Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3046: you are vicious!

?????????? "Ming Tong, what a coincidence!" Huang Nu looked at the old man in front of his face with a grinning smile, but the tone was a bit sandy!

?????????? At this time, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the desolate slave in front of him, "You ran to the gate of the Holy Ghost, and told me coincidence? Wild old black, you run the Holy Ghost What is the intention to make trouble?"

????????????Huang Nu listened and said, "I am coming, of course, on behalf of the cave master of my house, to visit the master of the ancient palace. What do you mean by making such a big show?"

?????????? Ming Tong with a cold face, "Tong Zhanxuan let you come? Don't you know that people in Wanmo Ancient Cave are not welcome here?"

?????????? The slave was also darkened, "call the cave master's name, Ming Tong, you are not guilty!"

????????"Hum, you cave master of the Ten Thousand Devil Caves, why do you want to go to my holy spirit courtyard? Wild old black, where to come and go back, otherwise, if the courtyard master strikes, I am afraid you will not lose your old life !" Ming Tong said coldly.

?????? Abandoned slave said, "If I leave, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

???????? "Hum, get out!" Ming Tong uttered a straight line without any words.

?????? The slaves were not angry, and turned to Su Hangdao, "Brother Su, you see, the people of the Holy Ghost are so high above their eyes, they look down on us at all, I think, let's go Let’s say a few more words, he’s just afraid to beat us!"

Between the words, with a lot of sarcasm, Su Hang listened to his ears, black lines on his forehead, staring at the desert slave, "Do not say it is him, you have to say a few more words , I have to beat you!"????


?????? Su Hang ignored him, and arched his hand to the Ming Tong, "This should be the Elder Ming Tong of the Holy Spirit Academy. See you later, Su Hang!"

???????? "Su Hang?" Ming Tong heard the words, frowned slightly, and looked up and down Su Hang. Although the man in front of him was strange, but vaguely, he seemed to have heard somewhere This name!

???????????? "Why, Elder Ming Tong, have heard of me?" Su Hang looked at Ming Tong with some doubt. He and Ming Tong met for the first time. Besides, he was in the void The world should have no reputation.

?????????? At this moment, Ming Tong seemed to think of something, frowning slightly, "Are you from the chaotic world? Can you know Ming Tong?"

???????????? "Underworld?"

???????? Su Hang froze for a moment, a little consciousness, and sneaked into Chuangjie Mountain. Among the few monks of the Holy Spirit Academy for what little holy Lord, the old man who took the lead was called Mingtong, which seemed It is also one of the elders of the Holy Spirit Academy. Although it seems that the Netherworld is in the chaotic world, it still has contact with the Holy Spirit Academy.

???????????? "I heard Ming Tong talk about you, but it's not a good word..." Ming Tong said lightly.

???????? Su Hang paused, and then smiled, "Good words, it doesn't matter to me, I don't care about how Mingtong evaluates me, but, I have one point to declare, I It’s not the same way as this ancient demon slave..."

???????? "Not all the way?" Ming Tong frowned slightly, "So, where do you come from?"

?????????? "Come from Wanmo Ancient Cave!" Su Hang said directly.

???????? "Oh!" Ming Tong chuckled lightly, the meaning in the laughter does not need to be explained at all, you came from the Wanmo Ancient Cave, and said that you are not the same as this old demon?

???????? "I was entrusted by the sister of the winter clothes in the new cave of Wanmo Cave. I came here specially to send a thing to the master of the ancient palace!" Su Hang said directly, there was no roundabout What a bend!

?????????? "Winter clothes?" Ming Tong frowned slightly. Obviously, the name was very sensitive in the Holy Ghost, "For no reason, what did she ask you to send?"

?????? Su Hang said with a smile, "Previously the Devil Banquet, the master of the ancient ancient court gave gifts. Isn't it normal for the elder sister in winter clothes to return the gift, and Elder Ming Tong, the elder sister in winter clothes asked me to hand things over For the Master of Ancient Ghost, as for what is inside, I think you should have no right to know!"

???????? After listening to this, Ming Tong frowned deeper, but Su Hang was telling the truth, he was really incapable of inquiring about the things of Master Ming.

?????? "Hehe, when I heard about Ming Tong, Brother Su said, you have no right to ask, hurry up and call out Ming Gu!" Next, Huang Nu spoke.

???????? This man, this tone of speech, is clearly picking things up, Su Hang only wants a big foot to step on the black face of this old man.

?????? Sure enough, Ming Tong's face became black, "I watched and waited, just like Xiao Xiaoliu, I am afraid that it was a conspiracy, and walked and walked, this place is not the place to wait and wait..."

???????? Has started to catch people, Su Hang heard this, there is really an urge to beat the slaves to the storm.

???????? "Master Uncle Zu!"

???????? The words of Ming Tong were not finished yet. At this moment, a clear voice came and everyone gave way to see a 12-year-old girl in yellow from the courtyard. Run out hurriedly!

???????? The girl quickly ran to Ming Tong's side, saluted respectfully, and then turned to Su Hang to look at her, and then said to Ming Tong, "Master Uncle Zu, the master let Su Hang Go in!"

???????? said, looked back again, apparently, she did not know who was Su Hang in front of the two people.

?????????? Ming Tong's face turned a little bluish, but then he spread out, and no one dared to disobey the order of the master in the Holy Spirit Academy.

???????? Ming Tong waved at Su Hang, "Go in, don't play tricks!"

?????? Su Hang nodded slightly, but he was relieved in his heart, followed the little girl, and entered the gate of the Holy Spirit House unimpeded.

???????? The wild slave also wanted to rub, and wanted to take this opportunity to follow Su Hang into the door, but was stopped by Ming Tong reaching out.

???????? Wild Nuton is black, looking up and waiting for Ming Tong, "Ming Tong, what do you mean?"

??????Ming Tong smiled indifferently, "The court owner only said that he would see Su Hang, but he didn't say he would like to see you, idle people, etc. No entry, the Holy Spirit Garden is a heavy place, not a place where all cats and dogs can come!"

???????? "Ming Tong, you wanton!" Huang Nu finally couldn't laugh, and slammed directly, pointing at Ming Tong and scolding, "I came to visit Ming by the order of the cave master Ancient courtyard master, do you dare to take me into consideration?"

???????? "Yes, the old man didn't put you in your eyes!" Ming Nu's face, darker than black charcoal, "Don't put me in the eye Here, that is not to hold my cave master in my eyes, Ming Tong, you are so brave, this is the hospitality of your Holy Ghost? Treat me back to the old cave master, if you provoke two contradictions, Hitomi, can you afford this responsibility?"

?????????? "Huang Laohei, who are you, I don't know yet? Don't buckle these big hats with me!" At this time, Ming Tong snorted, "If you really want to see The dean, just wait here. After the dean sees Su Hang, he may be interested and want to see you again!"

????????Huang Yan heard the words, his face was black and black, there was nothing to say, staring at Ming Tong for a long time, "Well, you are ruthless!"

???????? He has the same strength as Ming Tong, and here is in the Holy Spirit Academy, it is impossible for the desert slave to work with Ming Tong, and it can’t be beaten, if it really provokes the two Contradictions, I am afraid that there will be no need to wait for the Holy Spirit Academy to shoot, Tong Zhanxuan will pick up him by hand.

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