Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3086: Pansheng's request!


?????? Chen Dasheng was stagnant, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that Su Hang brought Su to directly give Su Jin and Pan Xin the matter, it is best to hold an engagement banquet, did not expect Su The airline will hesitate.

It must be the Fangqin that gave Su Hang hesitation, and now Chen Dasheng is somewhat dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law.

???????????? "Alright!" Finally, Chen Dasheng sighed, "Just let Xin'er follow you back to the Promise days for a while, so that these two children can have more contact and everything. All in their hearts!"

???????? "That's right!" Su Hang nodded, "The so-called grandchildren have their own grandchildren, we can't be too domineering, after all, marriage is a matter of a lifetime. She's a girl, she still respects her opinion a lot, and in case she already has a part in her heart, we can't do that great mandarin duck!"

?????? "You can rest assured that my girl Xin'er is a girl, I know better than anyone else!" Chen Dasheng waved his hand.

???????? Su Hang accosted, before listening to Yin Yuer mentioned what cousin and cousin, he just asked such a sentence.

?????????? "It is still that sentence, this family matter, can be the best, can not be successful, and will not affect the relationship between you and us!" Su Hangdao.

???????? Chen Dasheng was a bit unsatisfied in his heart. Although he said so, things had already reached this point. If it didn't succeed, even if Su Hang didn't say anything, there would definitely be something in his heart.

?????????? "You are rare to come to me once again. During this time, I feel that the realm has improved a lot. If you stay longer, I can ask you for advice!" Chen Dasheng started the topic. .

???????? Su Hang heard this, and couldn't help but be amused. "Senior, you have a big gold mine. Why don't you ask me for advice? Isn't this the case of picking sesame seeds and losing the watermelon?"

?????????? The expression on Chen Dasheng's face was awkward. He knew that Su Hang was talking about Meng Nan.

?????????? It is undeniable that Chen Dasheng knows that Meng Nan is very strong, but his relationship with Meng Nan has always been very delicate. This Meng Nan has always been hitting his daughter Panyu’s idea, but it’s just that The guy just stayed in the Promise Palace and never took the initiative to talk to him about Panyu. This relationship was unclear and Chen Dasheng was very passive.

???????? Moreover, Chen Dasheng is a very self-respecting person, has been unable to keep his face down to find Meng Nan, quite a little word about Meng Nan, this kind of thing, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to find Meng Nan Then, other people should take their daughters upside down.

???????? This is different from his initiative to find Su Hang to get married, because Chen Dasheng and Su Hang have known each other for a long time, and both of them are for the sake of their children. If Su Hang is changed to marry them In a certain family, it is impossible for Chen Dasheng to look at his door in contempt.

???????? Therefore, Chen Dasheng felt that Meng Nan did not understand the rules, let him continue to stay in the Promise Palace, just because Meng Nan was so unpredictable, he could not afford it!

???????? But if Meng Nan does not give a statement one day, he will not give Meng Nan a good face one day.

?????????? Su Hang knows this, of course, but as Meng Nan, I’m afraid never, and I don’t even need to take care of other people’s feelings, so Chen Dasheng’s father-in-law is destined to be a bit Suffocated!

???????? "Don't mention him, don't mention him!" Chen Dasheng waved his hand directly, interrupting Su Hang's words, "He, this person, until now I don't know his whereabouts, compared Or, you’re more reliable. Alas, it’s a pity. At the beginning, I intended to hire you as your son-in-law. Unfortunately, it’s wrong, who would have expected it to be like this..."

???????? "The past, Moti, Moti!" Su Hang also waved his hand. If this topic continues, Su Hang is really afraid that Meng Nan will come to chat with him.

???????? "But okay, you can't be my son-in-law, and your son is my grandson-in-law!" Chen Dasheng laughed, listening to this, it was tied to Su Hang!

?????????? Su Hang smiled bitterly, "In other words, I didn't see Panyu this time. I don't know what happened to Panyu girl and him."

?????????? "Who cares about this!" Chen Dasheng just shook his head, apparently did not want to say more on this topic!



?????????? After chatting with Chen Dasheng for a long time, Chen Dasheng asked Su Hang for many questions. He was already in the Six-Colored Realm King Realm, watching Hongjun Cangtian they climb up step by step, he naturally I was anxious.

???????????? For Chen Dasheng’s current state, it’s not too easy to break through. The reason why he stays in the six-color realm is completely limited by his aura of destiny. Therefore, he needs to break through , Only a high-order halo is enough.

?????????? This thing is completely handy for Su Hang, and finally, under Chen Dasheng's left and right talks, Su Hang found an eight-color halo for him by looking for the learning **** system, Chen Dasheng Naturally overjoyed.

?????? However, Su Hang did not ask him any reward, because Su Hang wanted to seek reimbursement from Meng Nan, after all, this is Meng Nan's old man.


?????? When the two chatted, it was dark, Chen Xiaoli came back, and brought a crying woman.

???????? Su Hang looked at this woman, she looked like she was in her thirties, but she looked pretty, and her figure was pleasant. However, the appearance of the pear flower with rain was really uncomfortable.

It turned out that this woman was Chen Dasheng's five daughter-in-law, Pan Long's wife Fang Qin, and Chen Xiaoli brought her to apologize to Su Hang.

?????? As soon as she came, she knelt in front of Su Hang and begged to kowtow, so that Su Hang would not care about her.

???????? Where can Suhang withstand this battle, this life can endure anything, just can not stand the woman crying, as soon as he saw the woman crying, he wanted to laugh.

???????????? The matter was the family of Chen’s family. Su Hang was inconvenient to intervene, but this matter also involved his Su family. Su Hang knew that Chen Xiaoli brought her to apologize, If he does not express his position, there will be no place for Fangqin in the Chen Such daughter-in-law who has elbowed out, 80% will be deported.

???????? Seeing Fang Qin cry so badly, his forehead blushed, what can Su Hang say? If Su Jin's business is completed, this woman will be his mother-in-law.

???????? At the moment, Master Su Hang confessed that he had exposed the matter. In addition, Chen Dasheng should not go to Fang Zhengrong to talk about it. Quan Dang did not have this incident, and his face was hurt. Family harmony.

?????? Fortunately, Su Hang is now also the nominal leader of the chaotic world.


???????? The matter was not mentioned, Su Hang meditated for a moment, chatted with Meng Nan last night, Meng Nan solved many problems in practice, and after careful review, Su Hang felt There seems to be some looseness in my own realm!

After upgrading to the ultimate level, the Xueshen system no longer limits the ranks of Su Hang. That is to say, Su Hang can rely on its own accumulation to advance, rather than relying solely on the Xueshen system to copy others' abilities.

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