Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3059: Horror!

"Brother Su, if I am not mistaken, it should be the fifth-order Demon Abyss Snaketail Eagle?" Huang Nu said.


Su Hang looked at the East China Emperor in front of him, and East China Emperor smiled indifferently, "Huangnu, you are also a demon clan, your deity is the Eight Desolation Swallow Clams, the limit is eighth order, this abyss snaketail eagle is compared with you, but It's a far cry!"


  I don’t know if the Emperor Donghua is boasting about him, and the Abandoned Slave can only laugh with a little embarrassment.


  Eight wilderness swallowing a mussel Su Hang froze for a moment, remembering that giant clam that spit out from the desert slave that day, he thought that it would be the lord of the desert slave.


A fifth-order dominance spirit, although it is nothing to the East China Emperor, can be wiped out with a wave of hand, but it is also the dominance territory anyway, so Su Hang can only be the second-order dominance territory. When I first came in, I encountered such a fierce existence. If it had not just been the shot of the East China Great Emperor, they would have taken some trouble.


But it can also be seen that in this primitive abyss, it is really very dangerous. In the situation just now, if Su Hang passed by alone, a strong fifth-ranking strongman suddenly attacked, fearing that it was also fierce. less.


   After this incident, Su Hang was more cautious, trying to follow Donghua Great Emperor as much as possible, and did not dare to leave behind for a moment.


Along the way, there were several waves of monster attacks, some of which were quality and some of the volume. The most fierce one was an abyss Titan bear, almost reaching the eighth level of the dominance, but it was a pity that he encountered Donghua Great Emperor, a few punches. Was killed.


   Su Hang also picked up the virtual nucleus left after the death of the Titan bear, the virtual nucleus of the eighth order, that is not a small amount of energy.


This business is very good. The East China Emperor killed monsters in the front, and he and the slaves followed to pick up equipment. In this abyss, it can be compared with the East China Emperor, the ninth-rank strong, can be said to be rare. The so-called cool under the big tree, Suhang now believes this sentence.


   It's a pity that the happy time is always short-lived. Su Hang was not happy for a long time. The three seemed to have reached the end of the abyss.


   appeared in front of Su Hang. It was actually a land of ignorance. There was no grass and trees on the land. It was more like a ruin, a pothole, and it looked at a glance without seeing the end.


   "Here is?" Su Hang looked at the East China Emperor. As he landed on this land, Su Hang felt the suppression of space from all directions.


   This repressive force is extremely powerful. It is very strong. It is like a big mountain on the back of the body. It is more distracting and creepy.


Emperor Donghua said, "In the battle with fate, this was one of the most important battlefields. At that time, I didn't know how many strong men fell here. The resentment and murderousness that remained here, after countless years, did not go away. And more and more, Su Hang, you and fate are inextricably linked, you should be able to clearly feel the grievances and murderousness of these dead?


   Su Hang paused for a moment, and was a little panicked, "Senior Donghua, you brought me here, wouldn't you want me to pay blood debts to the deceased here for my fate?"


   The East China Great Emperor heard the words and smiled lightly. The smile didn't know what it meant, nor did he say yes, nor did he say no, which made Su Hang very bottomless.


The emperor Donghua lifted his legs and walked forward. Su Hang hesitated a moment and followed. The deserted slave came to Su Hang and walked on the sidewalk, "You still have to ask, sure, otherwise he will take you to do it. What? You, a second-order master, are not only used to trade with some of the existences here. Do you need the help of Donghua Great Emperor to come here to fetch things?"


   After listening to this, Su Hang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. I was afraid that what the slave slave said was true. I am afraid that the East China Emperor really wanted to sell him!


  After all, the East China Emperor said before that he would come to find an old friend and get something, but Su Hang couldn't think of any value in coming here.


   "Senior Donghua, where are you going to take me?" Su Hang couldn't help asking.


  Emperor Donghua said, "You are all here, do you still want to go back? If you think you can go out safely, you can leave at any time, the emperor will not stop you..."


   Su Hang caught up and said, "I just don't want to be sold and help count money. Senior Donghua, let me tell you the truth!"


  Emperor Donghua glanced at Su Hang, "What's the matter, you'll see it soon!"


   In Su Hang’s mind, a hundred million alpacas are galloping.


   "The emperor said that as long as you are willing to cooperate, the emperor can keep your life safe, of course, the premise is that you don't die!" Donghua Great Emperor said.


   Su Hang took a deep breath, and was about to ask again, the deserted slaves came up together, "Emperor Donghua, what about me? Can I save my life?"


  Huangnu's heart is dangling, but here is the primordial abyss, he is the first time to come, there is always an unknown hunch in his heart, especially when stepping on this land, he feels more fearful.


  However, the emperor Donghua didn't answer him at all. It seemed that he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. The servant turned to look at Su Hang, and only had a wry smile. The expression looked a little pitiful.




  After Donghua Great Emperor destroyed several waves of monsters, he came to a gorge, and Donghua Great Emperor stopped and spit out two long-lost words!


The canyon is very large, and the two left and right sides rise high, but two huge black stone It is like two guards standing there, and there are three or five light years apart. The size of the mouth of the canyon should also be recorded in light years.


   Faintly, there was a terrible breath from that canyon, which made people feel trembling. If Donghua Great Emperor was not by his side, he would just run away if he had turned around.


   What's inside? What makes people feel so scared? Turning his head to look at Huang Nu, he saw that the black face of Huang Nu also became white and white. Obviously he also felt that fear, which was a kind of trembling from the blood.


  Su Hang is preparing to pull out the Xueshen system to scan to see if the parties in the canyon are sacred. At this time, the emperor Donghua said, "Want to know, who is in this canyon?"


  Su Hang looked at Donghua Great Emperor surprisedly, just asked you not to say, when you arrived at this place, did you want to speak on your own initiative?


   "Want to hear the details!" Su Hangdao.


  The emperor Donghua took a deep breath, "In that battle with fate, the elder brother of the **** and demon side, the dragon!"


   "Oh?" Su Hang was a little surprised and had never heard of this name. However, since he is the lead brother, and he is also the lead brother of the gods and demons, presumably, it should be a special character.


"It's him?" Next to the barren slave exclaimed. Obviously, he had heard of the name. "But, it is not a legend. Was he dead in the battle of destiny? Is he still hiding here?" "



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