Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3052: The wall is blocking!

???????????? "Aren't you saying that you want to go to the primordial abyss?" The desert slaves caught up with Su Hang and saw that Su Hang was going in a direction that was not the direction of the primitive abyss. .

?????????? "What do you believe in what I say? Senior, you are not too young, don't you know what is dangerous?" Su Hang said indifferently.

???????? The deserted slave was speechless, and it was obvious that Su Hang was very disgusted with him, and said, "Brother Su is really kidding, I almost bluffed me, if I didn't guess If it is wrong, is this going back to the Wanmo Ancient Cave?"

?????????? Know and ask? Su Hang ignored him and moved on!

?????? "Boom!"

?????? Suddenly, that is, Su Hang took a step forward. Suddenly it felt like something had been hit by a crit on his face. The whole person stopped violently and retreated back.

?????? The head was a little ignorant, Su Hang only felt the seven meat and eight elements in front of her eyes, covering her face with her hands, and her nosebleed almost spewed out.

??????"what are you doing?"

???????? At this time, the desert slave came up, Su Hang directly scolded him.

???????? The face of the deserted slave was ashamed, as if inexplicably shouted, "What's the matter? Brother Su?"

???????? Su Hang covered his face, just now, he just felt suddenly hit a wall, needless to say, 80% is a wild slave shot secretly.

????At this time, the slave seemed to feel something wrong, and slowly walked to the place where Suhang was just hit. He stretched out his hand alertly and touched the void that seemed empty!

?????? A layer of faint, transparent curtain wall appeared in front of the desert slaves. With the force of the desert slaves, the curtain wall of that layer appeared more and more obvious, a circle of ripples extended outwards, up and down, left and right, can not see To the end.

???????? Su Hang covered his nose and looked at this scene, his eyes also fixed, the desert slave withdrew his hand, the ripples on the wall faded away, and soon disappeared, leaving only one endless glance, dark and empty Of the void.

?????????? Although the slave's face was black, Su Hang saw a little fear in his eyes.

?????????? Su Hang also reached out and touched it forward, and touched a layer of cold things, with a bang, a buzz, a circle of ripples scattered out, just like a block The huge glass wall.

?????????? "Boundary?" Su Hang twitched.

?????????? "It's the domain!" Abandoned slave said abruptly beside him.

???????? "Domains?" Su Hang frowned, "Isn't this what you did?"

???????? "I have something wrong?" Huang Nu rolled his eyes, "I have no reason, what to do with this thing? Moreover, the hardship of this domain barrier is not something I can do!"


?????????? Su Hang became cautious. At first, he thought it was a deserted slave who was angry and shy, and deliberately used this domain to stop him. Now, it seems that it is not!

???????????? Looking around, Suhang Airlines didn’t seem to feel that there were other people besides them in the vicinity, "We didn’t have it when we came. Where will this thing come from?" ?"

?????????? The wild slaves also searched around, "In the void, there are territories formed out of thin air, but that is extremely rare, and generally only appears in the eight abyss of the Jedi. Here, it is likely that the strongman said that the monks who dominate the realm can use the realm. The realm is different, and the intensity of the realm is also different. When I look at the realm, I am afraid that it is the ninth-order strong!"

???????? Speaking of which, the barbarian took a step back and punched the front void with a punch.


???????? The domain boundary was impacted and suddenly appeared again, but, after a while, the ripples subsided, and the curtain wall of the domain boundary became transparent again, and the front still looked empty.

?????????? "Is there a strong man joking with us?" Su Hangdao.

?????????? The wild slave had a black face, "It is not necessarily that, maybe it is just not wanting someone to pass by here, maybe it is a strong man, doing something unknown in front of him , Seal this place with domain boundaries!"

???????????? The desert slave is an expert, and Su Hang can only listen to him at this time, "What shall we do now?"

???????? "Easy to manage!" Huang Nu took a deep breath, "Don't let us pass by here, we will not pass by here, let's walk around the road, this domain is always marginal , Let’s just go around the edge!"

?????????? Su Hang first unbelievably drilled with the Void Sword Spirit, after ending in failure, he nodded helplessly to the deserted slaves, although he didn't know what an expert in this domain was. I laid it down, but since I can’t afford it, can’t I hide it?

?????????? This is like two ants walking on the road. Suddenly the front is blocked by a piece of glass. Although it looks like the nearest road is in front, but I just can’t get through it. I can only walk around. Glass can never be infinitely large, so divide the entire void world in half, there is always time to go around!

?????????? The deserted slave chose a direction, and with Su Hang, leaned against the curtain wall of the domain boundary and went straight to the west of his left hand.

?????????? However, something that caused the two to worry a little bit still happened. A few steps crossed the hundreds of thousands of trillions of light, the deserted slave walking in front, and collided with a domain boundary curtain wall. Too.

?????????? Like Su Hang, the slaves were hit by seven meat and eight elements, and they almost didn't faint.

???????? Su Hang stepped forward and touched his hand, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, which is like a box, they have found two of them, that is Say, the existence of this domain may not be to prevent them from passing by, but to trap them!

?????????? Obviously, the slaves also found this, a face blackened slightly, "Go back!"

???????????? In front, the road on the left is blocked and blocked by an invisible barrier. Then, go back to the head office. If you are still blocked when you go back, you can only explain that they are indeed It was targeted and someone wanted to trap them!

???????????? At the moment, the two immediately went back, to the south, they had just left from the direction of the Holy Ghost.


???????? "I don't know where the masters are? Make a joke with us? I'm a demon slave in the Devil's Cave, can you see me?"

???????? Finally, the way back was also closed by the domain, at this time, both of them had to admit that it was indeed caused by someone!

?????????? The wild slave has a black with a bit of fear in his eyes, obviously, from the strength of this domain, he can feel, The presence of this roadblock is definitely not low.

?????????????? The two looked around, and after waiting for a long time, no one responded to them, and then tried the two directions up and down, and sure enough, they were blocked!

?????????? is sealed in a transparent domain box? Su Hang felt very bad in his heart. He was trapped by the God Box last time. Now, he has some space claustrophobia!

???????????? Proposed by the desert slaves, the two tried together. At the moment, Suhang took out the armor of fate and directly urged it to the ultimate eighth-order state to jointly attack with the desert slaves. Domain barriers.

???????? The two of them have exerted their greatest strength, but the boundary wall of that domain shook, but it quickly returned to its original state.

???????? Both faces became unusually ugly. The strength of this domain wall can only be tested by the ninth order. However, the energy currently held by Suhang is probably not enough to fate. Warframe rushed to the ninth level.

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