Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3080: Yunding Weng is here!

On this trip to the void, Su Hang went to the Holy Spirit Academy specifically and talked to Ming Gu. It is still the same sentence. If Xuan Ming wants to inherit the Holy Spirit Academy, he does not object, but it does not mean that he supports it. The premise is to ensure the safety of Xuan Ming.


In fact, there are so many little holy masters in the Holy Spirit Academy, and there are many excellent ones. Su Hang does not feel that Xuanming has any advantages. After all, people already have a little holy master spiritual month that dominates the realm. Talent is not worse than Xuan Ming. Xuan Ming is still a baby who knows nothing. It is almost impossible to catch up.


   Why should Xuan Ming compete with such an existence? It is enough for the Holy Spirit Academy to have a spiritual month to inherit!


However, now they are all staring at Xuan Ming, presumably they want to cultivate all the little holy masters, so there is a comparison. If you want to compare, you can compare, Su Hang is too lazy to intervene in the Holy Ghost, everything goes well. Naturally, still that sentence, as long as it does not threaten the safety of Xuan Ming.


   Before they left, they must have come to inform Su Hang. Su Hang is now waiting to be a father for two times. Where else can you find them?


   "Su Hang, you have a little restlessness!"


In the Hall of Heaven, Bing Ji and Su Hang played against each other. Bing Ji had just learned chess, but her realm was high, and she quickly moved from entry to mastery. She played with Su Hang, and the chess pieces on the board had already been killed by Bing Ji. Mostly.


   Bingji looked up at Su Hang, a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


   Su Hang squeezed a chess piece in his hand, and scraped it gently on his forehead. "Somehow, today is really a little bit restless!"


Yin Tianfeng stood next to him, "It's time for the two wives to give birth, and the suzerain's heart is upset. In fact, it is normal. When the graceful girl was unharmed, when Yuer, I was so disturbed, and I gradually got used to it. Later, Sheng Huan'er and the couple, I feel nothing!"


  Khan, this old man, really talks!


   Su Hang shook his head, "The poetry they produced, it should be two days, but this kind of uneasiness, it seems that something is going to happen!"


   "Oh?" Yin Tianfeng frowned slightly, and he dare not take the word!


   Bingji said, "Something happened? Why didn't I notice it?"


  It stands to reason that Bing Ji's state can be much higher than that of Su Hang. If Su Hang has any bad hunch, then Bing Ji should be aware of it first.


   Su Hang squeezed his forehead and reluctantly dropped the chess piece on the chessboard. Suddenly, as if there was any feeling, he turned his head and looked out of the hall!


  I saw, I don't know when, at the door of Cangtian Temple, a white-bearded man stood.


   This old man, with white hair and white beard, covered with white clothes, looks afraid to be in his old age, but his stature is so tall that one can imagine his majesty when he was young.


   Bingji was also taken aback. Someone appeared silently at the door of Cangtian Temple. She still saw Su Hang's face before she realized it.


   "Yun Ding Weng?" Looking at the person coming, Bing Ji froze for a moment!


   Apparently, Bing Ji recognized the old man in front of him. Su Hang quickly pulled out the Xueshen system and scanned it.


  Yun Ding Weng, the ninth-level dominant power of the void!


   The name Su Hang has heard a lot recently. Brother Yunlang, the brother of Paiyun Grottoes, how did he come?


   Su Hang's heart tightened. He and Yun Ding Weng could not be met. Now that Yun Ding Weng has come to heaven, what can I do? What Su Hang can think of is the matter of the supremacy of the Spirit Mother a few days ago.


   "It turns out that Bing Ji is here too!"


   Yunding Weng apparently also knew Bing Ji. After entering the Cangtian Temple, he did not speak to Su Hang, but first arched his hand to Bing Ji.


   Bingji also got up and returned to her salute, "I don't know if Yun Ding Weng is here, I'll be far away and welcome!"


   Yunding Weng waved his hand and turned his eyes to Su Hang's body. His expression was faint on his face, and he couldn't see whether he was happy or not.


   Su Hang also got up, "It turned out to be Yun Ding Weng, polite!"


   Yunding Weng looked at Su Hang and snorted, "Don't dare to be this gift, you must be Su Hang, do you know why I came to you this time?"


Listening to this tone, the comer is not good, Su Hang arched his hand, "Yun Ding Weng is a senior of the Void, who is degraded today, come to my three acres of acres, I guess, it should not be for something good, please also Yun Ding Weng advises!"


   said, Su Hang instructed Yun Dingweng to sit down and chat slowly, and let the doormen serve tea.


   "Don't dare to teach!" Yun Dingweng twisted his twisted beard lightly. "Who are you, that can easily instruct the existence of the ninth-order strong, where can I dare to teach you?"


   Su Hang heard the words and frowned lightly. This can be said to be yin and yang strangely, obviously it means something, it is saying that he let Yunlang take it, looking for him to take back the nucleus of the spiritual mother!


   "Yun Ding Weng, is there any misunderstanding?" Bing Ji also saw what was wrong, thinking that this time the Suhang Void trip, it was because he offended this one in front of him, so that everyone came to the door? Ask at the current exit. In her capacity, Yun Ding Weng will sell her some face!


   Yun Dingweng snorted and told the story of Bing Ji briefly. On the other side, Su Hang also spoke about the process briefly. Bing Ji listened and put a black line on his forehead.


At the moment, Bing Ji laughed, "I thought it was such a big deal. In this way, Su Hang was just doing things kindly and never thought of offending Yun Ding Weng. Moreover, I also had friendship with another brother, Pai Yun Cave Master, It's no wonder that Su Hang, so please invite Yun Ding Weng a large number of people, it should not happen!"


"Hasn't it happened? Huh, it's light!" Yun Dingweng snorted and looked at Su Hang instead. "If Yunlang didn't speak, would the old man easily expose this matter, the Spiritual Mother, Venerable, poisonous?" Viper, it’s secretly counted on me, if not I still have some family members, almost all of them have collected the virtual Originally, I still wanted to remove a harm for the void, but I didn’t want to, you took her again Saved back..."


  Suhang Khan, until now, Suhang did not know who Yundingweng and Lingmu Shangzun are good or evil? Or who said the truth?


   After all, the two parties have not confronted each other, and Su Air does not understand both of them!


However, Yun Ding Weng is an eighth-rank powerhouse, and Su Hang doesn’t want to mess with it, and he can’t afford it. So, he can only say what he said is true. To help her, it doesn’t mean to offend Yun Dingweng..."


   Yun Dingweng waved his hand and interrupted Su Hang's words, "If you say something good, you still have to talk about it, how can you compensate!"


   "Pay?" Su Hang was surprised, what is this operation?


Yun Dingweng's eyes glared, "That virtual core is enough for me to break through to the ninth-order dominance. Now that I have lost it to you, I won't pay you, who should I pay for? In all fairness, shouldn't you pay me? ?"


   In a word, he asked Su Hang!

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