Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3088: Treasure hunt!

How can this sapling grow? Su Hang frowned, it was impossible to keep himself waiting, when did he have to wait? One hundred million years? One billion years? Ten billion years? Even longer?

Su Hang does not have time to wait for so long. If he really has to wait so long, this sapling would be too tasteless for him!

Looking for a way from the Xueshen system? Su Hang thought about it, and seemed a bit unable to start.

"System, is there any way to cultivate Hongmeng trees, or props?" Su Hang tried to issue instructions to Xueshen system, hoping that Xueshen system could find a way for him.

However, the Xueshen system was checked for a while, but the results were not at all. Su Hang knew in his heart that he was afraid that because this great tree had exceeded the scope of his current state, there might be a way for the Xueshen system. , But couldn’t get it out.

Su Hang squeezed his forehead, which is really a headache.

"Or go to Meng Nan's treasure house?" Su Hang suddenly had a flash of light in his head, and the treasure house key was taken out immediately. There were countless treasures in the treasure house, and there were even things that upgraded the system of learning the gods. Maybe it would be Is there a way to cultivate Hongmeng tree?

As soon as his thoughts moved, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and Su Hang has entered the treasure house directly!


At this time, it should be in the magic box? However, this is not important. He sent this key directly into the treasure house. After the time passed, the power of the key would take him back to the place where he came in. That is to say, he didn’t need to borrow the magic machine box at all. There is no need to worry about being trapped by the magic box.

The bright hall, row by row of booths, Su Hang stood in the middle of the hall, it seems that this should be the first floor of the hall.

I have come in before, and Su Air is very clear about the layout inside!

There are five layers in this treasure house, and there are countless treasures in each layer. Moreover, the treasures that can be collected in this treasure house by Meng Nan, I am afraid that none of them is simple. It is the existence of people rushing.

This time he came in, the message sent to him by the key of the treasure house, he could stay in this treasure house for an hour, which is much longer than the previous time.

Therefore, he can spend a long time to go through the five-layer treasure house, take a good look, what is there in this treasure house!

The hall is very bright, so Su Hang first only moved around in the first floor hall, looking around. Before hearing Luo Jiuchen said, the things in this first floor hall should be regarded as the second most on the fifth floor.

The last time, Su Hang had read it briefly, but did not read it all. This time it was a good search.

It’s a pity that this time, just like last time, you can only choose one treasure. Otherwise, the treasure house rules will not let him go out. When the time is up, all the booths are put away, and only one can be brought out. Otherwise, they will be stuck. Here.


Twenty minutes later, Su Hang came out of that row of booths. There were many treasures, every Su Hang wanted it, but Su Hang also knew that people were not enough to eat snakes, like monkeys breaking corn. Seeing one bye, one bye, and one bye, nothing was achieved in the end.

It’s still good to make a decision after reading it. The last time, except for staying on the first floor, Su Hang only went to the third floor. The system’s upgraded scroll was obtained on the third floor. This time He had to go through all five floors and choose the one he liked best.

After watching the first floor in twenty minutes, at this rate, it will not take an hour to finish the fifth floor.


"This one……"

An hour later, Su Hang stopped in front of a booth on the fourth floor!

I saw that there was a pocket on the booth. It was gray, like a salt pocket, but it was larger than the salt pocket.

Item: Shenzhi Chemical Fertilizer!

Introduction: Accelerate the growth of all plants, wood-type life bodies, and applying this fertilizer can increase certain growth rates. The higher the life level, the faster the increase...

After reading the briefing on the booth, Su Hang's eyes could not help but light up, but this is a good baby, isn't it just for his own use?

Su Hang wanted to take it right now, but when I thought about it, it didn't say the limit of use. Will it be useful for the treasure of the level of Hongmengshu?

In addition, there is one more point. How long can this fertilizer be used? If the Hongmeng tree hasn't grown up, wouldn't it have to wait?

At the moment, Su Airways stopped, and then look at the rest, what if there is a better one?

"Fairy Holy Water? This is also very good, and it can greatly promote the growth of plants!"

"Rootless soil? This is not bad, it allows the plants planted on it to grow quickly, regardless of rank!"


However, these are consumables. After looking around, Suhang found several treasures available, but the only flaw is that these treasures are consumables. Perhaps their capabilities are good, but they are not enough. , Suhang will not know.

If this thing is not enough, wait for the Hongmeng tree to grow to half and run out, then don't you have to wait?

Secretly wrote down the location of these items. The fourth floor was basically finished. Su Hang went to the fifth floor. I hope there will be new discoveries on the fifth floor!


On the fifth floor, something on a booth attracted Suhang's idea.

Is this a watering can?

It was a turquoise watering can, about the size of an ordinary teapot. Su Hang looked up at the label on the booth and couldn't help but frown.

Item: Fairy Pot!

Introduction: This pot is produced by fairy, the energy is put into the pot, which can be converted into fairy holy water for watering, which can greatly increase the growth rate of plants, shorten the plant growth cycle, and achieve the purpose of rapid ripening...

From the fairy? This point attracted Su Hang, so Su Hang couldn't help but shine, fairy, that is the world outside of the void, the world of Meng Nan, the world that can only be reached by the founding realm.

At the moment, Su Hang already has some idea of ​​this fairy pot in his mind. When he was on the fourth floor, he saw a bottle of fairy holy water. However, the so-called giving fish is better than giving fish. This kettle can produce fairy water. For Su Hang, the constant supply of fairy holy water is much better than the spot!

Although it was intended, Su Hang was not in a hurry to get it. He was ready to look at it again. After all, he had not finished reading the fifth floor.

"System area?"

In a corner of the fifth floor, the words above made Su Hang stunned for a moment. System area? What system area?

Su Hang walked over. There were about twenty or thirty booths in this corner. However, Su Hang was shocked by the things on each booth. The expression on his face solidified, as if the three views were refreshed!

On a booth close to him, in a transparent light mask, there was a cloud of obscure white mist, but the introduction on the nameplate shocked Suhang's teeth!

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