Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3053: Donghua Pavilion?

Moreover, even if it can be rushed to the ninth level, it is also because the energy is exhausted. The people behind this domain wall have not devoted themselves. If they run out of energy at this time, will they not be allowed to be slaughtered by then?

At the moment, Suhang put away the armor of fate, "Go, look east!"

Just now, they have tried five directions, all five directions have been blocked, and the remaining one has not yet tried.

Since they were trying to trap them, the other five directions blocked the road. There is no reason why this last direction should not be closed. This kind of hope is almost slim, but even if there is a hint of hope, you have to try it.

So, the two went all the way and went directly to the east!

Since it is impossible to break the domain wall, look for its gap. If no gap can be found, then only those who are waiting for the domain boundary of the cloth to appear.

Since they were trapped by a shot, it must have been intentional, and the people behind this will show up sooner or later!


About half a minute later, both of them stopped. There was some doubt on their faces. The two of them walked for about a few million megabytes. However, this time, the road ahead was not affected. Blocked by the wall.

The two looked at each other, and they all seemed a little puzzled. As a matter of fact, this position should be blocked!

Continue to move forward, this time, after walking for more than ten minutes, it has not been stopped. Is it that the wall has disappeared?

The two tried again and again, the domain walls in other directions did not disappear, and they still exist.

Especially the rear and west domain walls were approaching them. They tried to move backwards, and within two steps, they encountered the domain wall, that is, the domain wall behind them was following them.

The two's faces became more and more ugly. Six directions, five of which were sealed, only one of them was left, and it was temporarily accessible. What does it mean?

Road of the Slaughter, "Can it be that the strong man under the domain wall is driving this domain wall box to follow us, so that we will never touch the eastern domain wall?"

What does this mean?

Su Hang thought about it and shook his head. The two continued to go east. After a few minutes, they still did not touch the domain wall. However, the domain wall in the north-south direction did not end, as if they were extended indefinitely. They It is simply impossible to go to the edge of the domain wall.

At this time, Su Hang seemed to understand something, and turned to the slave to ask, "What direction is this east?"

Huang Nu frowned slightly, as if at this moment, he understood something, "What do you mean?"

Su Hangdao, "The existence behind this domain wall seems to be intentionally making us go east!"

Huang Nu took a deep breath, "Going east, to the extreme east, is the original abyss you said before, one of the eight abyss. Of course, there will be some forces in the middle, such as Donghua Pavilion. !"


Su Hang's brows were closed, and if they looked at their current situation from a third-person macro perspective, they would now be trapped in a glass tunnel with only one mouth, so they could only go in one direction.

"Donghua Pavilion?" Su Hang chewed the name, "Is it powerful?"

Huang Nudao, "The pavilion of Donghua Pavilion, the emperor of Donghua, is a ninth-order existence. Among the void gods, it ranks among the top five of the forces. Compared with my ancient demon cave, the prosperity may be a little bit. It's a little bit worse, but there are nine-rank strong men sitting in town, Donghua Pavilion is notorious, at least, the current Void Temple is not of an order of magnitude!"

"Then, you said, will this wall be related to him?" Su Hang said his suspicions very intuitively.

"It's hard to say, it's very possible!" Even if Su Hang didn't say that, the slaves also had this question. It happened that this direction was the direction to Dongfang Pavilion. How could anyone think they were deliberately led them to Donghua Pavilion.

Moreover, the East China Great Emperor of the ninth-order powerhouse definitely has this strength to lay down this domain wall, but this method of coercion is not very bright!

"Su Hang, I think, let's not go any further, I can try to contact the old cave master..." Abandoned slave's face was a little scared, Su Hang didn't know what he was afraid of.

Since the other party has left a door to let them go here, as long as they stand still and don't go, is that person's means useless? Naturally they will show up!

Su Hang thought about it, but shook his head. "My person is naturally curious. I want to see what is sacred and teasing us!"

"Brother Su!" The desert slave seemed to be a little inexplicable. He opened his mouth, but he endured it again. A black face became more embarrassed.

Su Hang looked at him oddly, "Are you going to have a grudge against Donghuage?"

These words were poked in the heart of the barren slaves, and the barren slaves laughed, "You also know that the Protoss and the Demon Clan are opposed to each other. Our Wanmo Ancient Cave has also been fighting with Donghua Pavilion, and I have also destroyed it. A few disciples of Donghua Pavilion, so..."

Sure enough, it was said that Huang Nu was squeezed. It turned out that he really had a holiday with Donghua Pavilion. If he had gone to Donghua Pavilion, wouldn't Donghua Emperor liquidate with him?

"Since that is the case, then stay here, I will go by myself!" Su Hang didn't say much, just. Didn't the rear wall move with them all the time, leaving the deserted slaves here, the wall shouldn't be Will it continue to move forward?

"go by yourself?"

After hearing this, the slave slave was even more afraid, "Brother Su insists on going, then shall I follow you all the way?"

If he was left here alone, he would be even more In case Su Hang finds a way out and he is still trapped here, it is really called every day should not be called. The ground is dead, follow Suhang all the way, even if it is dead, there is at least one backer.

Su Hang glanced at him helplessly, didn't say much, and continued to go, but in fact, he also had the same thoughts as the desert slaves, two people along the way, there is always a companion!


"See? The Donghua Pavilion is in front!"

The two of them walked for most of the day, and the space of the domain wall became narrower and narrower. The channel was only a few feet square on all four sides. Both of them were walking on the domain wall below, and the road behind was still blocked by the domain wall. , Only the front is open.

Huang Nu pointed to the front, facing Su Hang, and Su Hang looked up, the third eye penetrated the void, tens of tens of thousands of light times, floating a floating island, above the island, a tower Lin Li!

The passage formed by this domain wall went directly to one of the high pavilions!

Is it really Donghua Pavilion? Seeing this scene, Su Hang doesn't need to guess at all. It must be that the owner of Donghua Pavilion invited them to come!

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