Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3070: Donghua fell!

?????????? Is this kid crazy?


?????????? Suddenly, what the East China Great Emperor felt, as if there was a trace of enlightenment, opened his eyes, glaring at the scary dragon in front of him, blood spouting in his mouth, with a terrible look, " Dragon, even if Emperor is dead, he will never make you feel better."


?????????? The voice fell, the palm was the claw, and the hands of the dragon were clamped to death, the whole body was burning with blood, and the huge suction formed a black hole in the palm of the East China Emperor. The dragon sucked, and there were countless walls around the invisible domain, which blocked the dragon like an ice seal.


  ?????????? "To die, let's die together!" The emperor Donghua laughed, almost crazy. ????


?????????????? The pupil of the dragon suddenly shrank, he seemed to know what Donghua Emperor wanted to do, and the power in his body was madly rushing into the body of Donghua Emperor. .


  ???????????????????? Mortal counterattack? No, where is Dong Huazi such a powerful force? This is clearly the power of the nine black swords in him!


?????????? Nine black swords sealed Donghua Emperor's Nine Great Veins, Donghua Emperor could not have been able to make it, but in this desperate change of head, he used himself as his position, using that Nine black swords are used as the base array, and the powerful and unmatched Taixu Spirit Array will attract the dragon.


?????????? The black sword sucked his power, he sucked the power of the dragon, the two united into one, and they died together at the moment of death. , Just pull the dragon to be buried.


???????? Knowing the intention of the East China Emperor, the dragon was terrified, and he couldn’t stop the pouring of the body’s strength. The whole person was almost sucked. "Dong Huazi, it’s not me who hurts you. Why do you suffer? Fight with me?"


  ???????? The meaning is not that I stabbed you in the back of your sword. You have a debt and you have a debt. Ask the person who stabbed you to go to trouble. Why do you want to kill me?


  ?????????? The emperor Donghua didn't answer him at all, he can't move now, where is there any distraction to deal with others? Since you want to pull back, of course, who is the one who is holding it, who will tell you the cause and effect?


No matter what the dragon said, the emperor Donghua was determined to drag the dragon together into the water. That was too fragile, and the black iron sword of Jiujian had turned on the power. The biggest, crazy whale swallowed the power of Donghua Emperor, and at the same time, Donghua Emperor was also using the power of the formation to crazy absorb the power of the Horror Dragon to make up for the shortfall.


???????? But the speed of this reparation is too slow, the emperor Donghua was seriously injured, and it was already unable to make ends meet. The black hair gradually became dark, the skin became dry, and the full absorption gradually shrank. , Like a dry flat sac.


?????? The terrifying dragon was also uncomfortable. The emperor Donghua clamped him down so that he could not escape at all. The two palms were almost together with the hands of the emperor Donghua. The terrible suction made him The crazy loss of power.


???????? On the other side, Su Hang hides far away, and his heartbeat has never been so fast. Looking at the two people who are still fighting in the distance, Su Hang wiped the sweat from his forehead. I thought, the dragon must hang Donghua Great Emperor. Otherwise, if Donghua Great Emperor wins, at that time, secretly calculating him behind him, he will definitely be killed by him!


?????????????? I really want to go up to make up two more knives, but Su Hang does not dare, if in the past, 80% will be dragged into the water by the East China Emperor, Su Hang simply can not carry it, It is still far away to be safe.


???????????????? I saw that the nine-handed sword on Donghua Great Emperor became brighter and brighter, and that the majestic body of Donghua Great Emperor also quickly aging The flesh shrank and shrivelled, and the skin was wrinkled like old bark.


?????????????? Seeing that it had come to an end, the Emperor Donghua was powerless to feel that the power in his body had almost poured out, and raised his head to glance at Horon, "I can’t think of it, Horon, you and me Hero I finally had such an ending. It was calculated by a second-order monk, but he had no choice but to cough, but okay, at least it can pull you back."


???????????? There is a lot of unwillingness in this remark, but what can be done, all for the Hongmeng tree, but if he is given another choice, he will definitely come Take this risk, but he will destroy Suhang the first time Suhang releases the seal of the Xuanhuotan.


???????? Previously, he was too careless, thinking that a second-tier master monk of the Soviet Air Force would not pose any threat to him at all, but who can think of it is the second-tier master monk in the end, He was killed!


  ???????????? When the words fell, Donghua the Great had closed his eyes and lowered his head, and his life was about to come to an end.


???????? On the other side, the dragon was not much better. The emperor Donghua forcibly joined with him, and by sucking his power to fill the deficit of the spirit formation, the suction power of the nine swords was real. It’s too fierce. The dragon was taught by the leader early. In recent years, he was held by these nine swords. I don’t know how much his skills were absorbed. Now the emperor Donghua used this nine swords to form an array, and even played out these nine swords. The limit of the sword, no accident, he will also be affected by the emperor Donghua and sucked alive.


???????? At this moment, the Horror Dragon is also mad, but he was the lead brother of the two gods and demons, and his destiny did not kill him. How could he just die here in such a vain, and still give Donghua Great Emperor?


  ?????????? "Dong Huazi, you are going to die, you go to die yourself, and I will not accompany you!"


  ???????? The Horror put his heart across, the Hongmeng tree sacrificed, and a powerful force poured out. The Horror entered the body of Donghua Great Emperor with the brain of the remaining power.


???????? Suddenly got this huge the Emperor who had reached the end suddenly opened his eyes and his body was straightened, as if injected into a powerful vitality.


  ???????? To say that the dragon's move is saving him? Certainly not!


???????? The trapping array of Donghua Great Emperor has a strong suction force, which **** the dragon to death, and it cannot be released. However, even if the suction force is great, there is a limit. The dragon has a residual force. The input, the trapped spirit array could not be sucked at once, and the external suction naturally weakened. In addition, the Donghua Emperor had reached the limit, and the surrounding domain walls were also broken, and the shackles were no longer bound.


  ?????? Taking advantage of the moment of reduced suction, Horon quickly released Donghua Great Emperor's hand and grabbed his hand, quickly flew back, and distanced him from Donghua Great Emperor.


???????? The East China Emperor apparently didn't expect the Dragon to have this trick, and withered eyes showed extreme unwillingness, but at this moment, even the sky roaring was powerless, Dragon entered him The power in the body just earned a moment of clarity with him. Immediately, the power was quickly consumed by the spirit array. He buried his head again, and his body gradually withered!




  ?????? Not many times, the flesh turned into powder, dissipated and vanity, the nine-handed black sword floated in the void, the halo flowed, as if full.


  ?????? The ninth-ranked strong man, Donghua Great Emperor on the famed side of the void, just fell!



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