Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3047: Spirit Moon!

?? Affected by this temper, according to the temper of Huang Nu, he should go directly, and then try to find a way back, but now, Huang Nu has a mission, Tong Zhanxuan let him follow Su Hang, know more Su Hang's information, Su Hang is now in, the Holy Spirit House will not let him in, he can only wait here, Su Hang always comes out.


???????? But he said that Su Hang followed the little girl all the way into the Holy Spirit House. Because it was the first time, Su Hang couldn't help looking around. This Holy Hall looks quite big, but, people It's not too much, most of them are concentrated in the square just in front of the main hall, and behind the little girl, along the way, I didn't encounter a few people.

???????? In a moment, a very high platform appeared in front of it. A large hall stood on the high platform. The huge stone steps extended from the entrance of the main hall to the bottom, and there were hundreds of them. Thousands of levels.

?????????????? The little girl took Su Hang and climbed up step by step. Su Hang was not in a hurry. After all, it was a big man who wanted to see someone. The number of gifts must still be there!

?????????????? Just a few steps away, the little girl who said something along the way, suddenly stopped and looked back to Suhang.

???????????? Su Hang was shocked and almost did not roll off the stone steps, "Little sister, what's wrong?"

???????????? The little girl said, "I may not be smaller than you!"

???????????? Su Hang was sweating, indeed, he is less than thirty this year, but this little girl looks like twelve or three, he can’t be called a big sister Right?

?????????? "Are you the son-in-law of Bingji Master Uncle?" Su Hang was embarrassed when the little girl said again.

?????? It turned out that this little girl knew Bing Ji, Su Hang laughed, "It's true!"

?????? "Oh, you guys are really interesting, yes, no, no, what is called!" The little girl glanced up and down at Su Hang. "How come I don't believe it?"

?????????? "Don't believe it?" Su Hang froze for a moment. "Couldn't I still pretend?"

?????????? Xueshen system scanned the little girl in front of her. This girl was called Lingyue, and she was actually a first-order monk.

?????????? The Holy Spirit Academy has the Xuan Xuan Ling Qing, which is the fourth generation. This little girl is regarded as the spirit character generation and belongs to the third generation. However, this generation should be considered quite high in the Holy Spirit Academy. Yes!

???????????? This little girl can still preach to Ming Gu, then needless to say, it must be a descendant of Ming Gu who is more valued.

???????????? Lingyue's big eyes blinked, "I just think you are not a good match for Uncle Bingji Master!"

???????? "Poof!" Su Hang almost spit out old blood, "Girl Lingyue, can you speak so straightforwardly? Very self-respecting!"

?????????? "Well?" Lingyue heard the words and looked at Su Hang unexpectedly. "How do you know that my name is Lingyue?"

"Of course Bing Ji told me!" Su Hang opened her mouth. "She said she was in the Holy Spirit Academy and had a young grandson named Lingyue. She was born clever and talented... "

???????? Who wouldn't say anything touted, especially women, regardless of size, who like to listen to good things and see people praise three points, this is the most basic operation of the relationship rules.

???????? Sure enough, Lingyue listened to the good words of Su Hang, and his face inadvertently showed a little arc, "Uncle Zing Bingji really said this to me? Wouldn't it be you who made it up?" ?"

?????? Su Hang shrugged, "How can I make such a story? I just saw the girl you. I first knew that Bing Ji said that Lingyue was you, but I didn't know. Is it wrong!"

???????? "Yes, I am Lingyue!" Lingyue grinned, "However, I still have to say that you really don't deserve Bingji Master Uncle!"

???????? Su Hang felt that his blood pressure was a little high, a little up, and speaking of his seniority, this little girl was his younger generation, he was not easy to teach, and immediately smiled reluctantly, "So what do you think, my Doesn't it deserve Bing Ji at all?"

???????? Lingyue rolled his eyes, "Which point does not deserve, do you have no points in your heart?"

???????? Su Hang was a bit stunned. Which evil **** did he commit this way? When he met such a small master, was it specially sent to fight me?

???????? "But!" At this time, Lingyue's words turned, "Since Bingji Master Uncle Zu can see you, it proves that you must also have something special, I will barely treat you as a future Personally optimistic!"

???????? "Thank you so much!" Su Hang glanced at her again. What's it called? I thought fortunately that you're not my daughter. Otherwise, you have to clean up your meal.

?????????? Lingyue Road, "When are you going back to the chaotic world? I have to follow you all too, I haven't seen Uncle Bingji Master for a long time, I really miss it!"

?????? Khan, is this still going to depend? Su Hang smiled on his face, but he didn't know how disgusted he was.

???????? "How do you know Bing Ji is in the chaotic world?" Su Hang asked.

?????? Lingyue Dao, "The events of the chaotic world, the movement of the little holy lord, Uncle Grand Master Tongtong will report to the Grand Master almost every day. I am in front of the Grand Master all day long, and naturally I know everything."

???????? "It seems that you are really amazing!" Su Hang looked at Lingyue a little unexpectedly. "I have also seen Mingtong, and I have also seen several people in the Holy Spirit Academy, one of them It’s called Xuan Ling, it should be a disciple of Master Xingling..."

???????? "She is my master!" Lingyue said directly.

???????? "Your Master?" Su Hang was surprised when she heard that, "Are you sure you are right, Xuan Ling is your Master? Can she be the Supreme Realm? How can you teach you the dominating realm? Disciple?"

When Su Hang asked this, Lingyue was really proud, "When I first entered the Holy Spirit Academy, I worshipped under her door, but it didn't take long for my state to surpass her. Later, Shizu Just called me up and taught me personally, so although she is not as good as me, she is indeed my master!"

?????????? Su Hang was sweating and mourning for Xuan Ling in his heart. He actually accepted such a disciple. Although the blue is better than the blue, the apprentice is stronger than the master. Feel good.

???????????? It can be seen that Xuan Ling is really proud, and Su Hang's problem has greatly satisfied her vanity.

"By the way, my master also went to the world of chaos, she is okay..."

Su Hang It should be alright! "

He can never tell Lingyue, your Master is still locked in a cage by me now? That must not be turned directly!

When Lingyue was about to ask again, the two had walked over the steps and came to the door of the hall on top of the high platform.

"Master Zu, Su Hang is here!" Lingyue stood up respectfully and stood at the door of the hall, saying something to him.

"Well, let him in!"

A man's voice quickly came inside, calm and powerful. Su Hang could feel the majestic momentum and power in it. Although he didn't see the person and only heard the sound, he could also feel the extraordinaryness of the sound master!



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