Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3058: Abyssal Serpent Eagle!

The original abyss is not far away from Donghua Pavilion. In the extreme east of the void world, Donghua Pavilion is also in this eastern region.

Since it is the land of the extreme east, then from the side it also shows that this void world is also marginal.

There are eight abysses in the void, almost all of which are Jedi. The original abyss is one of them. The ordinary void gods and even the void demons are all afraid of the tiger. Except for a few abyss, almost all represent Unknown and fearful, not many people know what danger is inside.

What kind of abacus was the East China Great Emperor playing? Su Hang couldn't speculate. On this way, the East China Great Emperor had very few words. Basically, Su Hang asked ten sentences. He answered one question, and he mostly answered hahahaha!

Su Hang was secretly scheming with the desert slaves, trying to take advantage of Donghua the Great without paying attention, but the two thought about it. It seemed that this idea was not feasible.

Emperor Donghua, but the existence of the ninth order, run? How can I run? I'm afraid I can't get two steps and I have to be caught back. Moreover, this is the far east, where can they go?

Even if it is run separately, I am afraid that I can’t run away. The chance can be said to be slim, and Su Hang can be sure that the East China Emperor will definitely be the first to catch himself, that is to say, he has fought for the world of deserted slaves. .

This is a loss-making business. Su Hang will not do it, nor will he do such self-denial at this time!

"Don't think of running away, otherwise, Emperor Ben got angry, I'm afraid you won't be able to parry!" Emperor Donghua clearly sensed their calculations, walked ahead, and said lightly.

The voice was not loud, but it was deafening, so that the slightest luck in Su Hang's hearts was completely disillusioned.

"Senior Donghua laughed. Since I promised to accompany you, I will not run away, let's say, we can't escape yet?" Su Hang quickly responded with some disgust, "However, when you get to the place, the senior has to Take care of our safety!"

The emperor Donghua didn't even look back, and the corner of his mouth showed a trace of arc, which seemed a bit of a play, leaving Su Hang and the desert slaves with no bottom!

"Brother Su, my brother this time, but you were miserable!" Huang Nu laughed bitterly and sighed at Su Hang.

Ten thousand llamas passed by in Su Hang's heart, "You blame me, who do I blame? If you think I pit you, you can turn away!"

Huang Nu shook his skin, and looked up at the East China Emperor. He dared to go there. Everyone else had made it very clear. He dared to go. I was afraid that my old life would not be guaranteed!

The situation is weaker than people's, so when you pretend to be a grandson, you have to pretend.

The two followed behind the emperor Donghua, and used the magical traversal technique at a speed that was not too slow. About three days away, Su Hang saw a crack in the void in front of him.

I don’t know how big the crack is. If it stretches, I don’t know how far. It is like a black line across the sky. The black line is darker than the void. The closer it is, the clearer it is, and it gets bigger and bigger, just like the sky. A rift.

Obviously, Suhang felt the suction from that crack, and the closer it was, the stronger the suction.

"Senior, where is the primordial abyss?" Su Hang asked the East China Emperor.

Emperor Donghua nodded slightly, "I may not have been here for a long time, and I don't know if the old man is still there!"

Feeling a moment, the emperor Donghua quickly withdrew his mind and faced the Su Channel. "This primitive abyss is full of murderous opportunities. It is a hundred times more dangerous than the void. It contains many powerful void demons. In the battle with destiny, the primal abyss is one of the battlefields. Many fallen gods and deities, where grievances intersect, have spawned many tyrannical existences, many of which are comparable to the dominance, and many can threaten you. After going in later, you must follow me closely, otherwise, don't blame the emperor if you die!"

"Seniors just go forward, I will wait for it to follow!" Su Hang said, even if Donghua Great Emperor didn't say, they would follow closely. After all, they had never been here before and didn't know what was inside. Happening.

The emperor Donghua said that it was so terrible. For the two of them, it was natural to drive the ship for thousands of years!


The East China Great Emperor waved his hand, directly rose into the sky, and headed towards the crack. Su Hang and the two looked at each other, and immediately followed into the crack.

The power of the void appears very tyrannical and thick here. The terrible suction pulls Suhang. Even if Suhang does not move forward, the suction automatically pulls him forward, and the speed is not slow.

Although the suction power is horrible, it still does not cause any harm to the Su Air. After all, the Su Air is also the existence of the dominant territory.

Domination, in the void world, is already the wave of the peak of the highest pyramid!

Huang Nu was right next to Su Hang. Su Hang looked sideways. The suction in the cracks made the space distorted, and Huang Nu's figure had been deformed and was drawn into a strange shape.

"Senior, how long will it take?" Suhang had been following behind Donghua Emperor, and probably more than three hours later, but actually nowhere else, Su Hang couldn't help asking.

"In another half an hour, I will be at the bottom of the abyss. Don't worry, don't worry!" Emperor Donghua said.

Half an hour? Su Hang pressed his mind and looked left and right. The cracks around the barrier had become very narrow, from tens of thousands of light times wide at the opening to dozens of light-years now. Two cliffs of infinite height, I don't know when they will end.


As Suhang looked around, suddenly, there was a huge tremor in his ear, and a loud bang, and then he saw a giant hand that covered the sky, extending from the barrier on the right, directly Three people marching forward quickly.

That giant hand can almost cover half of the sky. Obviously, he wanted to block the road. The Soviet airline didn't have time to take a closer look, then the giant hand came to the front.


I saw the emperor Donghua banged out with a punch, and in an instant, the giant claw was directly smashed into nothingness!


Su Hang was just about to ask, but the speed of the East China Emperor did not stop at all. As he moved forward, Su Hang and the two did not say much, followed closely.


Turning his head and looking back, a giant eagle-headed snake broke through the barrier, roaring almost frantically, and its arm was empty. Obviously, it was the Lord who had just tried to block the road.

The blame chased for a while, and when he couldn't catch up with the three, he stopped, and only roared angrily. Unfortunately, no matter how angry, he could only roar.

"What kind of monster is that?" Su Hang asked when he saw that the monster failed to catch up. The monster appeared suddenly just now, but it really scared him.

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