Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3087: Cultivate Hongmeng Tree!

Some time ago, after Su Hang came back from the void, he learned the ability of a fifth-order lord of the realm of emptiness with the system of Xueshen.

Su Hang naturally also achieved his realm, and it is also about to break through the sixth order. After the guidance of Meng Nan, Su Hang felt that the realm was a bit loose. It seems that he can reach the sixth order soon?

Will it be too fast?

Jumping directly from the second order to the fifth order, it took only a few days, and actually broke through to the sixth order. Su Hang felt that it was progressing too fast. However, if it wants to break through, it can't keep pressing it all the time? Everything is fine.

Su Hang’s current energy reserve is already very huge. The energy contained in the nine-handed black sword is already a very huge asset. You must know that it has absorbed at least a ninth-level dominance. The strong man, and the dragon have been cultivated for many years.

In the room, the nine-handed black swords appeared in front of Su Hang and floated quietly in the air. After a few days, they were placed in the veins of the gods, and the nine-handed black swords were more shiny, cold and bright, and Su Hang felt like them. The connection between them got closer.

The treasure left by fate, but do not know what the way is, Suhang looked at the nine black swords, the energy contained in it, I am afraid I don’t know how long it will take him, if I can take it all for my own use, I am afraid Isn't there a ninth order realm?

In addition, he also got a lot of void spirit stones from Minggu and Donghua Great Emperor, as well as hundreds of Destiny Pills. If he wasn’t afraid to grow too fast and bring hidden dangers to himself, Su Hang really wanted to be able to use it immediately. These energies will pile up your own realm.

However, since you can't pile yourself too much, then what about the other ones?

The nine-handed black sword withdrew the nine masters of the gods, Su Hang closed his eyes, and his heart sank into the Purple Mansion. Now, his body has turned nine times, and each cell is no longer a world, but a A reduced version of Chaos.

And his Purple Mansion is as wide as a big chaotic world, incomparably huge and huge beyond imagination.

In the middle of the Purple Mansion, Taoist axe and Daxian stick are all contained here. If this Daxian stick is given to him by Chen Dasheng, the good relationship between the two is actually from this root Soon, Su Hang should have given him back, but just let it go, and Chen Dasheng did not ask him, so Su Hang kept it.

This time, Su Hang gave Chen Dasheng an eight-color aura to help him break through the realm. In fact, it is another form of surrender.

In a package of magical weapons, a small sapling was floating quietly in the middle of Suhang's Zifu, quietly vomiting the energy in Suhang Zifu.

This little sapling, but with **** up, has only two leaves and is green all over.

This is the loot that Su Hang obtained from Donghua Emperor, Hongmengshu.

A small seedling of a Hongmeng tree has been in the Suhang Purple Mansion for some time. The energy in the Suhang Purple Mansion has also been full, but this period of time has not seen much.

From the dragon, Su Hang knew that training this thing requires a very large energy supply!

Su Hang now considers that he wants to use the energy in the Black Sword and the Void Spirit Stone to urge the Hongmeng Tree. After all, He Long and Donghua Emperor said that this Hongmeng Tree is the key to surpass Hongmeng and break through the founding realm.

Seeing that he is now at level six, it is probably not far away from the ninth-level dominance, so it is better if the state is not stuck at that time. In case it gets stuck at the ninth level, it will be embarrassing and we should plan ahead. it is good.

However, how to use this energy has become a problem for Suhang!

Those Void Spirit Stones are better to say that they used the Devouring God Power directly to **** their brains, and the energy was scattered into the Purple Mansion, which was absorbed by the Dehongmeng Tree, but the energy in the nine-handed black sword was not so easy to use. Now!

Although Nine Swords dissipate energy in the unhearing escape, moistening Su Hang’s nine great gods, but the speed of this escape is almost negligible. Su Hang can use the learning **** system to quickly absorb the energy in it However, as a result, it has become an energy point and can no longer be absorbed by Hongmeng Tree!

Su Hang first took a part of the void spirit stone and sucked the energy into Zifu. After the huge energy was injected, Zifu quickly filled...

Chaos energy and void energy are intertwined in the purple house of Suhang, just like an endless ocean, which makes a stormy wave.

The Hongmeng Tree was in it, like a flat boat with no leaves, but it was always floating steadily in the middle of Suhang’s Purple Mansion.


After a while, Su Hang frowned and injected a lot of void energy. Su Hang felt that the energy concentration in Zifu had more than doubled. He felt that his stomach had risen a little, and he almost couldn't resist breaking through the sixth-order state. But the seedlings of the Hongmeng tree didn't seem to change at all.

It is still so slow to absorb the energy in the Purple House, whether it is chaotic power or void power, it is the one who refuses to come, and then spit out another more mysterious power from the leaves.

Just like absorbing carbon dioxide and spitting out oxygen, Suhang knew that that power should be the power of Hongmeng. This power is the key to breaking through the founding realm in the future.

It is a pity that Su Hang increased the energy in Zifu by more than twice the concentration, and even after the Zifu compression, it reached ten times and 20 times the concentration. He did not see the slightest increase in the absorption rate of the Hongmeng tree. Slowly!

When Su Hang was about to compress Zifu again to increase the concentration to a higher level, Su Hang found that the two leaves of the Hongmeng tree were trembling slightly, UU reading www. looks like it's about to crash, so it quickly got through.

Is it not enough energy? Su Hang's brows frowned. The so-called big belly eats as much food as a child. Even if you give him more food, he can't eat much. If you raise him in Miku, he can only be Three meals a day.

This Hongmeng tree is still a young plant with only two leaves. If Su Hang adjusts the concentration higher, it can only put pressure on it and push it up.

Su Hang did not dare to take any more action, but he gave up, and he was a little unwilling. Is it that he can only wait for this seedling to grow slowly, and there is no way for him to increase his growth rate? "

Impossible, there must be a way. Su Hang thought of the Dragon. The Dragon should now retreat in the Donghua Pavilion of the Void World. Su Hang is inconvenient to ask. In addition, there is now a Meng Nan beside him. Nan's realm must not be unfamiliar to Hongmengshu, but will he help himself?

The answer seems to be no, Meng Nan may disdain to answer his question.

At the moment, Suhang is a bit melancholy!

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