Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3042: Tear your face!

Su Hang paused, looking strangely at the slaves, "You said, this is the direction to the original abyss!"

"Of course, the old man will not be so bored. He will catch up with you and point you the wrong way!" said the slave, pointing in another direction. "There is the Holy Ghost House, at the speed of Brother Su, but for a long time. It’s just a trip!"

Su Hang frowned. For a moment, he didn't know if he should believe the slaves. "Senior slaves don't want to tease me, but I have a way..."

With that said, Su Hang took the wayfinding out and shook it in front of the slaves!

Seeing the slaves, he just smiled, "When the wayfinding is also deceptive, the above purpose can be marked at will. Could it be that the person who gave you the wayfinding is interested in harming you? Brother Su, be careful!"

Su Hang raised her eyebrows lightly. "Don't you know that this wayfinding guide was given to me by the master of the cold clothes cave?"

"Oh? It was given to you by the master of the cold clothes cave?" Huang Nu froze for a moment, then shook his head. "That right, when I said nothing!"

This said, as if there were some scruples, Su Hang did not know whether he pretended to be deliberate. Hearing in his ears, he always felt that there was something in his words!

"What is power when you say nothing?" Su Hang asked.

The barbarian said, "Since the cave master says that there is a holy spirit house, let's be a holy spirit house over there. Brother Su, the cave master will give you directions and let you go to the holy spirit house. I don't know why?"

Su Hang looked at the barbarian amusedly, "Senior, do you dare to say that you are not knowingly asking?"

Huang Nu smiled, "The old man didn't understand a bit. Brother Su thought, what should I know?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Let's just go to visit relatives and friends. The Holy Spirit Court Master Ming Gu is my brother-in-law. I'll visit. Shouldn't the senior slaver manage?"

Huang Nu laughed, "The old man almost forgot, you have this relationship with the old master of the Ming Dynasty, but, to say something bad, Brother Su, go like this, I am afraid that I will never get to the Holy Spirit Academy. !"

Su Hang took a deep breath, and looked at the slaves deeply, "Senior slaves, if, in both you and the winter clothes, let me choose one to believe, who do you think I will choose?"

Huang Nu heard the words, his face was stagnant, and he laughed, "It seems that Brother Su didn't believe the old man, huh, huh, if I were you, then I'm sure neither of them would believe in survival in the void, except No one can believe me!"

"Hehe!" Su Hang yelled. The words of the desert slave, but said the facts, he really can't believe anyone, at most tend to believe in cold clothes.

After all, the cold clothes have something to do with him, but this does not mean that the cold clothes will not pit him. After all, who the cold clothes are, he simply does not understand.

Huang Nudao, "Brother Su, if you can't believe me, why don't you go back with me and find someone you can trust to see if the old man has lied to you? Although the old man's face is black, his heart is not black at all!"

"It turns out, you want to coax me back?" Su Hang frowned slightly!

Huang Nu shook his head, "Neither nor neither, nor coax, but persuasion. Brothers Su would go more aggressive than others. It would be better to go back with me, confirm that the old man's words are true and false, and then decide whether to go too late!"

Oh, with these words, Su Hang sneered in his heart and regarded himself as a three-year-old kid? If I go back with you, can I come out again? It's whimsical!

"I don't think it's necessary anymore!" Su Hang directly refused. "Su is always adventurous. If the front is the original abyss, I haven't been here anyway. I just went to the original abyss to see it. Look at this What kind of Jedi is the original abyss of the eight abyss!"

Huang Nu listened, and his face twitched slightly. "Brothers Su should think twice. The original abyss is known as one of the eight abysses. Among them, there are countless more powerful void spirits than you, and these spirits are brutal and murderous... "

Su Hang interrupted the words of the barbarian slaves, "It's stronger than me, it's hardly too much, and the predecessors in this void world say cruel killing, don't you think it's ridiculous? The void world, where is no cruelty? Kill, who doesn’t cruelly kill?"

Suddenly, Su Hang looked at the desert slaves meaningfully. "Besides, isn't this a senior? Are you there? Is the senior interested in following me all the way? When I get into trouble, can I help me solve one or two?"

When Huang Nu heard the words, his face changed slightly, and he shook his head. "I'm still anxious to go back to the cave. There are important things. If Brother Su is worried about the way forward, it's better to..."

Before the slaves had finished speaking, Su Hang had waved his hand. "Since that's the case, let's not pass it for now. Senior Senior Slaves, goodbye to destiny, there will be a period in the future!"

After that, Su Hang twisted his **** and ran!

Huang Nu's face was huge black, "Brother Su, the old man has given you face!"

When the words fell, the slaves had already stopped Suhang, and his face was a little bad!

Su Hang frowned slightly, and looked at the slaves up and down, "What else can you tell me?"

Obviously, soft is not good, the desert slave is ready to come hard.

"Huh!" Huang Nu snorted coldly, "The old man doesn't want to embarrass you, hand over what the cave master gave you!"

Sure enough, speaking of this, the slave was ready to tear his face, because the matter involved the new cave master's winter clothes, the slave was more cautious, and wanted to use civilized means to solve the problem with Su Hang, but the result was a bit unsatisfactory He thought that Su Hang would be very acquainted, and would follow him back obediently, but he didn't want to. Su Hang didn't want to take care of him.

This made him have to choose to use force!

A second-order master, in front of his seventh-order, is not a threat at all, he does not think that Su Hang can run away from his hands.

"Something?" Su Hang froze for a What did the senior say? Su did not understand! "

"Don't understand?" The black slave looked black, "You ran as an old man to catch up with you, just chatting with you? What is the reason, you and I know everything, and give what the cave master gave you Come out, wherever you like to go, the old man will not stop you!"

Su Hang looked at the barbarian slaves, "What do you mean? Do you dare to rob the cave master?"

Huang Nu laughed, "The old cave master's orders, the old man is also a last resort. You also know that the cold coat cave master is the heir of the old cave master. The old cave master doesn't want her to go astray, so she chooses to deal with it coldly. Otherwise, Brother Su, the old man will not go around with you for so long, I am afraid that you no longer exist!"

Speaking of which, Huang Nu stretched out a hand and put it in front of Su Hang, "Take it out, good to you, good to me, and good to the master of the winter clothes, don't make me difficult!"

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