Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3045: Arrive at the Holy Spirit Academy!

???????? In a word, it directly blocked the mouth of Su Hang. Su Hang knew that it was almost impossible to ask for useful information from the mouth of the deserted slave, so he didn’t ask too much. Continue On the road.

???????? Desolate slaves are also on the move, "Brother Su, I would also like to ask, how can you, a junior who came out of chaos, have such power? Did you hide your strength? Where does your strength come from? Coming?"

???????? "I heard that the fate of the No. 1 Void Strongman was hidden in the chaotic world at that time. Are you Brother Su and the fate?"

???????? "Brother Su, don't be so cold, anyway, answer my question!"


?????????? This deserted slave is really annoying enough, really beeping, a bunch of questions, like a curious baby, making Suhang like a bunch of flies in the ear , Buzzing all the time!

?????????? Suddenly, Suhang stopped, and the slaves were asking, and when they saw it, they stopped. Seeing Suhang staring ahead, looking up, a huge and magnificent building, Floating in the void.

?????? A huge black stone stood like a pillar in front of the building. The black stone was inscribed with three large characters, which is the word "Holy Ghost"!

???????? "Yo, so soon?" Huang Nu froze for a moment.

???????? Su Hang turned his head and looked at him, "Senior, don't you say, come here, is it a primitive abyss?"

????????Huang Nuqian laughed, avoiding Suhang’s gaze. Obviously, the previous words were completely fooling Suhang. If Suhang walked in the direction he pointed at that time, maybe it would be. Go to the original abyss!

???????? Abandoned slave road, "Don’t care about these details, Brothers Su, the old man reminds you that in this holy palace, there are countless masters of demon geniuses. These devils have always had their eyes above their tops and high self-esteem. , But it’s not as easy to get along with as our Wanmo Ancient Cave, they are very exclusive, especially outsiders like you and me..."

?????? "Oh, is there such an exaggeration?" Su Hang smiled, wondering what the servant was thinking about, and he was also a monk dominating the realm anyway. Are he still afraid of these little demons in the Holy Spirit Academy?

???????? Abandoned slave road, "The Brothers Su do not know, the monks of the Holy Ghost are recognized as the most united among all the demon monks. Moreover, this Holy Ghost has the prohibition under the ancient system, not the Holy Spirit. The monks of the Academy will be suppressed when they enter the Holy Spirit Academy, so it is better to be careful!"

?????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, and immediately said, "I am here to deliver the express, but not to fight. If the senior slaver is worried, it is better to turn around now and return to ten thousand. Go to Mogu Cave!"

???????? Was stunned by Su Hang, the slave's face shook slightly, "all have come here, if I don't go to see and see the master of the ancient palace, wouldn't it seem like I am a devil There is no politeness in the ancient cave?"

?????????? Su Hang directly throws him a blind eye, he doesn't want to take care of this guy at all!

?????????? Soon, Su Hang came to the gate of the Holy Spirit Temple, the towering stone pillars next to it were extraordinary and magnificent. Looking in through the gate, you could see a vast square. Rows of disciples sat on the floor, as if meditating.

?????????? "Stop!" Su Hang was just about to enter and was stopped by one person.

???????????? This man is three feet tall and bears a huge waist. He looks like a real Li Kui. He holds a large axe in his hand. With a direct bang, the axe was chopped on the ground in front of Su Hang, as if A gate blocked the route of Su Hang!


?????????? The man looked down at Su Hang, with the big eyes of copper bell, as if watching a reptile!

?????????? "Foolish!" Su Hang was about to speak. At this time, Huang Nu strode over and looked up at the man in front of him, "I am the Ancient Demon Slave Slave, Now that I have arrived at the Holy Ghost House, don’t you go quickly to spread it, let Minggu come out to meet?"

?????????? so drag? Su Hang was shocked when she heard this, turning her head to look at the barren slave. This guy clearly wanted to be uncomfortable!

???????? Sure enough, the man was very angry when he heard the words, "Huh, what an ancient demon slave, never heard of it, actually let the owner come out to welcome, don't look at it What kind of identity you have is ridiculous!"

?????????? Speaking of this, where the man did not say anything, directly lifted the giant axe, and an axe was cut towards the slave.

?????? Powerful and heavy, looking at that posture, it's not like hacking the dead slave, it's more like smashing him to death!

?????????? "Boom!"

?????? Where would a slave be afraid of him? Immediately put his hands together and directly clamp the giant axe, as if clamped by a vise. The man's complexion instantly changed, don't look at his size. At this moment, he couldn't move the axe.

?????? A monk of the Third Grade Supreme Realm, where could it be the opponent of the Tier 7 Dominion Realm, such a big man, in the eyes of the desert slave, is just like the dust on the clothes, and can be shaken with a flick. Off.


?????? I saw the cold slave snorted coldly, his hands pressed slightly, and only heard a loud bang, and in an instant, the giant axe shattered and exploded to the ground.

???????? The man was terrified and quickly took a few steps back, almost stabilizing his body, and looked at the slave in horror.

???????? This guy, relying on his hands, easily broke his tomahawk?

???????? The man stared at the desert slave for a long time before reluctantly recovering, his face became very pale, and quickly turned around and ran, "The thief comes to commit, the thief comes to commit..."

???????? A panic shouted, like the invasion of the enemy, Su Hang's face was covered with black lines, and he turned to look at some excited deserted slaves, "You are intentional!"

???????? The desert slave paused for a moment, "What do brothers Su say?"

?????? "Huh!" Su Hang snorted coldly, what is the meaning of this man, how could Su Hang know, just that scene, and the kindness of the air is obviously not good enough, this man looks rushed, It is clear that I want to conflict with the Holy Ghost.

?????? As soon as he clashed with the Holy Ghost, Su Hang and he would naturally be hostile by the Holy Ghost as a gang. This guy is fighting for himself and the Holy Ghost. machine!

?????????? At this moment, there were already many people in the square. Hearing shouts, almost all of them came Surround them.

???????? Although one by one, almost all are in the Supreme Realm, or even the Supreme Realm, but that posture is really a bit daunting.

??????????"Seven elders, these two claim to be from the Devil’s Cave, and said that the owner of the courtyard should come out to meet him personally. My strong mountain axe..." It was the big man Li Kui who was talking about. When he was talking, his hands were still shaking, and he was just injured by the axe.

???????????????? Next to him, stood an old man, not taller than five feet, a little chunky, with white hair and white hair, wearing a muddy yellow robe, described as thin, It looks very literate.

?????????? The old man is now in front of big man Li Kui, as if there is a mouse standing next to the elephant, but no one will look down on him, including Su Hang, because the system scans, This person is also the existence of a seventh-order dominance.

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