Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3069: Su Hang's choice!

No match for supernatural powers, no match for spells, such a brutal and direct competition skill?


   Su Hang was not in a mood to think about it at this time. It seems that the battle between the two of them was not over yet, and he still hurried away, first hiding back and swallowing the mussels.


   "Boy, come here and help me kill this guy!" At that moment, Donghua Great Emperor shouted sharply.


   "Huh?" Su Hang's heart tightened,? Looking up at Donghua Great Emperor, "Senior, what are you saying?"


The emperor Donghua held his hands against the dragon, and his head was radiated. There was no previous temperament. "The emperor has sealed him. He has been unable to move. He took the black iron sword you obtained earlier and pierced him with nine gods from behind. kill him!"


   "Uh, this..."


   Su Hang stayed where he was. Was Emperor Donghua trying to get him to fight against the dragon?


  Looking at the dragon, the dragon is also embarrassed, but this is after all the power of the ninth order. Let Suhang start. Does Suhang have the ability?


"Relax, the emperor is holding him, he can't resist!" The emperor Donghua gritted his teeth, "Boy, help me kill him, Donghua Pavilion is yours, you are the new pavilion of Donghua Pavilion! "


  Emperor Donghua was obviously very urgent. When he said this, he spit it out with all his strength. This temptation condition was thrown out by him again.


"Huh!" At this time, Dragon was snorting coldly, "Little brother, you have to think about it, as Donghuazi's person, if I die, can he let you go? I dare to guarantee that he I will kill you, and let what happens here today be a secret forever!"


   "On the contrary, I have no grievances with you in the future and no hatred in recent days. You helped me kill Dong Huazi. Not only will I not kill you, but I am also willing to give you the Hongmeng tree. What do you think?"


The dragon was full of breath. Obviously, he had overestimated his own strength before. He was really strong, but the emperor Donghua did not stop in these years, and his skills were not fully restored. The emperor fought evenly, and neither of them could help anyone.


At this time, the two were squeezing each other, while competing directly for skill, no one could act. They could only continue to fight like this. No one wanted to stop first, and no one dared to stop first. In this situation, who will stop first, It must be seriously injured.


   Therefore, both of them thought of Su Hang. At this moment, Su Hang has become the most important person in the left and right battles. No matter which side Su Hang is on, that side is the winner.


   Therefore, both parties are tempting, but the Emperor Donghua feels that he has a greater chance of winning. After all, Suhang brought him.


   "Hahahaha..." Hearing this, the emperor Donghua laughed twice, "Boy, are you clear? He wants to give you the Hongmeng tree!"


There was a lot of sarcasm in the words, the meaning of the words, the previous Dragon had also promised to give him the Hongmeng tree, but the result was that he was blamed, and the Dragon even fooled Donghua Great Emperor, is it true? Will you give Su Hongmeng the tree?


"Hum, don't want to utter these tongues!" Hor Lung snorted coldly, knowing that Su Hang wouldn't stand on his side, and said right away, "If you and I are fighting, why don't anyone else intervene, even if you win, that's the victory. Not martial!"


Emperor Donghua said, "It's my business to kill you. It's his business to kill you. It's not to be confused. He just appeared suddenly when you and I were fighting. It gave you a sword. I can't stop him... "


   "Humph, shameless!" Horror roared, "How terrible I am Horror, I never thought it would be calculated by you villain, Dong Huazi, you are so shameless!"


   "It's you who broke the contract first, but said that I am shameless and extremely ridiculous!" Donghua Great Emperor sneered. "If you honestly hand over the Hongmeng tree, the dragon, maybe we can still shake hands!"


   "Oh, fate almost killed me at that time, I never handed over the Hongmeng tree, let alone you, Dong Huazi, you look too high on yourself!"


   In the eyes of Horror Dragon, the Emperor Donghua was not of the same order as him. The destiny wanted him, and he never gave it to him, let alone the Emperor Donghua?


   "That's no blame me, Su Hang, kill him!" Emperor Donghua snorted directly.


  As long as Su Hang can use this black iron sword to stab a dragon at this time, Donghua Emperor is confident that with his strength, he can suppress the dragon and kill it!




The words just fell, and Su Hang had taken out a black iron sword and poked it out directly. The two of them were already fighting each other. There must be one who is going to fall today. Su Hang will never persuade him for the benefit. , The two will never stop.


   What Su Hang can do is to end this battle as soon as possible, so he almost never hesitated.


   Donghua Great Emperor lowered his head and looked at the tip of the black iron sword on his chest. He froze for a few seconds. The Dragon also looked down to make sure that the sword did not penetrate through his body.


  Looking up, Su Hang is standing behind the emperor of Donghua, holding the hilt of the black iron sword in both hands. The black iron sword has penetrated from behind the emperor of Donghua, more than half a foot from his chest!


   The dragon was shocked, and the East China Emperor was even stupefied. He never recovered, and his neck twisted slightly back, "Boy, what are you doing?"


   is, after all, a ninth-rank strongman. That kind of majesty is simply not imaginable by Suhang. At this moment, if it is not supported by strong perseverance, Suhang is afraid that he has fallen on his knees and kowtowed for mercy.


   " I don't know what happened, and suddenly came here!" Su Hang looked innocent, as if at a loss!




  Emperor Donghua didn't know if he was angry, and he spit out a blood directly. The black iron sword is so powerful. The nine great veins in the body directly cut off one of them, and the power fell a lot.


   "Haha, are you still alive?" Horon reacted, but laughed aloud, and turned his skills into the body of Donghua Emperor, trying to destroy it in one fell swoop.


  However, the next second, the Dragon discovered something was wrong. After his arrogant skill poured into the body of Donghua Emperor, it did not seem to cause any harm to him, but seemed to be sucked away by something.


   This feeling seems to be somewhat familiar, and the dragon feels a little bad, "Brother Su, hurry, seal his nine veins!"


  Without the opening of the dragon, Suhang has pierced the remaining eight black swords into the flesh of the emperor of Donghua, and the nine great gods have been arrested one by one, and then fled away!


Previously, the dragon was trapped in the Xuanhuotan, but it was sealed by these nine swords, so that it was unable to escape. Now, the same nine swords are used to seal the East China Emperor. He has some strength. Can you escape?


   The nine veins were sealed, and the Emperor Donghua was defeated. He never expected that his hero I would have such an ending. Up to now, he still has not understood why the Soviet Union chose to strike him.



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