Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3085: Turn your elbows out!

"Why? What does she have to say?" Su Hang stretched out and asked casually, this matter, Pan Sheng has been settled. What a woman's whisper has no meaning, but they must be the woman. Parents still have to respect the opinions of others.


  Yin Yu'er said, "Speaking of this, Pan Xin's mother also has some origins. This woman's name is Fang Qin, but she is the daughter of Wang Fangzheng from the Sifangjie Realm. You should have seen Fangzheng."


   Su Hang thought for a while, waved his hand, and said, "Fang Zhengrong, a little impression, the realm of King Realm?"


Yin Yu'er nodded, "Sanping Realm King, although not among the top realm kings in Chaos Realm, can't stand out, but, I heard that Fang Zhengrong, the natural father-in-law's destiny, was famous for having a daughter, and all of them were married. It’s very good, and there are marriages with many forces in the chaos..."


   "Oh!" Su Hang heard it and smiled, "This is very similar to your father!"


  Yin Tianfeng also gave birth to several daughters? However, in comparison, the pattern of Yin Tianfeng is much smaller than others!


   "Poor you, tell you the right thing!" Yin Yu'er threw Su Hang a blank eye, "I heard Fang Qin's meaning, Sifangjie intends to kiss Wuji Heaven...


   "Oh? How can I get pro-professional?" Su Hang looked at Yin Yuer strangely.


Yin Yu'er said, "Fang Zhengrong has an only son, and the only son also has an only son, that is, Fang Zhengrong's only grandson. It seems to be called Fang Hao. Fang Zhengrong is preparing to marry this single grandson Zhang Luo. Panxin..."


   "Oh!" Su Hang almost did not laugh out loud, "This relationship is not the cousin marrying a cousin, that is illegal!"


   Hearing this, Yin Yu'er laughed, "Which way is violated? This is normal in the chaotic world. This is called the way to strengthen the relationship between the two!"


   Su Hang shook his head, "Fangqin said this to you directly?"


  Yin Yu'er said, "She said it is more euphemistic, she also knows that we can't afford it from the Quartet, so she asked me if this family matter can be discussed again..."


   "Discussion? How to discuss?" Su Hang asked.


Yin Yu'er said, "Don't be angry when you say that, she wants to marry Pan Xin to her nephew Fang Hao. As for Jin'er, she says that her brother Fang Luo has more than thirty daughters, but Jin Jin select!"


"Huh, nonsense!" Su Hang heard this, and instead of getting angry, he snorted directly, "What is she called, she is the wife of Panjia, or the wife of Fangjia, elbows turned outward What?"


"I knew you would lose your breath!" Yin Yuer leaned over and Su Hang started the fire, which was really scary. "Although they are the daughter-in-law of the Pan family, they are also the daughter of the Fang family, and they can understand it with their heart towards their mother's family! "


   Su Hang looked up and looked at Yin Yu'er, "So, do you also have this idea? Do you also think it is reasonable?"


   "Where do I have?" Yin Yuer heard the words and felt aggrieved. "Marrying Congfu, I just said that Fang Qin was facing her mother's family. Although it was wrong, this kind of thing was not uncommon!"


  Su Hang had taken Yin Yuer and knew that he had just started to tone up. He was angry only because of that Fangqin's words.


  Yin Yu'er's grievances come and go quickly, "Maybe, she thinks we are in the realm of children..."


"Realm?" Su Hang chuckled. "The realm happens to be the least valued by me. If I don't want Jin'er to be down to earth, one step at a time, tomorrow I can let him reach the realm of realm, even the ninth-level realm. Oh, she dare to look down on Jiner!"


  Yin Yu'er didn't doubt Su Hang's ability. After hearing Su Hang's words, she thought about it and said, "You said, is there such a possibility..."


   "What?" Su Hang looked down at Yin Yu'er.


  Yin Yu'er said, "Maybe, Sifangjie wants to get in touch with us, so, Fangqin came out like this? Change from person to person?


According to the status of Su Hang today, even if Su Jin is just an ordinary person, it is presumed that all forces are rushing, and that the father-in-law of Fang Zhengrong is destined to rely on the marriage of his daughter and granddaughter. How could a son give up this opportunity?


  If the family affairs of the Su family and the Pan family are completed, there is no interest in the Sifang Realm. Therefore, it is very likely that the Fang family would like to use this method of changing relatives to get married with the Su family.


  If it is done, one will have a kiss with Pan Family, and the second one will be Su Hang, a family with so many other birds.


   But this move might offend Panjia again, so Fangqin will find Yin Yuer, and then strike sideways to imply this.


However, this idea, in the view of Su Hang, is really too naive, and it is a bit ridiculous. You must know that this family matter was asked by Pan Sheng personally. Fang's family inserted it at this time, I am afraid it is impossible. Both sides please, but both sides offend.


   "Do you think, how to deal with this matter?" Yin Yu'er asked, it must be Su Hang to come up with the idea.


Su Hangdao, "How to deal with it, I'll talk to Panjie Wang later. This family matter can be the best, but not the best. Say goodbye as soon as possible. Does my family really recognize the failure of his Panjia daughter? "


Yin Yu'er said, "The king of Panjie is always a senior. You'd better be polite at that time, so as to avoid ugliness on both sides. Moreover, Fang Qin just said so, even if she disagrees with 10,000, but Panxin Her marriage is not her turn to decide!"




On that Su Hang found Pansheng and told the story of it. After Pansheng heard it, he immediately became furious and immediately took Fangqin to talk about things. Married a daughter-in-law, the daughters are so old, and the elbows are still turning to their natal family, which is not tolerated by any big family.


   Fortunately, Su Hang persuaded him a few words, and Chen Xiaoli also stopped him. This kind of thing, it is not yet possible to win the game, and Chen Xiaoli has to deal with it.


"Su Hang, I'm really sorry about this. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen!" In the main hall, Chen Dasheng took a deep breath and calmed his mood. "You can rest assured that our two relatives will never Because of this woman's change, as for Fang Zhengrong, I would naturally find him to chat with him, hum, this surnamed Fang, actually hit my head on the head, it's abominable!"


   said, patted the chair heavily, and it was obvious that he was very angry!


Su Hangdao, "Senior Chen shouldn't be so angry. I saw this Xiner too. It's a good girl. It's more than enough for me to enter. But we are all enlightened people. Whether this marriage will succeed or not, I think they are both of them. Get in touch and talk again..."

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