Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3043: Ape Wang Dan?

?????????????? This said, but the focus of the speech was long, Su Hang looked as usual, calmly looked at the desert slave, for a long time, a box appeared in his hand, put it in the hands of the desert slave , "If you win, take it, don't bother me!"


???????? The box instantly turned to ashes in the hands of the desert slave, and the face of the desert slave seemed to drip ink, "Don’t insult my IQ!"

???????? Oh, it's not stupid, Su Hang casually took a box for him, did not stun him.

???????? At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Isn't it this thing? Please also ask the senior slaver to express!"

?????????? "Ape Wang Dan!"

???????? Huang Nu frowned, his eyes coldly looked at Su Hang, squeezed a few words from the teeth!

?????????? "Ape Wang Dan? What ape Wang Dan?" Su Hang was a little surprised!

?????????? The deserted slave avoids and does not answer, "It's the one given to you by the master of the clothes coat, return it quickly, otherwise, the old man can't guarantee what will be done, tell you the truth, can To talk so much with you, it's already the limit of the old man's patience!"

?????????? Su Hang smiled bitterly, "The owner of the Winter Clothes Cave gave me more. Where do I know what is Ape King Dan, Senior Slave Master, you have to make it clear and let me know Ape King What is Dan, can I find it for you?"

?????????? Wild Slave, "Do you know the Void Demon?"

???????? "Void Demon Ape?" Su Hang froze for a moment, as if he had heard of it, and he seems to have a Void Demon Ape Sutra in his hand. It is said that if he practices deep into the depths, he can be transformed into Void Demon Ape?

???????? Su Hang doesn't know what a Void Demon exists, but just guesses, it should be a powerful Void Demon!

?????????? The slave slave said, "Well, I don’t even know the Void Demon Ape, what's the point of asking this question? Get it out soon, I can go back and get back to life, this should not happen. Ever!"

?????????? "Sorry, no!" Su Hang said directly.

???????? "Are you sure?" The voice of the deserted slave was cold, and a pair of eyes burst out with some killing intentions, with a slight threat in the tone of voice.

???????? Su Hang nodded, "There is really no ape king Dan!"

???????? "I'm sorry, I can only ask you to go back!" Huang Nu snorted coldly, took a few steps back, opened his mouth, and flew out of it.

???????? The thing was green and green, and instantly became larger. Su Hang looked at it, it was a mussel-shaped object, just like a giant mussel.

?????? I saw the clam opened his mouth quickly, a huge mouth, so Su Hang felt terrified, I saw that the clam has a fist-sized orb, opened in the clam mouth In an instant, Baozhu shined a strong golden light.

???????? Jin Guang took a picture of Suhang. Suhang felt like he was locked in a moment, and his body could hardly move. At the same time, the giant clam opened its giant mouth and came directly to Suhang. One of the great suctions is to **** Su Hang into the mussels.

?????????? Su Hang is horrified. The existence of Tier 7 is really powerful. He does not have any ability to resist, it is simply crushing!

?????????? It’s time for Suhang to stop hiding, and immediately sing coldly to call out the armor of fate, which blends with the flesh. Suddenly, Suhang felt that he could move. , Immediately a fate of destiny, the huge force supporting the armor of destiny, the strength soared rapidly, only to stop at the eighth level.


?????? Su Hang stood up proudly, strenuously struggling, took out the sky axe, and directly went down with an axe.


???????? Under the great force, the giant clam instantly collapsed.

???????? It is a pity that the sky axe does not have a blade, otherwise, it will be able to split the clam in half.

???????? The wild slave was very surprised when he saw this scene, but the man's face was dark, and he could only see surprise in his eyes.

???????? Where did this boy come from? Huang Nu is very confident in his power of this Void Clam. Even if his opponent is a seventh-order, he can't care nothing, not to mention, the other party is only a second-order.

?????? Feeling the sudden surge in Su Hang's body, Huang Nu was a little flustered, and this momentum was faintly overtaking him.

?????? This kid also has seventh order? Or, eighth order? Huang Nu froze in his heart, and watched Su Hang carrying an axe, majestic and majestic. It was impossible. This kid was a pig and a tiger, hiding his strength?

???????? If this is the case, then it will be troublesome, not to mention whether you can retrieve the main things in the old cave, maybe you have to explain it here today!

?????? "Good ability you!"

????????Huang Nu drunk, the giant clam just flew back again, Su Hang looked at it, to the advantage of the sky, actually only left a shallow body on the giant clam There is no other damage to the shallow imprint, but it is obviously distressing to see the appearance of Huang Nu!

???????? "Overwhelming, overwhelming!" Su Hang politely said, "Do you want me to go back?"

???????????? The wild slave is not a fool, weighed in his heart, and immediately took a mouthful and put away the giant clam, "Don’t call me senior, I can’t afford it!"

?????????? There is a bit of sarcasm in the words, obviously there is anxiety, "Unexpectedly, you still have this ability, playing pigs and eating tigers, at first glance is bad intentions, I can't ask you to go back , Then, where are you going, where are I going with you!"

???????? "Oh?" Su Hang frowned slightly. Is this deserted slave ready to play the role of dog skin plaster?

?????????? "I'm going to the Holy Ghost, will you go too?" Seeing the waste slaves putting away the treasures, Su Hang also put away the armor of fate. This armor, every minute and second, The energy consumed is huge.

???????? Regained the second order again, Huang Nu stared at Su Hang, frowned slightly, and seemed to want to see Su Hang through.

???????? "Of course, where are you going, where am I going until I get the Ape King Pill!" Huang Nu said directly, beating and beating again and again, or else, what else can I do? I can only rely on you!

?????????? "Yes, you love to follow, just follow!" Su Hang ignored him and continued to embark on the road to the Holy Ghost, toward the original abyss toward the desert slave Direction.

???????? Of course, Su Hang still chose to believe in cold clothes. Since he promised to help cold clothes to deliver things, he would never say anything!


???????????? Wanmo Ancient Cave.

???????? In front of a hidden grotto, a black robe came quickly, kneeling outside the cave door, did not know what to say, the grotto gate opened with a bang, and the man walked in quickly.

On the stone platform in the cave ~ ~ sitting cross-legged is an old man with white hair and short stature who is Tong Zhanxuan.

?????????? "The Grotto Master!" The man entered the grotto and immediately knelt under the stone platform, trembling with fear, "The Grotto Master, the brothers of the desert slave came the news..."


After whispering, Tong Zhanxuan opened his eyes immediately after hearing the speech, and his eyes flashed a little, "Oh, this Suhang, the old man underestimated him!"

The man quickly got up and took a step forward, "The cave owner, Ape Wang Dan is very rare for my Wanmo Ancient Cave. Look, do you want Tiandi Erlao to come to support?"

Tong Zhan Xuan Wen Yan, thought about it, waved his hand, "Forget it, I will break through Hongmeng, Ape Wang Dan for me, but I can only grasp a little more, let him go, let the desert slaves look up this Su Hang, I suddenly became interested in this younger generation!"

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