guessed that the winter clothes are to let Su Hang go to the Holy Ghost House to deliver express to Minggu!

"How about, can you help my sister get through this?" Han Yi asked.

Su Hang hesitated for a while, "I can go, but I'm a little puzzled, why doesn't my sister go?"

The winter clothes heard the words and frowned slightly, and asked, "What do you think?"

Knowing that I am having trouble with Ming Gu, you still asked me why I didn’t go by myself. Isn’t this uncomfortable?

Su Hang laughed, "I don't know much about your sister and Ming Gu, but, as the saying goes, a couple of hundred days a day, I can see that my sister still has some feelings for that Ming Gu of……"

"Enough!" Han Yi drank directly, interrupting Su Hang's chatter.

Su Hang murmured, knowing that the winter coat was angry, and then stimulated her, maybe what would happen to it!

Han Yi took a deep breath, "You said, are you willing to go, but unwilling, when I just said nothing."

Su Hang heard a stagnation and thought for a while, said, "Sister has orders, even if Su Hang is going to go through the fire, he has to do this for his sister!"

As for the attitude of Su Hang, Han Yi was very satisfied, and his face turned angry, showing a smile.

"But..." However, at this time, Su Hang suddenly turned his words!

"But what?" asked Han Yi.

Su Hang thought for a while, "If my sister only guarantees that the Wanmo Ancient Cave will not get involved in the chaotic world, I'm afraid it's a bit..."

"How are you going to stay?" Han Yi asked.

Su Hangdao, "I hope that if chaos is difficult in the future, my sister can provide help within her ability!"

The winter clothes heard the words, frowning slightly, staring at Su Hang for a while, "Do you know what you are talking about? Although the Great Demon Grotto is powerful, it is not strong enough to fight the entire void world. To the point!"

Su Hangdao, "I mean, as far as my abilities are, and I am in the void, I also have some friends, such as Yunlang and Tie Ahu, who owe my favor, and the Void Temple is now in alliance with me. !"

"Oh, the Temple of the Void?" Han Yi shook his head. "If the former Temple of the Void was okay to say, but now, it can only be regarded as a second-rate force!"

As for what Su Hang said, Yun Lang and Tie Ahu, even if they really owe their favor to Su Hang, but can they help you when it is time for life and death? Don’t think too optimistic about things, don’t look too high on yourself!

Su Hang didn't have much to say, the Temple of the Void has been second-rate, but with the return of the King of Owls, there is a ninth order sitting, should be able to return to the first echelon!

The winter clothes thought for a while and said, "Come on, help me deliver things, everything is easy to say!"

This was considered a deal. Su Hang was very pleased with the help of Ten Thousand Devil Caves, and the pressure on him was much lighter.

At this time, Han Yi's right hand spread out, a box appeared in her hand, a big sleeve waved, the box flew over to Su Hang.

Su Hang took it with both hands and looked down. It was a black lacquered wooden box with a seal on it, which was commonplace.

It's a box again. Su Hang now sees the box and feels a little instinctive in his heart!

Looking up at the winter clothes, cold clothes said, "You are not allowed to open the box, you have to hand this box to his hands!"

he? Nature is ancient!

Su Hang took a deep breath. Although he was a little curious about what was inside, he still endured this curiosity.

"When will you go?" Su Hang asked.

"Now, immediately, immediately!" said Han Yi.

Su Hang heard the words and raised her eyebrows softly. "Now? So anxious? Sister, don't senior Tong have to preach? Can you just listen to Tong preaching before you go!"

The winter clothes listened, and the expression on his face changed slightly, "Master preached, in your realm, even if you listen, you won't realize anything, so you don't have to listen to it. You will help me send things first The Holy Ghost House, give it to that person, move faster, maybe you can come back and catch up!"

Su Hang hesitated again and again, nodded slightly, "Well, since it is the elder sister's account, Su Hang will definitely hand this thing into the hands of Dean Gu Ming!"

A smile appeared on the face of Han Yi, a big sleeve waved, and a green stone flew into Su Hang's hand.

Su Hang looked at it, it was an oval stone, half the size of a slap, and the coat of arms, "This is a wayfinding guide for the void world. When you first arrive in the void world, don't go the wrong way. There are marked dangerous areas on the guide. , It’s best to go around the road!"

"Thank you elder sister!" Su Hang arched his hands, but the cold clothes thought for him quite thoughtfully!

"Don't tell anyone, go!" Han Yi waved his hand.

Su Hang put away the box, and immediately left the refining cave. The cold clothes sat in the pool and watched Su Hang leave. The beautiful face did not know what kind of expression.


After coming out of the Devil's Cave, Su Hangben wanted to go back to his residence and informed Gros, but the cold clothes told him not to tell anyone. Su Hang thought about it and left the Demon Cave.

Su Hang took out a wayfinding guide and looked at it. It was one day away from the Holy Spirit Academy. It was two days in one round. If you move faster, you should be able to catch up with Tong Zhanxuan to preach. It may not be very beneficial to say But listening is always good!

After all, it is an existence that is about to surpass Hongmeng.

Without stopping at any point, Su Hang went directly to the direction of the Holy Ghost. In his current state, the speed is surprisingly fast, and one step out of it is tens of thousands of light periods. The so-called light period is a century of light. One can imagine how wide the distance is in this void world!

Even at the speed of Su Hang, it takes a whole day to go to the Holy Ghost, and one can imagine how far the Holy Ghost is.

It's blamed that the site selection of the Holy Ghost is too biased, it seems that it deliberately wants to stay away from the Wanmo Ancient Cave and Tianhe Mountain.

The wayfinding guide opened, and a light curtain appeared in front of Su Hang. The sky map was above. However, it was very simple. There were only some green dots, some simple coordinates, and some red dots, which represented dangerous areas. There is a white spot, that is the destination selected in advance!

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