Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3079: Tier 5 dominance!

The two sides of the pattern are matched, and the silk is tightly joined, without any deviation. It can't be seen that they have been separated and squeezed in the hand. The size of the palm is heavy, heavy, and very textured.


   Oh, this luck is really good! Su Hang had a slight arc on his face. Although he had helped Lingmu this time, he did not have any selfishness. Moreover, the reward given to him by Lingmu had no sincerity. , It would be so coincident that the other half of the token is actually in the hands of Su Hang.


   vainly gave Su Hang a great fortune, so Su Hang had to sigh, good people have good rewards.


However, although the token was in his hand, listening to the Spiritual Mother, the Altar of Void, in the nightmare abyss of the Eight Abysses of the Void, Su Hang went to the primal abyss, knowing how horrible the primitive abyss is, and the primal abyss The abyss of the nightmare of the same name, I am afraid that it will not be much better.


   Therefore, if you want to go to the Altar of Void, you have to venture into the abyss of nightmares. Su Hang does not intend to go on adventure again so quickly.


After all, Su Hang still has self-knowledge, and his strength is still weak, but it is only second-order. A person alone enters the abyss and the Jedi. It is still a little dangling. !




Su Hang exhaled for a long time and put away the token. According to Yun Lang, the Void Altar contains Hongmeng Qi, and that Hongmeng Qi is very precious. The flow of Yunlang can have what it is today The realm, entering the strongest echelon of the void, is thanks to the help of Hongmeng's spirit, so Su Hang thought that if he could enter the altar of the void, presumably, there could be no small progress.


  However, at this time, Su Hang was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, and the nine-handed sword taken from the Xuanhuo altar was brought up by Su Hang in his body.


These nine black swords sucked a lot of energy. Not only did they absorb the power of the dragon, but they also sucked the East China Emperor cleanly. How terrifying is this energy. Suhang only uses nose hair. I can imagine.


   Black Sword is constantly releasing power and moistening Su Hang's body. It is conceivable that if Su Hang can absorb all these powers, it may be the second Donghua Great Emperor, even more powerful than Donghua Great Emperor.


   However, this speed is a bit slow. It can only be said that these nine swords are enough for Su Hang, which is nine large energy storage banks, to cope with the consumption of the Xueshen system!


   He can use the Xueshen system to quickly grab the power in the black sword, and then use the Xueshen system to improve his strength.


   There are still a lot of void spirit stones in the storage ring, and there are also hundreds of Destiny Pills. These are huge wealth for Suhang.


   This trip to the void is quite rewarding. The state of Su Hang has been completely stabilized in the second-tier dominance. Su Hang feels that it is also time to rise again!


   Directly pull out the Xueshen system and find out a lot of information about the strong in the void. This time in the void, there is a lot of information about the strongs scanned by the Xueshen system.


   turned around, Suhang did not dare to find the overpowered, but only found the information of a powerful man named Longyu Sanren.


   This is a fifth-order dominance. It was scanned by Su Hang when he participated in the Wanmo Banquet in the Wanmo Ancient Cave. This dragon domain was also one of the gods and demons who went to the banquet at that time.


   The fifth-order dominance is not particularly strong. The dominance is a top-notch existence in the void, but the fifth-tier cannot enter the first echelon.


   Tier 9 is the first echelon, the top of the top, Tier 5 is in the eyes of Tier 9, and is only the younger brother.


   But for Su Hang, Tier 5 is already very good. From Tier 2 to Tier 5, it directly improves Tier 3!


   Su Hang did not dare to stab him directly to the ninth level. After all, the promotion of the dominance is no better than that of the lower level. He still has to consider whether the physical body can bear it.


  Eat the food bite by bite. You can’t expect to eat a big fat man at one bite. Don’t be too eager to practice. Suhang can’t guarantee that it will rise to the fifth order at once. He can’t bear it, but he still has to try it.




  Su Rong and Qin Shiyu are about to conceive in full term. During this time, Su Hang did not dare to go out, waiting for the birth of two children while practicing.


  Although Su Hang already had a son Su Jin, he really saw Su Jin for the first time. Su Jin has grown up and he is over 100,000 years old!


   Therefore, although he became a father, he didn't see Su Jin's birth with his own eyes. This is the regret that Su Hang has always had in mind.


   Now, Su Rong and Qin Shiyu, Su Hang is absolutely not allowed to miss it again, and, as the birth date is approaching, Su Hang has a little bit of anxiety in his heart as a father!


Feihuangfeng, not far from Mingzhufeng, Su Rong and they are now living here. In addition, because they know that Su Rong and Qin Shiyu are nearing birth, Su Hang’s parents who have never been to Chuangjie Mountain have also coming.


  , together with relatives and friends of Su Xi, Xue Jingtian and others, also came together, saying that they came out to meet the world.


There are quite a lot of people, and Su Hang can’t take care of it. This is Chuangjie Mountain, where there are countless strongmen, and here is the place of Daozong. Although Su Hang is the suzerain, public is public, private is private, and public and private can’t be confused. Daozong is not Their home!


   Therefore, Su Hang set up this flying phoenix peak alone to settle his family.


   In the past, Su Hang did not deliberately want to bring them out, because the risk is too great, and now it is different. Su Hang has the ability to protect them.


   After this training, Su Hang has advanced to the fifth-tier dominance, and Bingji has already reached the seventh rank. The two dominances are sitting on the mountain of creation, as long as they are not invaded by the forces of the void, they do not need to worry about safety.


   These days ~ ~ The entire Chuangjie Mountain is waiting for the birth of two children.


   The whole Daozong up and down, the atmosphere is much better, Su Hang suddenly felt that this world can be so beautiful.


   Qin Shiyu and Su Rong are now the key targets of protection. Even the realm king Qinchuan has been busy before and after.


Su mother is still afraid that the medical conditions of Chuangjie Mountain are not good. She said that she would meet the earth on behalf of them and contact the best obstetrics and gynecology hospital for production. Su Hang couldn’t help crying. Chuangjie Mountain has the best stable woman. Not better than those obstetrics and gynecology hospitals?


  If I really go back to the earth to produce, I'm afraid I don't know how many people will be scared.


  Yin Yu'er and Xue Xuan are a few of them. They are also very envious in their eyes. Now they can all fall behind Su Rong. They seem to have to come on!




   On the other side, they passed through the three of them, and they were still on Chuangjie Mountain. They had been waiting for Xuanming, and they didn't know when they would stay. Su Hang didn't pay attention to them, nor did they take the initiative to find Su Hang.

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